What does Estus taste like, Sup Forums?

What does Estus taste like, Sup Forums?


Probably like warm redbull with boiled rosemary added in.

Why it taste _____ _____ of course!

What does it taste like you ask??? It tastes like _______________ ______!



Cold Custard.

Nothing it would just burn it's fire.

Celestia's piss

Sunny D

It says in the lore that it tastes like honey.


It tastes like semen.

You do know what semen tastes like, don't you user?

Honey, it's why you need to pose to drink it. The viscosity takes awhile for it to drink.


I dont. I assume it just tastes like snot because it's snot.

Bags of sand

it tastes like salty milk and coins


sunny d and jack

Probably like Sprite or Sierra Mist, or lemonade would be good

Like pee!

bottled fire apparently

it's chicken wing grease

Her nose is so thinn

It taste like a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.

Sunny D Orange juice
people say it probably taste like shes from a burnt human body which kind of makes sense but I refuse to believe that the chosen undead were forced to taste something so horrible for so long


Like Vicky's dad's cum.

We know a few things
1. It’s fizzy
2. It’s orange/redish
3. It’s an apparent hot drink, or is at least made hot
4. It may actually be alchoholic in a way

filthy degenerate heretics who need to be burnt at the stake.

Blood vials are better than Estus.

Go shank yourself in the thigh with your period blood somewhere else



Tastes like burning!


go kill yourself bloodbornefag

That soda you thought was yours but when you took a huge gulp it was actually your uncle's butt can...

>tfw parents actually let their children drink this


at least compared to this

it's fucking disgusting

any other normal juice/kool aid>>>>>>>>>>sunny d

Even a soda would be better


Cinnamon Tea

>you'll never snack down on some Estus Soup chillin' with Sigboy before going into the comfiest area in any Soulsborne
dang it :(

smores probably

dry sand.


Jack Daniels.

Or maybe a screwdriver

unironically, I bet it's applejuice and pumpkin ale.

this is a safe for work board, user. spoiler that shit next time.

It tastes like dried cum after 24 hours in complete darkness.

Whiskey mixed with cinnamon and orange juice

going by the meaning of estrus, it should taste like firekeeper vaginal fluids

get help user. also stop being a disgusting degenerate.

Vodka and maple syrup

Hot piss.

like an orange tootsie pop

Salty coins and milk.

Shanalotte's piss

That sounds atrocious

It tastes like a cool breeze through your hair on a warm day
It tastes like the heat from a fire on a cold night
It tastes like the comfort of the person you love sleeping next to you
It tastes like memory of why you started a large project, and the satisfaction of completing it
It's every reason to live in liquid form

It would taste great if you were undead.
You can replace the whiskey with vodka if you like

rum and old spice

it tastes like chilled piss

It tastes like the satisfaction of not dying and nothing else.

has it right, Siegbrau's the good shit.


Vodka and honey

>tfw Code Vein will have superior milk instead of estus

Smoke a whole cigar, then ash out in a glass of full pulp orange juice. Shake well.

Peach ice tea

Sunny D of course. Praise the sun!

Fuck off

>takes 4 years to heal

yeah nah its shit.

>This post made go hollow

Warm pennies

Fresh cut spring flowers spewn across a babbling brook with a hint of lemon.

Fuck off Ed.

>sour milk and pennies
>zero results found.

Sup Forums really has gone to shit.

It's salty milk, newfag.

this is correct