God hates fagg-

>god hates fagg-


I'm so lonely I would agree to those rules just to get sum fuk

Even as a joke that seems really abrasive and demeaning.

God that game is terrible.

Seeing this I want to feel bad for the guy but by Rule 5 I feel bad for the girl because she is clearly damaged in some way and cant stand not being in the center of attention longer than 10 minutes.

Clearly a damaged person

Roastie toastie can't compete with an xbox

Imagine being so beta you would find this acceptable.

Praise ardnax

>You must pause game

Two broken people. The woman being damaged enough to write up this "contract" and the man for being desperate enough to agree.

>year of our lord and savior 2013+5
>letting yourself get hypnotized by the beef curtains black magic

>pausing a primarily online multiplayer game
Dumb bitch

I'd call a hot enough girl "mommy" and can't fathom being this much of a bitchboi/cuck

Fuck the contract and the woman. Why is no one mentioning his horrible choice in vidya? 100% he's a bigger chad than she is Stacy.

It's really not that bad

>tfw can't get gf to stop playing dorf fort long enough to get nookie

Asian girls go hard into their game addiction

Not. In. One. Million. Fucking. Years.


Hello fellow Xandra cultist

Okay, Blake.

Just call a timeout, I'm sure the other players would be cool with it if he told them it was for his girlfriend.

This, , this shit isn't that bad. Especially if they are just dating and don't live together, dude should have plenty of time to play without placating this girl at all times.

My gf watches more anime than I play vidya.

Made me chuckle

I think rule 1 and he can't start another match if she asks to hang out is a bit unreasonable. But you're right it's not that bad.

>dating an anime girl

Take your "gift" and shove it up your cunt.

Hot damn is that ever an admission of her own insecurity and total lack of appealing traits.

>hey r/cod look what my gf gave me which I clearly didn't write myself for karma
Why are redditors such attention seekers?
Nearly every game sub has some faggot that posts shit like this

>dating a woman from the 1st world ever

No one hates fags

Just fucking come out already. You are already admitting to being a cunt, might as well admit you're a faggot too.

You fucking beta faggots. How can you say "it's not that bad"? I bet you're a goddamn yes man and have to ask your Bitch for permission just to hang out with your boys, huh?
The instant any bitch pulls this shit you go out, buy your own copy of a horrible game, and tell that cunt to kick rocks.

This is confirmed fake. Anything will pass as fact as long as it validates your inability to get a girlfriend.

i do

>he says, dick in hand, hotpocket on plate, never touched by another human


he did it all for the nookie

>Anything will pass as fact as long as it validates your inability to get a girlfriend.
Did you just figure this out now?


He is going to feel like shit when she leaves him.

DESU if it weren't for aids I'd just go gay

most girls aren't good as sex. it's not worth it. you're basically just creating even more work for yourself. add sex as number 6.

Every one hates (you)

women are dumb lizards incapable of anything but going full retard for attention

>Have to sell games because you're having a kid

What? Why


Delete this. All men are pure beings of incandescent light free of impure thoughts, only women are literal demons from literal hell that come into this world just to make us suffer.

>he replies, dick in hand, while his gf gets fucked by a pack of wild nuggets in the room next

Or the kid comes out black.

la abominacion...

>You must reply to a text no longer than 11 minutes
wonder why it's not 10

You kick this fucking bitch right out of the house

It's fake dumbasses. If you see images like that with the name blocked out it means someone set it up a fake scenario.

gotta make your kid the externalization of your atrophied superego
no way that will ever backfire in their parenting
especially not if the kid becomes a gamer

>Flirting with coworker for ages
>Short, pale, blonde white girl
>Huge tits and nice waist, booty okay
>Finally get her out for a drink
>Things commence
>Hyped as fuck
>Moment of truth
>She's like a dead fish in bed

Then I found out she has a boyfriend

>lol it's fake guys. Women would never do this to someone because they are members of the fairer sex and lets be honest, us guys are so crazy and irresponsible that if it werent for them we would be in a perpetual state of chaos. Hang on a second, my girlfriend's main boyfriend is knocking on the door to come hang out with her.

I'm sorry is drunk again

You are trying way too hard.

t. /r9k/

Hitting home for you?

>Hey user, want to marathon A Handmaid's Tale with me? I promise I won't get mad if you don't, but I will.

>girl starts making contractual agreements for attention
>gifts me fucking cowadooty

yeah fuck that I'm out there is nothing good about this situations or image

Cynic is a fucking fag

and fucking stay there

I mean crap man look at that. That's like his dignity on the ground back there. Ya don't see that everyday.

Kek'd hard

/r9k/ are the ones closest to correct
the more you have a chance at sex the more you deny the truth to get sex
those who give up sex have unclouded thoughts and may clearly see the truth in all its glory shining down upon them
men who have a chance to have sex are like druggies looking for their next fix

>xbro has a smoking hot bitch
It's not fair. Why do xbros win all the time? Why can't we have a turn?

but i will lose my bonus for leaving the public match early

>shitting where you eat

I realized my mistake much too late

Still got my peepee touched tho and I already left that job

>already left
That's not so bad then. Good on you user.


i fucked a girl at work who became obsessed with me, its miserable

>selling famicom and psx original games
I'm triggered

>*tips fedora*
So edgy

You would know, wouldn’t ya’?
Go back to r/Sup Forums or wherever you crawled out of.

>t. slave to his appetites

Most of the time I prefer the dead fish type. I've found most girls that aren't have no fucking clue what they're doing and/or try really stupid or gross shit.

Literally putting them in a box in the closet wasn’t good enough for her? (Which alone is already highly demanding of her, this is just sad)

I miss her bullying but she was fuckin nuts
She was the controlling type so Im glad I dont talk to her anymore. Miss the titties tho

Yeah that's bad too but at least know how to be on top. She tried and said almost immediately her legs are tired. Find a fit bitch


Poor girl can't be too interesting if she feels this threatened by a game

He's right though
You see a portion of the truth and deny it with your memes

I can smell her frkm my phone


Best post ITT

what kind of cuck would have a gf like this? my gf doesn't give a fuck if i play vidya, but i also don't give her no attention at all because i'm not a faggot, especially if it's a shitty game like Call of Duty.

it's the dead fish types that go tell their friends how shitty you are at fucking. might as well just jerk off.

I actually had a similar thought like this. With how often rape allegations are becoming I imagined if people would just start having "Sex contracts" getting legal signature from your partner that said sexual intercourse is consensual.

Every single time a girl has given me an ultimatum, I've dropped her instantly. It pays off too, because women are programmed to want to be the center of your attention, so 90% of the time, they throw themselves at you in the most pathetic, desperate ways not too long after. So, not only do you not cave to an emotionally unstable bitch, you get the most intense couple weeks of sex after, and the added satisfaction of kicking her ass to the curb like the piece of used up trash she is when she starts to settle back into old habits.

Why eleven minutes?
What a weird number

just cuck my shit up pham



Teach me senpai

My ex started doing coke every other weekend and kept having emotional breakdowns until she broke up with me over text, I miss her but that shit was grating my brain

can't sign a contract when you're drunk and the vast majority of sex leading to these disputes includes a drunk participant. even if the girl isn't drunk she can just lie and the court will take her side. women will aLWAYS say that it's a buzzkill, just like prenups, because they're "different" and you should "just trust them"

Nah, most dead fish lay there because they're just cumming buckets for no effort. It's the tryhard bitches that go whine and complain about you not matching their rhythm or not being "experimental" enough.