Why arent you playing mg survive right this instant? the beta is free right now

why arent you playing mg survive right this instant? the beta is free right now.

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looks really bad

Can I play solo


I played for a couple of hours and it's pretty fucking trash, horde mode is shitty and it's forced coop mode

MGS without kojeemuh is poop
I will not lick the poop
I will not buy the big old poop
fuck konami


First sign of a bad game

nah its shit

Kojeemuh is one of the most overrated directors of all time.

Going to try it because I'm curious, but I won't buy it.

How annoying is the loot system? I enjoyed stuff like Dungeon defenders with weapons and armor drops but I heard this had some issues. Just give me your honest opinion on it atm.

jim sterling assknobs

This, basically. For free, I'll play it for a few hours. But there is no way I'm giving Konami money for it.

It's free, just give it a go

No cqc
No main characters
No meaningful stealth
Tower defense

Its shit.

I know but what do YOU think about it? Im going to try it but Im curious how others feel about it.

>open world
>early access
no thanks

>gathering and crafting
>base construction (in a non-voxel world)

Survive actually explain.

>Wandering Soldiers on MGSV.
>The parasite infection itself.
>The Patriots' AIs.
>The infamous chopper scene at the end of GZ.

There's no ruse at all the game explain some aspects of MGSV.

enjoy licking up your big fat stinky smelly poop, fellas.
gulp that shit down, go on.

>still can't use the mouse to navigate options menus
Why didn't they fix that?

The lord of the Dust in the soldier who was with you during XOF attack and one of the bosses is your missing arm.

>muh kojima

Was pretty fun, I will buy it.

fuck off shill

Cause I just stopped, put like six hours today with a friend. It's pretty good, we finally started S ranking missions and getting new clothes and stuff.

What part of the loot system? In this game you just S rank a mission for a chance to get new stuff. Every gear you receive like this is broken and needs only a tiny amount of resources to fix and become usable.

>all these contrarian faggots praising Survive as true MGSV with co-op
>turns out teamwork is not required, more often than not teammates just get in the way
How does it feel to be cucked by Konami twice?

Edgy Virgin Detected

It's fun.

>Kojimacuks seething in the reviews

the main issue is ammo crafting. for bows its fine, but rifles and pistol ammo only crafts 2 and 3 rounds at a time, respectively.

not enough ammo, otherwise it's a good gaem.

>Steam reviews are all just #FUCKKONAMI

Autism speaks.

she is a cute one, i can't wait until i get to see what slutwear will the actual game have.

Why does she constantly have a "what's that smell?" look?

someone said that the materials you gather in the overworld while slaying zombies arent added to your overall cumulative storage out of matches - is that true?

Do I get any bonuses if I have V on my console? If not yeah I wanna get the steam version.

she was wounded. the expression was still cute tho.

Why would you play a game specifically designed to spit in your face?

Cause I'm playing good games instead. MG died with TPP and Konami is only going to dig the grave deeper

>spent over an hour total waiting for games that close
this is bullshit.

Haha same here bro lets vote with our wallets

literal shittier

>your face
By "you" I am sure you mean kojima cocksuckers right?

>reading comprehension

The beta is free

Which region/difficulty has the more players?

>why arent you playing mg survive right this instant?
got bored in 3 missions when i realized co-op will just be shitty tower defense endlessly.

>No cqc
u wot
>No main characters
in the beta, there are characters in the story mode
>No meaningful stealth
I guess? But it's not strictly a stealth game, stealth is just used as a tool.
I'll give you that one.
It fits with the style of game.
>Tower defense

>Its shit.
Actually the game is pretty fun to play, maybe if you actually play it instead of just shitposting you would know that.

Not him but I cant connect to a quick match game. I wait about 5 mins for 2 or 3 people to pop in then it says moving to staging area then it kicks me out.

get close to the digger and spam dig faster, enjoy your free loot.

>Tower defense
are you mental? that's literally all multiplayer is.

Really fun game, only issue is the ammo and the complete fucking lack of it. I played each mission once and had a lot of fun with the melee, but the guns just don't have any fucking ammo. I understand that they're really powerful but if you're gonna spawn in Walker Gears which is basically an "I win" button for a couple of minutes, it wouldn't hurt to give you more ammo. Hell, let people craft an ammo box that lets everybody refill their weapons once at the cost of that KOB stuff

Important information to know how matches, scavenging, crafting, and loot works.

>make some ugly woman with a fridge body
>tell everyone she's cute

You can, just not in easy mode.

Because it's incredibly fucking boring.
>you can just sprint through side missions and get the rewards
>balance is terrible with sprinting spear as king
>nothing but tower defense

>beta doesn't have all the game's content accessible


Because its a shitty game made by a shitty company.

This. The full game better have options for making more stuff at once, and to automatically refill all your items from storage whenever a mission ends.

>beta isn't a representation of the core game
Whew, I almost thought that the game was shitty for a second.

Tower defence doesn't describe a game where you play a character and defend a tower, user.


old japs just found out about the zombie apocalypse meme


konami expect overwatch levels of consistent matchmaking, which is sad I'd really want more people to play this game, but it'll definitely die from lack of people to play with.

Its practically fan fiction though.

How long does it last?

I wish more people played it, the games take ages to start.

I can't save my progress.
It requieres online conection and servers for the main game are not working yet.

Oh boy more shameless shilling of this game just like the past several weeks.

I think that's the main reason of why there's no leaks. People have to sit and finish the main game without taking a breath to see what happens because at moment there's no way to save any in-game progress without Konami servers.


>A game where you build a maze full of towers and the FPS gameplay only accounts for 5% of your ability to succeed
Great example.

It's hard to say it but this shit is required for MGSV plot line the whole zombies bullshit has an explanation and ties with MGSV events. Trust me this is not someshit create by Konami this is full Kojima crap I can bet that the game was made with the scrapped ideas of TPP/GZ.
Next MGS will be full Konami and ex/old KojiPro members.

With the next MGS why can finally leave all V autism and the shadow of Kojima behind.
V trilogy is like SW prequels.

Good god, all these kojidrones in the steam reviews buttmad about the games existence

If you have ammo troubles wear a shirt. In customize > chest piece > optional part setting you can can craft ammo bags so you can carry significantly more. Also tactical support > ammo resupply is an option in the drill that cost energy

>MGS without kojeemuh is poop
ghost babel was made entirely without kojimbls and it's a great MGS game

>early access
it's an open beta for the weekend. full game on 22nd

kojimadrones were right, game is just not good at all
would have been better if enemies were just normal dudes with guns and you did co op missions instead of zombies, melee system feels like ass

Normal enemies are confirmed just not in the beta

All those 'Kojidrones' don't know that Survive main plot is full Kojima autism. I can clearly see why Kojima leaves all the infection thing behind as a subplot and finally I know why MGSV it's so empty and unfinished.
Also if you buy the game you cannot save your progress yet until Konami open the servers.

Kojima is a huge walking dead fan so i would not be surprised if he planned this game mode from the start

how the fuck do you build shit?
i checked everything but the game only gives you like 2 minutes until the waves start coming in and it doesnt explain how to do it anywhere

A local game store is already selling survive it worth it? I can buy the game in the morning.



>it doesnt explain how to do it anywhere

Yeah, but you're gonna get your ass kicked unless you're a super high level.

>would have been better if enemies were just normal dudes with guns and you did co op missions instead of zombies, melee system feels like ass
Should've unlocked the melee skills.


Been wanting to check this out. Thanks OP for pointing this out, I was kind of salty that console players got a free beta but PC didn't.

At least Kojima was kinda smart and left the zombies aside from the real game leaving just traces of what supossed to be. So his fanbase doesn't hate him.

If you wanna buy it do it it's your money.
You can't save the game yet so it will be useless if you wanna spoil the ending for the anons but I can say the whole game goes around with MGSV subplots parasites = nanomachines no theory now it's canon.

Are you the guy who show us a brand new copy of Survive for XONE?

Buy me a PS4 plz.

I don't know what you're talking about.
BUT some game stores are already selling the game.

its pretty boring
i played the beta a while back and it doesnt seem like it would get dull quick

rate my benito mussolini

This is a joke. Typical Sup Forums fake spoilers right? I hope so becuase it sounds pretty disappointing.

cuz its boring as fuck

>implying Venom's horn is shrapnel
how blind you are

mouth too wide