What are some games where I can exercise?
What are some games where I can exercise?
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My 5
>Shitting on someone for legitimately trying to improve their physique.
That literal faggot is more of a man than you'll ever be.
>walking to the video game shop to purchase the latest video game
have a good run user!
>legitimately trying to improve their physique.
That motherfucker isn't even putting in 1% of effort unless he's anorexic or something and has 0 muscle mass. Which may be the case cause that dude looks like a skeleton
>No weight on the Smith Machine
He needs guidance
it definitely is the case, fucking look at him
Look at his fucking arms and legs, you could probably wrap your middle finger and thumb around them.
>this is the average ant-Sup Forums whiner
my sides
Fucker has more ink in his body than muscle. How the FUCK is it even possible to be that scrawny?
Im a skinny motherfucker and I don't have twig legs like that, definitely a disorder of some sort.
i was that skinny during my gym days and it was bad enough i looked awful
took a fuckton of effort, but i was able to get some muscle and got out of the soyboy image. Overall, don't blame the guy for trying, but blame him for not trying hard enough because he's not pulling any weights
what do skeletons gain from strength training
You don't start by immediately stacking weights.
Not like that he won't lmao
Stronger skeletoning.
nothing, unless they eat the part too.
recovered drug addict maybe
atleast he is doing something, now look at you.
Even a worthless slob shit eater on Sup Forums has more grip strength than that goblin.
he's the avocado guy
That's a female-to-male, apparently.
Man, Ethan really looks terrible
No fupa. Shit Ethan cosplay.
It's extremely obvious
post discarded
That bar in that machine is literally zero without weights.
>right wing = mental illness
You can't exercise in Animal Crossing but some of your neighbors won't shut the fuck up about getting a ripped back
>acne on soyboys face
FYI, estrogen actually cleanses your face from acne and helps preventing premature balding. Testosterone, on the other hand, is a fucking poison that will turn your face into abomination.
>strawman collage
>implying i'm a leftie
>inb4 radical centrist
>testosterone is poison
youre asking for this one
See how his face is perfectly clear? That's because he doesn't have high T in his body. You've just proven my point you retard.
>the final boss of Guess Who
>waiting for his knees to bend backwards like the other webm
>doesn't happen
whos stronger?This guy or destiny?
Imagine being so brainwashed by Sup Forums that you constantly think this is any kind of representation of reality. Think about it: have you ever met a single person in your entire life that looks like this? Probably not.
GTA san andreass.
It has actually some benefits and changes some of his voice lines. Getting fat also has similar effects.
>Think about it: have you ever met a single person in your entire life that looks like this?
All day every day.
t. student of a very liberal university
i hate /fit/ so much
>tfw fail the quick time event
I pushed up way too much weight on one of those machines once. Locked my knees and everything. I was supremely lucky I didn't get a one way trip to snap city.
>the swole left
yeah i agree, locking amphetamines behind prescriptions is regressive degeneracy.
that shit won us ww2.
>us winning ww2
>not the ultimate degeneracy
Half Repping = 0 reps
Ethan and Hila have finally become one.
>"What games let me X" threads will never be a bannable offense
>Sup Forums is dead
>hey bro, what are you plans for your workout today?
why do i fucking struggle with benching 95lbs
95 what the fuck? I never worked out a day in my life back when I was like 16 and I was pushing up 150 when I weighed 130.
let's not lie here any kind of leg workout fucking sucks. i avoid them as much as possible
never fucking lock your knees, ever. Anywhere. For any fucking reason.
m8 i fucking started with 95 and im skelly
the real reason i dont do anything about my anorexia and i dont exercise is because ill be dead at 50 of natural causes and all of you fat fucks will still be here for another miserable 50 years
fucking suckers
GTA San Andreas
>tfw skelly just want to gain 15 fucking lbs, bit of muscle bit of fat
>eat a fuckton
>gain nothing
holy shit dude lost consciousness
is this how you clean bulk
i need fucking audio for this
how the fuck do you get fat
i've been trying for so long and I just fucking cant
track your calories
find your tdee
I love how they just put floor diapers everywhere because I guess this guy just pukes all the time.
Can confirm. Im 230lbs can lift a fuckload and have a gf. Test gives more acne than soy.
I dont advocate for soy, but no test will clear your face.
Luckily idgaf about my acne
Working out doesn't do shit if you eat soy.
Soy is like gains chemo.
fuck off
But....why tho?
Why is he vomiting every time he lifts?
He looks like a corpse, bro
desu I'd rather be high test as fuck and be yuge than have low test and be basically beta by design
acne is just dodgy genes and bad diet as far as i can tell
Ready to lift with me, Sup Forumsros?
Basketball, Baseball, Swimming (looks like you do that), and Soccer...what ? You asked for "games". God bless...see you on the other side.
Lay off the soy.
>trapfags when they hit 25
If you can't get fat you are physically not eating enough or eating the wrong kinds of foods.
I don't care if you have the metabolism of a goddamn 100 lb. hummingbird we have created such fatty, high calorie foods that its fucking impossible for you to not gain weight off of them if you're eating a normal amount unless you've got an EXTREMELY serious dysfunction in your digestive tract.
Eat more, eat bad, you WILL gain weight, you bitch.
Reminder that anyone that mentions soy has most certainly eaten a soy based derivative product lately without realizing it.
Is the guy in the red shit memeing or something what the fuck kind of lifting is that? He looks like hes in okay shape.
all men are equal in this world with easily accessible and cheap firearms.
bitches can't gain weight.
They're all in okay shape and memeing, you idiot.
>this is the guy getting butthurt by the soy memes
Yeah but I'd rather be all that and have a gun than otherwise
All the emotional effects from having high test can be great too
Jesus Christ dude eat a little bit more
To be fair it is not safe for him to go any lower than that. The bar alone will snap his brittle spine.
I have celiac disease so I can't gain weight for shit. I once was consuming 4.5k calories for 2 months and didn't put on anything because the moment I ate something I had to shit like 2 minutes later.
I weigh 110lbs and I'm 6ft.
how fucking bad at time management do you need to be that you can't spare an hour or two a day to hit the fucking gym
>no one actually cares
loving every laugh