How does this make you feel NintenBro?
How does this make you feel NintenBro?
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You fucking lil ass nigga
is the running dude faded because he's a ghost?
It makes me happy that somebody who is clearly unhealthy is making an effort to get in shape.
That's a drawing not a real person. The things didn't actually happen
The Question is
The Fat NintenBro?
Or the Dead SegaBoy?
This would be more funny if the sega kid was drowning in addons.
I thought that was Hank hill for a moment.
Guess who won the race in the end, Sega "died in gen 6" utist?
I unironically only ever played sonic when I had access to a sega, which was when I visited my cousin.
I think that's all he played on it too.
>when sony curbstomps you so hard you make games exclusively for their platforms
>Guess who won the race in the end
Sega. Their legacy of systems is beloved, Nintendo is now known as the nu male bing bing wahoo normie machine.
And yet they're the ones keeping Bayonetta alive. :^) Face it. Sega is Nintendo's bitch. Hell most of Sonic Team works for them now.
>Nintendo is now known as the nu male bing bing wahoo normie machine.
Pretty sure that's either Playstation or Xbox.
Sega is all but forgotten now.
So let me understand what you're saying here: Nintendo are literally paying Sega extra to keep a game series exclusive (but they released the first game on PC anyway) and Sega is the bitch in this relationship?
OP is an phoneposter, do not bump his thread.
Who the hell even pays attention to Sega games outside Sonic, and even then only to see how hard they crash and burn in autism?
>Who the hell even pays attention to Sega games outside Sonic
Sonybros, if only so that they can be added to their tally of NEVER EVER games.
Well the recent Sega releases on PC all sold above expected, Persona 5 did very well and the Yakuza series has a dedicated following or did you forget that without Sega you wouldn't have any of this?
What the fuck is a Phone?
No, nobody wanted Bayonetta except Nintendo so Nintendo paid to keep it alive.
>Sega begs for cash because they fucked up on a previous deal
>Nintendo provides for permanent (see: NEVER EVER) exclusivity of the next Bayo games
>Sega has to ask for permission to just use sound files for the Steam port of 1, a game that wasn't even part of the exclusivity deal
>this makes Nintendo a bitch when they clearly have all control
Nintendo funded the series. Next you're gonna tell me that they didn't need outside help either.
I think Sup Forums keeps forgetting Atlus is a subsidiary of Sega.
Nintendo funds, Platinum makes it, Sega sits back and collects the cash. It's that simple lads. Nintendo are the people desperate for 3rd party support.
>Mascot in an all out war ends up as a cucked guest star in the winner's consoles since he lost his home
>Sega sits back and collects the droppings Nintendo lets them have
It's that simple. Sega are the people desperate for funding.
>Who the hell even pays attention to Sega games outside Sonic
People who like video games.
>desperate for 3rd party support.
>first party games have already sold 30+ million in less than a year
If that's the case things are looking bad for Mario as he keeps appearing in things outside of Nintendo consoles.
>Sega desperate of funding
>when they have a whole host of series under their belt like Persona
>not including that they literally print money daily thanks to Pachinko
You really don't have a fucking clue do you?
Yep. Nintendo pretty much owns Bayonetta now.
>not even nujack
It feels like sticking my dick on yo momas loose asshole, nothing.
how do you know that
>>when they have a whole host of series under their belt like Persona
Oh you mean the ones Atlus are making entirely by themselves? You know Sega leaves them to their own devices right?
There's a reason why pretty much everything but Sonic is dead Jimbo.
>Mario is in a war against phones, movies and theme parks
>If that's the case things are looking bad for Mario as he keeps appearing in things outside of Nintendo consoles.
Like his own games, theme parks and an upcoming movie?
Hows that bad for Mario if he's dominating those mediums?
>You know Sega leaves them to their own devices right?
You know they wouldn't be doing shit without Sega funding them with that sweet pachinko money right? and "everything but Sonic is dead" is simply because they don't need it, they're rolling in so much bank that they're at the "we can do what we want" stage.
Top fucking kek this delusion. He can't compete with Disney, his film will do well but won't "dominate" and his games print money but to say they dominate vidya? lets just say the latest trend in vidya isn't anything Mario caused.
>lil ass nigga
Maybe on this mongolian basket weaving forum. But outside of this little bubble their legacy is pretty strong. Switch pretty much revitalized their brand.
>You know they wouldn't be doing shit without Sega funding them with that sweet pachinko money right?
So Atlus is Sega's bitch then? Which would also make them Nintendo's bitch.
> and "everything but Sonic is dead" is simply because they don't need it
More like they can't fund it.
After all if they were "Rolling in so much bank" they'd be able to fund these games and then some. Hell they could probably make a new console if they were as well off as you think they are.
Instead Nintendo had to help out with Bayo 2 and 3 because they literally couldn't afford it.
>Well the recent Sega releases on PC all sold above expected
>Sega still makes games only for consoles
Really made me think.
Another thread, another repost.
>average megadrive/genesis music
>average snes music
Hideki said it himself. Neither Microsoft nor Sony came forward to help them out, Nintendo did. And that's why you ungrateful asses aren't getting it. Ever.
Holy fuck, BASED
>Digging up Sega Genesis's corpse to use as fodder for console wars
Wojak posters are pure cancer. There's nothing they won't use. They'd probably dig up Iwata's ashes to throw in everyone's faces if they could get away with it.
>Thinking that any of the shit in this Cambodian fishing advise forum applies anywhere else
Nintendo may be the king of soyland here, but face the facts, Nintendo is making fucking bank right now. Sega, by comparison, stopped making consoles over 15 years ago and are so financially in the shitter they've publically announced that they're basically only making sonic games now, which have become a laughing stock across the entire industry.
This is now a steamed hams thread
Sega Genesis was marketed for multiple players, sports and action games
SNES was marketed for single player RPGs, and single player games like Mario and Kirby
The reason why SNES fanatics are so pathetic is because they're all the pathetic wheezing fat kids with no friends all grown up, their only childhood memories are of japapanese nintendy stories they observed by themselves