In March of 2016, Nightdive Studios released our video of our vision of System Shock Remastered...

>In March of 2016, Nightdive Studios released our video of our vision of System Shock Remastered. Done in Unity it was an immediate hit with almost a half million views on YouTube. In June of 2016 we launched a Kickstarter campaign to make the vision into a reality. It was tremendously successful with over 21,000 backers contributing over $1.3 million to the campaign. We put together a development team and began working on the game. But along the way something happened.

>Maybe we were too successful. Maybe we lost our focus. The vision began to change. We moved from a Remaster to a completely new game. We shifted engines from Unity to Unreal, a choice that we don’t regret and one that has worked out for us. With the switch we began envisioning doing more, but straying from the core concepts of the original title.

>As our concept grew and as our team changed, so did the scope of what we were doing and with that the budget for the game. As the budget grew, we began a long series of conversations with potential publishing partners. The more that we worked on the game, the more that we wanted to do, and the further we got from the original concepts that made System Shock so great.

>Ultimately the responsibility for the decisions rests with me. As the CEO and founder of Nightdive Studios, a company that was built on the restoration of the System Shock franchise, I let things get out of control. I can tell you that I did it for all the right reasons, that I was totally committed to making a great game, but it has become clear to me that we took the wrong path, that we turned our backs on the very people who made this possible, our Kickstarter backers.

>I have put the team on a hiatus while we reassess our path so that we can return to our vision. We are taking a break, but NOT ending the project. Please accept my personal assurance that we will be back and stronger than ever. System Shock is going to be completed and all of our promises fulfilled.


Mods deleting vidya threads or taking a hard stance against OH NO NO NO-posting?

1st for please don't delete mods

Why do people just assume they can manage developers like its not a big deal? Do people not make cohesive development maps or do people just throw shit into a pipeline and the project leader is like, "ha ha, yeah, let's add that in too".

>Caring about memes
If they did soy and OH NO NO posting would be banned on sight. I think some shitposter just mad one mad or something.

Sounds fine to me. Recognizing that you arent making the game you promised is a good thing. the sooner they realized this, the better. Hopefully we still get the game that was promised.

It was going so great, and all of the sudden he sounds like a little bitch talking about hiatus, what the actual fuck

Why can we almost never get the remasters we want?

The problem is that they realized this after they burned through all of their crowdfunded money, after the game was already supposed to be released. That's not soon enough.

>It was going so great
They pitched the project as a remake, and once it was funded turned around and decided that they were making a completely different game. It's astoundingly moronic.

i liked both the old and the new direction and was equally fine with either

What they pitched it as was:
>A modern take on System Shock, a faithful reboot; it’s not Citadel Station as it was, but as you remember it. Many improvements, overhauls and changes are being implemented to capture the spirit of what the original game was trying to convey, and bring it to contemporary gamers.

People who were expecting a remaster apparently only played the demo and didn't actually read the project goals.

Yeah. And they realized that was a mistake. Go figure.

The root of the problem is not old vs new art direction but the fact that the project was mismanaged and now kick runs like a headless chicken

I'm high on combat boosters yo

Fuck, I actually forgot I backed this. :(

at least the enhanced edition holds up well enough, i wouldn't have minded a reboot that expanded upon the original a bit instead of being a 1:1 remake

Early bird here, they will sort it out eventually, keep calm

How do these people handling these huge projects not know about feature creep? Like 80% of kickstarter projects fall victim to it jesus christ it's not rocket surgery.

He have direct access to Warren Spector's industry veteran wisdom, he should have known this from the start

Because they keep thinking. "Oh wait! I can add this and this and so on....."

That's why it's important to keep yourself in check and have people willing to remind you what you're actually supposed to do.

>Kick explained that as the project had shifted from a remake to a reboot, they "strayed from the core concepts of the original title", and found they needed a larger budget. Night Dive's director of business development Larry Kuperman said they had approached publishing partners to fund the expanded effort, but could not obtain this additional support. Kick opted to put the project on hold, reassigning the team to other projects in the interim
>approached publishing partners to fund the expanded effort
there we go
we we'll eventually get the game but it will be defiled by a publisher, you know the usual - console exclusivity time, micro transactions, whatever new 'engagement practices' they'll come up with in the future

>copy pasting the public kickstarter update post regurgitated by some videogame blogger

it went from being an update/remake into becoming a "we must redesign these old mechanics because Idea Guy knows best"
they approached publishers who undoubtedly demanded console-first casualization--meaning complex map of Citadel Station would have to go since the modern console audience can only "navigate" linear corridors--as well as the implementation of cash-shop microtransactions/loot crate monetization where you'd pay $1 to respawn or something greedy scumbag schemes
they probably found out Unity isn't all that great an engine for what they were trying to do as well.

The idea of them looking for publisher money mid development seems very realistic to me, goes along too well with that vague "we lost the way" kickstarter post

>My face when the PC version gets Denuvo

I can take denuvo up my ass if the game is good (prey/dude sex)