7 was always the best one.
7 was always the best one
Doesn't have Lightning though.
7 was great, but Tactics was better.
Lightning is trash.
have you tried replaying it? Random battles every 3 steps that take a minute to load. 2 minute long summon animations. It's shiiiiiiiiit
Just play on emulator. Instant load times
She is the only good thing to come out of that shit series.
FFVII is ironically both overrated and underrated at the same time. Everyone sucks it's dick for the superficial reasons but few people recognize the brilliance of how it utterly annihilates every standard JRPG cliche of the era. Big breasted brawler? She's actually demure and a hopeless romantic hoping to be saved by her prince. The cute white mage? She's actually conniving and street wise and uses her looks to manipulate people. The hero himself? Actually just a random mook. The main villain is from a long lost line of powerful mages? Nope, just some alien DNA shit.
This is wrong. Both the time it takes to start a battle and the battle speed itself (especially when you turn the options slider to Fast) make it the most playable PS1 FF today. Go compare it to FF9.
This. Kind of a shame that some of the main story characters got disregarded and had no real relevance in the plot long term, but damn did I love my generic units.
>the virgin swordsman
the chad sky pirate coming through
haha i like that meme too
>tfw you can just turn off encounters in ios
sucks to suck
>caught for peeking on a teammate brushing her hair
Says the mindless FF7 drone. Remember that Lightning is designed to be the female version of Cloud. Until Lightning Returns she's literally female Cloud with the soldier class.
It probably is, thought I've only played FFT/A/2, FF1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10.
I've heard nothing but bad reviews for the ones I haven't played, but I guess my opinion is skewed because 7 was first 3D FF i've played.
Female cloud is trash. Male cloud is better.
6 will always be the best.
6 kind of shits the bed in the world of ruin. The main villain disappears for the rest of the game and you're stuck playing party member pokemon.
Hatefags ITT don't into realizing all PS1 Squaresoft RPGs are beautiful. Square's output from 1997-2000 gift-wrapped Sony the console wars.
>Front Mission 2 and 3
>SaGa Frontier
>Parasite Eve 1 and 2
>Vagrant Story
Not to mention Bushido Blade and faggot bullshit like Brave Fencer Musashi. Square bailed on Nintendo and went full retard with quality art from gifted employees. If you were a serious gamer in the late 90s, you had a PS1
>4 has Rydia
>5 has Faris
>6 has Celes
>7 has Tifa, Elena, Jessie, and Yuffie
>8 has...Ultimecia and Edea
>9 has Beatrix and Lani...and Freya, sure, why not
>10 has genderbent Jecht
>11- Larsa
>13 has Fang
>15 has Aranea
So much goodness
>I forgot to list Chrono Cross
Sad to be desu
Typical mindless FF7 drone comeback. Also, Terra x Cloud is better couple.
>SaGa Frontier
Oh come on. That game is a mess and you know it.
Anyone notice how all these old "classic" games assume that the player is a straight male by offering you love interests?
Ocarina of Time did the same shit, you had Ruto, Malon, Saria, and Zelda all after your dick the entire game.
I'm glad games have moved beyond this shit (i'm female) because it always made me feel uncomfortable.
Is it just me or do the personalities in the Dissidia games for some of the characters feel wildly off from what they were like in their original games? Some are spot on like the Emperor. But Cloud and Terra sound like they're being written by somebody who only read the game's wiki.
But those protagonists aren't "you." They're not the player's love interests. They're Cecil's.
I don't remember cloud beating on someone grieving for their dead(?) wife.