Man I sure am glad I played all those video games

>Man I sure am glad I played all those video games..

Other urls found in this thread:

>man I sure am glad I raised those kids

is he dead yet?

Do you think he looks back on the life he's lived as a fulfilling and complete one?

get this cancer off my board

>you'll never leave behind any sort of legacy
>your entire existence was a waste of space and a leech on humanity

Of course not, he fucking lied to rack in all that free "boohoo" money.

>I have cancer
>support money starts rolling in
>it starts to stop
>oh hey I'm getting better guys, it's curable
>his cancer starts to spread again
>more money poors in
>guys it's going to kill me in 2-3 years
>suddenly it stop growing after the money starts to slow
>guys I'm doing fine, the doctor said that it's no longer terminal
>Oh no, my threatement is no longer working guys, but its not spreading
>opens up donations again
Literal fucking scam.

Antinatalism baybee, we’re all just dust in the wind anyway

>Your legacy is one or more asshole that ends up living an even more disappointing life than yours.


>His legacy is a kid

>my dads legacy was me

poor guy

Oh yeah dude. You must be that guy who had kids. What a groundbreaking achievement.

>waaah I don't get to save the world and be a superhero :'(
Grow up faggot.

Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. If his cancer has spread once then he has cancer cells all over his body and it's only a matter of time until it spreads again. Also, he's not going to get any donor organs, so if anything goes wrong he could be dead within days.
The survival estimates are based on the average patient (most people get diagnosed with ass cancer when they're 70+ years old), so naturally he'll live longer than those originally estimated 2-3 years, but unless a literal miracle happens he'll still be dead within a few years.

vs not?

Considering he played games and made a living off it, I doubt he actually has any regrets. If I had to choose between playing video games and making videos, or going into my shitty factory job tomorrow I'd pick video games.

>*cough* least I contributed by working 8 hours every day...*wheeze*

>My wife hates my guts
>My kid's obviously black
>I'm over a hundred-thousand in debt
>I work over 60 hours a week
>Everything hurts both physically and emotionally
>Even the booze isn't helping anymore
>But man am I glad I'm not one of those basement-dwelling gamers

good goyim

only faggots who hate personal happiness have kids

I'm gonna become an eco-terrorist and leave behind a legacy of destruction

I vehemently dislike this guy but he doesn't deserve to suffer from cancer. That's taking the biscuit

Fuck kids.

When you grow up you can either try and be a great person yourself or pass the buck by having a kid. Never let your parents guilt you because they gave up.


>I'm glad I spent years arguing with literal children and autistic faggots online

Sup Forumsedditors LITERALLY have no answer for this.

>all of your ancestors dating back to the evolution of sexual reproduction managed to get laid
>you're the first one in the chain not to
Come on man

Truly a “man” of integrity

Free will doesn't exist.
You are not better or worse than anyone no matter how much you try to lie to yourself.
Life is merely an illusion.

Two of the worst philosophies to ever exist. They only lead to apathy and the destruction of society as we know it. Even if you think life is meaningless you should at least attempt to make life better for yourself and the next generations by doing something worth doing for society and yourself.

Cancer tends to be like that retard. The severity of your symptoms will come and go in waves, treatments that seemed to be working great can suddenly stop working at all.

Imagine being a defeatist scumbag who only tries to bring others down to his level instead of raising them up

You're selfish.

I am glad I played all those video games

>no monster girls
>no supernatural shit is actually real
>all of our legends or myths is just some old cunt who was bored
>people kill each other because a bunch of old people wrote stuff down in a book
>you have to either be born into wealth or spend your entire life slaving away or pray the gubmint takes care of you
>every single year people grow more and more retarded and need more and more help from people who took the time to educate themselves

Meanwhile in video games
>can love monster girls

All I need really

>giving money to extend the life of an eceleb.
maybe god is based enough to kill this fucker and the rest

>Play IRL
>Get shot

Woooooow Yeah no thanks I'll stick to vidya.

Damnit you're right. I'm sorry. I was only fishing for (You)s.

Are cancer patients actually being suckered into thinking metastasis isn't a death sentence? I don't know what the deal is with his yo-yo optimism. Once your cancer cells hit your bloodstream, you are fucked, and will die from cancer one day. You can keep spot treating it with chemo, but one by one your organs are going to turn out to have tumors. Especially with colon cancer, because it can metastasize and spread for a long time before you ever develop symptoms of the initial colon cancer and see a doctor.

>I'm glad I spent my Friday night alone mocking someone I don't know for having cancer

>you'll never leave behind any sort of legacy
>having kids in 2018

Meanwhile, at the normie's deathbed,
>Man I sure am glad I watched all that television...

One of these days I'm gonna get my shit together and make my own game. It won't be good, but it might have a small fanbase that appreciates it and that's enough.

Having kids is about as much of a legacy as taking a shit or drinking water. A real legacy is inventing something that will help future generations, or making the history books and being talked about 500 years from now.

>bringing a child into an overpopulated, dying world
Rescue a dog instead. Visit your local shelter today.

Have you heard a video of his lately? Fucker sounds like hes gettin close, its sad shit

""""""his"""""" kid

>believing in the cancer lie
They just want to take upper middle class's money and straight up murder poor people by telling them some insignificant health issue is "cancer" and either "curing" it or putting them on death drugs and letting them die in the hospital.

If a doctor ever tells you that you have cancer, laugh at him and demand he tell the fucking truth.


>have cancer
>don't regret playing all those video games
really makes you think I guess


The absolute state of the modern right. Jesus fuck how did America become this fucking stupid.

>Especially with colon cancer, because it can metastasize and spread for a long time before you ever develop symptoms of the initial colon cancer and see a doctor.

stop scaring me

how the fuck am I supposed to not die of ass cancer?

should I just randomly go to my doctor every few months and demand that he do ass cancer tests just because?

>Man I sure am glad I worked all those Saturdays

Kind of sad really. I mean, I am never gonna be some big Megastar or whatever, but anything is better than a neet who plays games all day I presume.

Um, nope. I don't believe in trickle down economic rightie bullshit. I believe in fact, and I've seen several people die from "cancer" and saw the bullshit happen before my eyes.

Normies play video games now user

>being so obsessed that you see politics in a shitpost that doesn't mention anything political

Calm down user. I know it was "her turn" but you really just need to calm down.

Oh, it's worse than I expected, you voted for Jill Stein. Bloody hell.

>man I sure am glad I spent so much of my time on Sup Forums

>cancer isn't real
>how so?
>i've seen it man

>shit like 3-4 times a day in smaller amounts
do I have cancer?

This. Fuck working on MY weekend for some international corporation that I'm just a fucking cog in. No thanks. I'll consider working weekends if it's a company that I actually either created or I have a role that is not only important within the company but for society as well.

>I sure am glad I did nothing in college but work part time jobs and study, yup, best years of my life, totally worth being in and out of the hospital over.

>voting for nazi trump
>voting for "soft right" crook shillary
>voting for whoever the goddamn libertarian dumbfucks limped to the polls with
Who the fuck else was I going to vote for? I wouldn't have if I had a fucking choice. Greens are wackos too, but their candidate was less wacko than everyone else put up as a "choice".

Never said anything about children. Why not invent something?

>should I get regular health check ups?
Gee, what do you think?


>Man I sure am glad I visited all those threads

>tfw I haven't been to a doctor in over 7 years.
>I occasionally get pains under my right rib cage recently

High orc wife please

>ignoring the truth and attacking my politics
Oh look, we must have some doctors trying to hide the truth in here.

>imagine being this cucked by history
fucking spooks man

Ugh, if only people were smart like me and you, amirite????

Actually it has been just over a year since my last checkup so I should go soon.

But it's not like they screen for every cancer during every checkup.

Nice meme. This shit is literally only directed at western world nations.

I don't see why you would even bother saying this to them. Moralfaggotry isn't going to suddenly change apathy because some random idiot got lost on his way to Sup Forums.

>growing up means you're a failure
confirmed beta

So go to the doctor's.

>I don't know what the deal is with his yo-yo optimism
try having a terminal disease and you'd probably understand

>regular health checkup
>"doc, I'm randomly afraid that I have undetected ass cancer, despite zero evidence, please check my ass for cancer right now because Sup Forums made me paranoid"

these aren't the same

You can't stop the poo in loos and the chinks, even if the West entirely stopped having kids we'd still be fucked.

>still attacking me personally instead of addressing the issue
Keep at it, Doctor Death. Keep the public believing in the Cancer Lie.

Literally this. Tesla, Issac Newton, and Walt Disney never had any children but they still left one hell of a legacy.

please think about that statement a bit, you're retarded.

Spoken like a true cuck. It's for the best you won't breed, you pathetic sack of shit.


He made a decent amount of money doing it, though

I know I probably should but at this point I'm kinda afraid to. I mean I'm not really the type of person to ever get sick or anything so I've never really felt the need to. I'm generally pretty healthy I'd like to think. I'm thinking it might just be stress causing these pains.

>man I sure am glad I gave all my money to Steam and GOG and got nothing in return


Literally leads to school shootings

If you worry about you having cancer, you should absolutely ask your doctor about it. You can very easily do this at a regular check-up.

Hey dude, sometimes it just nice to leave a reminder that nihilism is wrong because it leads down a dark path and that we all should pitch in to create a better society to make life more bearable for future generations. It just feels like something that needed to be said.

>Have no kids
>Have no retirement because 2018
>Age 75
>Can't walk
>Get thrown into state run nursing home
>Get sexually abused and beaten

>at this point I'm kinda afraid to
Why? You have nothing to lose.

>I'm thinking it might just be stress causing these pains.
Go to the doctor's and they'll find out what's causing your pains.

oh god my dick can only get so hard

yeah, not contributing to the overpopulation

Overpopulation is not a problem in the western world in fact population has been on the decline in most first world countries

>Age 75
>Invested the money into life extension technology and cybernetic limbs
>someone tries to sexually abuse me
>slice their torso in half with my advanced cyber arm blade that I could afford because I didn't have to spend it on children.

>no response
Oh look, I guess it is a doctor making a thread trying to make kids fearful of cancer after all.

Nice try.