Why were there Super Americans on the east coast?

Why were there Super Americans on the east coast?

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Because Bethesda needed some more things from Fallout for you to shoot.

There is such a thing like migrating, OP.

They way they handled the super mutants was one of the lamest things in FO3. They used to be mysterious endgame tier baddies and 3 turned them into basically generic bandits. In fact, most of the monsters in 3 just felt randomly placed and generic.

>They used to be mysterious endgame tier baddies
What do you mean "mysterious"? You know exactly where the come from by the end of 1

This is why level scaling is shit

>Pitt DLC
>ask about Super Mutants
>they dont know what the fuck youre talking about
>muh migration

There was a different experimental strain of the F.E.V. on the east coast that people were exposed to.

la creatura...

Bad writing

Why wouldn't they be?

Canonically there's a different strain of FEV that was being tested in one of the vaults there.

In reality Bethesda needed Orcs to play with in Oblivion With Guns
New Vegas has the OG super mutants in it still, and they look like the original super mutants too. And... less of them are retarded? Senility hit them.

Beause they are a classic Fallout enemy.
Duh. It doesn't take a goddamn genius to understand that.

What I hate about this place is that most of you cretins were still sucking your moms tits when the first 2 came out, yet act like experts on them.

dios mio...el abomanacion

>The super mutants travelled there in the hundred years between fallout 1 and 3
>The FEV is pre war and we can assume West Tek weren't the only people who were working on it
>The actual technology and methodology of making Super Mutants isn't lost, most likely plenty of people knew how to make them and made them on the east coast.
>The FEV making all the mutants on the surface in the west coast travelled to the east coast due to weather and radiation.
Do you really need more explanations?

>If you get to level 30 with the DLC, the only things you'll be fighting are Super Mutant Overlords, Albino Radscorpions, Feral Ghoul Reavers, and Deathclaws
Who thought this was fucking ok

>let ghouls into tenpenny tower for your ghoul friend
>get ghoul mask
>all ghouls are not a problem anymore
Everything else is manageable. With a gauss rifle and 100 everything you can knock down all of those enemies with a gauss rifle (probably even reavers but i didn't want to try it on them, reavers are bullshit to fight).

also install this mod to be able to level past the dumbass lvl 30 max lvl cap: nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/10039

Also raiders with pool cues and .32 pistols

Bad writing

because plot holes

this is a meme. please go walk into traffic.

Get fucked. They are a classic Fallout enemy, yes, but Fallout isn't about your adversaries, it's about the themes surrounding the conflict. Sure, 2 brought back Super mutants and Brotherhood of Steel but that was to show progress. Super Mutants without the master have to live with the rest of society, shunned but some make the best of it like Marcus. With the Brotherhood of steel, it's to show they are now weak with the rise of the Enclave and the NCR. What does 3 do? Make Super Mutants raiders with a similar goal to the Master with no reason for it with a FEV sample given to vault tec even though West Tek was given the only strain and a Brotherhood of Steel faction that somehow managed to get across the radiated hell hole that was the middle of America to NOT recover old world technology but to help the wasteland?

As I said before, get fucked. You can make a Fallout game without the Brotherhood of Steel or Super Mutants. I hate NV still has them but at least shows them in a tasteful progression.

>you can recruit Supah Mutents in Tactics
what's your beef?

Tactics was fucking stupid story wise but was a fun little strategy game.

>I hate NV still has them
You're not far from where 1 and 2 took place and it has a reasonable story for why they're there

It's not that Albino Radscorpions and Reavers are assholes, but the fact that they are doesn't help. It's that those are pretty much the ONLY enemies. It'd be better if there were more lower-grade mooks mixed in with the boss-tier enemies.

As I said, I can at least understand their inclusion, just not overly thrilled about it.

This is the only true answer.

You're right, user. It makes sense if you care for the actual lore of the game. Plus Brotherhood and Supers are only in one location. You don't find them wandering around like in 3 and 4.

Wasn't the Institute was testing on humans and just dropping the failed Super Mutant experiments off in the Commonwealth ?

Did you think la creatura wouldn't rule the end of the world too? We are eternal.

That's 4's explanation. 3's is that the government gave a different strain of FEV to vault tec and they used it to create a vault full of super humans, ignoring everything the Master did in 1 since the dipping process was created, almost perfected and used by him exclusively. So now we have 3 different strains of FEV that do pretty much the same thing and not one of them figured out the reproduction problem of Super mutants.

There was a vault on that coast that was conducting experiments with FEV. This was made very explicit during the game, you have to go there to complete the main quest. Were you even paying attention? Clearly you have no respect for Fallout's lore.

In canon Vault Tech was contracted to make their own strain of FEV given to them by the US government from Mariposa. This strain caused Supermutants much like their greenskin cousins however they were much more stupid and aggressive. And they "aged" instead of being immortal. The longer a Super Mutant lives the more it grows in size and loses basic humanoid function turning into a gigantic animal creature. Fallout 3 may have had it's flaws but I liked the way they introduced Super Mutants, although it was dumb rhey overlooked basic Supermutant Hierarchy lacking some kind of leader or warboss keeping them organized.