Why aren't you playing Dworf Fortress right now, user? There's no other game that can compare in complexity and depth.
Why aren't you playing Dworf Fortress right now, user? There's no other game that can compare in complexity and depth
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I honestly can't enjoy the UI, sorry I'm a big fat casual
Though I barely gave it a chance
It stresses me out a bunch but I go through periods where I won't play it for like a year and then jump into it and play nothing else for like 3 weeks straight.
Adventure mode is my favourite story generator.
I have a bunch of other games I want to play right now and whenever I do play DF, I end up making custom civs and getting buttflustered that they somehow keep making the game crash.
>not waiting for 0.44.06 so you can pillage and raze other sites along with some necessary bug fixes
>not waiting for 0.44.07 so stress is finally fixed and the game can actually be hard again
>not waiting for 0.4X.XX so you can blah blah blah
artifact update was just ground work, not really interested anymore until magic update comes out.
Because I'm a brainlet
Because you need DF Hack and Dwarf Therapist to actually play the game.
>not building a brainwashing center to turn all your dwarf children into emotionally dead husks
Rimworld at least supports their modders. While modders for DF have to go out of their way.
I don't want to play the game without the rapist and the dudes who make that sort of shit still haven't adapted DFhack to work with the 64bit infrastructure.
I can deal with every other aspect of the game, except the default job menu.
>While modders for DF have to go out of their way.
>literally just edit txt files
Where do I start if I want to get into this insane shit?
I havent played since the vampire update because my old PC fried and the toaster I was using didn't like more than 10 dorfs on screen
What's been updated?
this, I play way too much every time there's a new update. work is way too busy right now...
Because I spent 30 minutes with my adventurer, sent him into one of my old forts and then the game crashed.
The latest version is unstable as shit.
I don't play video games anymore.
why? someone will eventually copy the entire game wholesale and add graphics
Toady refuses to help the DF Hack guys. They have to reverse engineer the game every fucking patch.
You said it OP.
2 complex 4 me.
Because for like the past 5 years they've broken a major and important feature with every update that totally fucks the game up and then the fix doesn't come for like 8 months.
That's all the general will tell you.
What about Aurora 4X?
is toady a NEET?
Watch a 14 hour youtube series
He's a piece of shit, so same thing I suppose.
Got bored after about 20 hours.
Is the new Dwarf Therapist out for updated version yet? I'll play when its out because the ingame job management is too fucking tedious
>rimworld supports modders
>every other version breaks shit
>mods get broken with each new update
>modders stop updating mods
C# version when.
I like dorf fort, but once you figure it out it's more or less formulaic in that you get everything set up and then find some bullshit gimmick you want to make work and eventually fail or get bored
Dominions has done me a lot better in complexity, every game I play makes me think differently as long as I'm putting my heart into it
I don't know why Toady just doesn't make a proper UI for that shit already. Everyone just uses DF Hack and Dwarf Therapist.
No. Graphix.
I am, I currently have far too many fucking cave crocodiles.
>i dont know why toady doesn't make a proper UI
because modders already do it for him
I'm playing cataclysm DDA
the PDF on /dfg/ duh
Yet he doesn't help where they have to reverse engineer the code each time.
That would take away time from working on the main game
He can help when the game's done in 15yrs
Does he even have an endgame for the project or are we just looking at like 60 years of feature creep?
Not really or rather nothing he has revealed
But he said that he'll be happy with the state of DF in 20yrs
absolutely yes see the long-term goals on the bay12 website m8
Because it takes 4.5 hours for my PC to gen a world.
That sounds awesome how do you do that?
Stop generating the biggest parameters retard
Just play a microfort
more like rimjob lmao
My guess is you haven't played Skyrim.
Tbh I don't know shit about this game (mostly I heard of it alot), so here is my question: is the enter barrier high to understand basics?
Dwarf Fortress is nothing...NOTHING...compared to how hard it used to be. It's quite simple these days. Maybe it's because I've been playing since before there were z-levels, but I swear it's much easier to get a fort up and running now than it used to be.
You just got to learn the UI.
the unmodded version is in ASCII so you have figure out what some symbols mean (single letters represent alot of things). You will be flicking between the game and a wiki a fair bit to start but alot of the ASCII is intuitive while some is pretty counter intuitive
It's actually not that difficult it's just that the UI isn't very intuitive
There's a mod called rimjobworld, it introduces rape. What do we get with Dwarf Fortress? Gays.
because I already played a few rounds when the new version came out, will wait for another new version to come out then do the same
economy back when
because rimworld is better
Because I can’t plan ahead and my comfy 20 dwarf fort goes to hell with a 30 dwarf migration wave. Also I was an idiot and couldn’t figure out how to quarantine werebeast victems before they turned
my nigga
Are there squad controls? Can I control my dwarves once they entered combat, or the AI still takes over and they scatter and get themselves killed?
Until then, I switched to Rimworld.
fps death kills my urge to even start it up.
is there a mod like that for dwarf fortress?
My processor is shit and can't handle it after the last couple of updates. I don't really want to turn off features, which would be the only way to get it running more than 15 FPS. Once I upgrade again I'll start a new game of it.
Nope, but at least Toadie added gays and bisexuals :^)
you never directly manage your dwarves in rimworld outisde of general direction in combat, it's very different compared to rimworld where you micro the shit out of everything with like 5 guys as opposed to macro with 50+ dorfs
Everything reproduces by spores why does it even matter?
Read the fucking news posts.
Toady has started to give the DFhack guys the memory address pointers to ease the job of finding hooks for DFhack to hang on to.
> RJW fagging up another DF thread
He get paid for his job so by definition no.
The only thing really NEET about him is being an old bachelor.
How so?
And that took how many years for him to finally help the community modders?
Because Rimworld is better.
no thanks, I will instead play a game with low complexity and high depth.
It's literally too addicting. Once I start it up, there's always something to do then before I know it, the day is over and I've barely accomplished much. Although, it doesn't really feel all that deep to me. It is complex, but deep? I don't know about that. There's a lot of materials, but the stuff you can build are all sort of the same. There's even cosmetic items that all they do is sell. Also you can't even leave the area you pick from the beginning to settle? Come on.
It really does have the matrix effect of after a little bit of time with you will just never notice it again ever.
I started out using vanilla, then eventually switched over to a graphic mod I think it was ironhorse then years later after playing off and on I downloaded the at the time most recent patch with vanilla graphics and just didn't notice the change from modded graphic to vanilla anymore besides aesthetics of course it just made sense as it was, so I've not changed it.
It's like you fuckers don't even look a the mods page. This specific mod even lets you rape demons and kobolds.
It's literally a worst made version of the game that somehow manages to be even uglier than dwarf fortress with ACII graphics.
>someone gets possessed
>don't know what to do because the assigned doctor doesn't check this shit up
What on earth is going on?
I take too long to get things running and it annoys me
Literally all I want is a dev to make DorfFort Adventure mode into a full game. I want it so bad. I love it so much but it's shallow as fuck right now with no content
Excuses from fucking casual nu-Sup Forums faggots who probably have Reddit open right now in another tab. Kill yourselves, I mean that.
Fuck off faggot, I've been playing Dwarf Fortress while you were in your diapers.
His ancestors are using him as a conduit to make a kickass mug.
If he's idling around, it's because he needs a workshop you don't have available. Check what he's good at, and build any workshops relating to skills he has, or just build things until he claims one.
Woooaoaoaoaah look at Mr. Internet tough guy who learned DF a year a go and think he's hot shit
>mfw even after all these years you still can't dig as an adventure
I just want to dig into the caverns & get fancy gems
There are mods for that, user. DFhack has them! Go have fun
I used to love playing DF as a kid, but now that I only have ~3 free hours a day I really can't justify pouring a bunch of hours into a worthwhile fort. Feels bad, dudes
how old were you when you first found the game m8?
The more I think about Dwarf Fortresses potential, the more a think about Toady's goals, the more I realize DF will never be finished.
An actual dev team should take up the legacy and make a real clone, with all its complexity, a living rng world, but optimized, actual graphics, and friendly UI.
They did, it's called Rimworld.
Because i've been busy playing Cataclysm DDA instead.
Toady can't program and he's working in C++. This is a recipe for total disaster. It's not unusual that feature releases have slowed down significantly.
Jokes on you, I'm phoneposting