As someone who enjoys(?) video games, do you feel bad for being a school shooting waiting to happen...

As someone who enjoys(?) video games, do you feel bad for being a school shooting waiting to happen, are you just one lag spike away from losing your thin veneer of sanity?


Seriously though: why aren't people (and I use the term loosely here) like this confronted with their bullshit? This is head of the executive branch of a state government spewing long since debunked bullshit.

But he's right


This is literally what's happening.

Have you paid attention to politics at any time? It's always about exploiting the press coverage scapegoating something convenient whenever there's a bat turn so no action needs to be taken and no expectations are raised by the populous. At least until an incidental occurrence that can be used as propaganda happens so that press coverage can be exploited to perform sweeping changes the majority of the governed actually wants under the pressure of ignorance.

This isn't about videogames; it's about not videogames.


The last time you (or another user) posted this it was moved to Sup Forums
So why don't you post it on Sup Forums in the first place?

I blame the parents and/or guardians of the goblin for not doing their job. I used to be firmly pro 2nd amendment for a long time but lately I just don't know anymore. Shitty people and shitty situations.
Sage for not vidya, kill yourself, etc etc

>the original muh violent video games hysteria was 20 years ago now

It's been regurgitated ever since.

Luckily there has been a shift towards blaming mentally ill people instead of vidya.

>taking anyone from Kentucky seriously

Video games are just something to blame like violent movies since nobody is willing to blame bad parenting anymore

It's easy to blame and divert attention to the real causes. And it works every single time because people have goldfish memories.


Can't wait all the people who say games with titties in them are sexist and make people sexist turn around on a dime and say video games don't cause violence because now they're under the gun.

Actually I don't think people don't forget. If polls can be trusted mass acts of violance are at least #3 on their worries.

News just doesn't keep reporting on this stuff until it happens again so politicians stop getting bad press over saying "It's everyone's constitutional right to be allowed to prep for a murder spree until they're proven to have gone on a murder spree".

Oh boy...



No, the ones that REALLY piss me off are the ones that state that violence against women or X group of people perpetuates said violence, will now try to argue against this.

>Incoming NEETs triggered by a governor's statements.
This post won't go anywhere


I cannot count on my fingers the number of times that Tetris went and made me stack boxes vertically and horizontally.

Millions of people play billions of hours of video games, yet I can only count on one hand the number of people killed directly relating the video games.

I keep telling you guys that Trump is just a bad rerun of the Bush years. America is redundant we've run out of history to have.