Is it a good character design?

Is it a good character design?
Can it be improved?

Its great.
Can't really improve much. Maybe the boots, they seem a little boring. Try seeing what it looks like if you to make the yellow bands at the top of them brighter and stand out more.
Otherwise I wouldn't change a thing.

You an artist for a game, user?

colors are bad
clothes are weird combination of cowgirl and a military uniform

I like it.

It needs a bigger hat and some added fringe though.

No, I just saw another cheap jap mobage character and thought about making thread about her

How about giving her an actual design instead of being pure fapbait? Shit i love hot girls but this is honestly kinda sickening just how dehumanizing this design is

Midriff + miniskirt is a shit combo. Change her to be wearing a white pair of jean shorts and it'd be perfect.

The handcuff belt makes no sense as there aren't any tension on it.

Swap the aqua with burgundy.

remove stupid cape
diff colors
more /fa/ boots/hat
proper choker
increae breast size by 37%
diff gloves
bra/top looks boring
girl looks great, clothes colors are awful

I have no idea what game this is from but I like this actually and I'm normally not into weeb-shit.

What about this one?

Needs more earth colors and coat need more fur trimmings too.

The rabbit ears ruin the whole thing for me, get rid of one and replace the other with a feather. Otherwise it looks good.

I agree with you, and yet all I want to do is undress her. Oh well.

It's a great design for a porn game.

Coloration on the clothes is balanced horribly. If they were going for contrast, they should have made the outside red, or they should have made the lining purple. Since they clearly aren't, it doesn't contrast very well. In all honesty, the color balance on the cuffs looks absolutely dynamite, and the whole attire should have been made with that in mind.

The necktie looks bad and uncomfortable because it literally rests on nothing and looks irritating. Would be better replaced with just a necklace.

The handguns looks great, but the holsters are too plain for them. It's actually pretty irritating because the thorned rose motifs on the guns are lost to...what, nothing?

The boots try to match the coloration of the coat but fail to capture that awful sea green, so they look better than the whole design and throw the balance off (yet again). If they wanted to commit to the contrast, they should have carried it into the boots as well. Otherwise they could have simply erased the green and the coat would look immeasurably better as a result.

Hat looks good but there is a bit of a lost opportunity to do something more with it. The attire is really flamboyant and showy overall, but that's honestly nothing but a hat, and a plain one at that. It could use something distinct in place of that diamond-shaped pin at the top.

6/10. With improvements it could be a really good design for an SRPG.

>Shit i love hot girls but this is honestly kinda sickening just how dehumanizing this design is
It's not dehumanizing at all dumbass. I want to make her happy and cuddle with her

This design is honestly pretty good all-around, although one-handing a shotgun like that really sets my autism to boiling. Also the huge bunny ears look absolutely terrible with that hat. If you literally just didn't have them, the design would be better. That, or remove the hat and keep the bunny ears.

Kill yourself. This design is extremely telling of a wacky sheriff/cowboy type and it's as exuberant and youthful as it gets. I can easily see this character going around hunting vagabonds and bandits with some goofy heroic lines, and I don't even play whatever kusoge she's from.

Cover her up. Women should never show this much skin.

If women where not afraid of being called a slut or the fear of being raped they would dress sluttier than any female video game character you think is dehumanizing to look at, this is a fact. Women like to dress like this, they like showing off what they've got just as much as men like bragging about themselves. That's all it is and the plus side for women is that men are actually interested in women flaunting themselves, where as men bragging is just petty and dumb

drawings aren't humans sweetie


bigger tiddies

tits too big

More guns

begone thot

Too many belts
Different sized guns
Gun design is shit

agreed, miniskirts are shit.

>*twists the shotgun out of her hand and shoves it up her skirt*
Nothing personal

I don't think different sized guns is a flaw but the other things you said are true.

Rifle ruins it for me

I just noticed that despite being well drawn that particular fan art added more belts for no reason. Virginia has a belt on her waist (sensible), a loose hanging gunbelt to holster her guns (like real cowboys) and those belts at her cuffs to keep sand out of her sleeves.

Four belts.

One job, user.

>Can it be improved?
Turn her into a loli.

Loli design ruins everything


Coolness scale:

Winchester 1894 lever action (anachronistic) > Sideways stance with one revolver > Fanning revolver >>>>> Two hand modern stance >>>>>>>>>>> Dual wield.

jesus. now this is what i call a cummies commander


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