>Died 4 years ago
If you could Sup Forums, which youtuber would you have rather offed themselves instead of him?
>Died 4 years ago
If you could Sup Forums, which youtuber would you have rather offed themselves instead of him?
Other urls found in this thread:
imagine being over 18 and still caring about kiddie games like mario
bing bing wahoo *tips cappy*
Who ?
Imagine being a human of any age and caring about e-celebs
All of them.
Jim Sterling
JewWario(I'm not joking that's how he actually goes by)
only 4 years?
it seemed like longer ago, 2012 or so
I dont even know who OP is talking about and Id vote Sterling
And he was a famous or what ?
read the op retard
he's burning in hell right now
Why did he do it Sup Forums?
he was part of channel awesome back when that was popular
its hard to look back at most of the content they had
almost all of it aged incredibly poorly
I'm afraid to say because I think if he found out he'd actually try to sue me.
Some guy who used to videos for the Nostalgia Critic guy I think.
He shot locked himself in his bathroom and shot himself in the head or something.
His wife was really cold about it on Facebook since apparently he was a creeper and would try to cheat with every woman who gave him attention at conventions.
he thought the only thing better than existing was not existing
Like, without a second thought.
He's getting there
what do you mean by this
Ever thus to JoJofags
man, what would you do without your stupid bing bing meme?
it fucking didn't exist UNTIL fucking new mario was revealed or out. you never cared about or hated mario.
so why do you care now?
i mean, you had your bings and wahoo sounds since 1996 fucker, WHERE WAS THIS MEME BEFORE E3 2017 FAGGOT?!
face it, you can't stand the thought of not thinking of this meme earlier so you use it as much as you can, because before long, it'll all be fucking gone.
He was 42.
This might be why his wife cucked him. Women are terrible creatures and do this just about all the time if their man isn't manly enough for them. Just be straight with him, and break up and maybe he'd learn his lesson. It's really not that hard. But no, she had to continue using him for his affection and possibly money, while fucking other guys behind his back. This is why I sometimes don't even care when I see women get stoned in middle eastern shitholes sometimes. This is how they behave and warning other women of such behavior is a good thing.
Who blows their brains out with a shotgun with someone crying on the other side of the door? What an asshole.
i bet you have cystic acne
ah, ok
I still can't believe his wife kicked down the bathroom door and shot him to death.
I sometimes forget we have a lot of newfags on here. But yes, it's jewario. He killed himself because he was a manchild at 42 and his girlfriend or wife or whatever was cheating on him.
his youtube name is jewwario
his autism has obviously impaired any form of social understanding
Spoony got banned from twitter for sperging out about Trump and the Hawaii thing, now what? the guy practically lived there.
i watched ALL of dougs content from 2008 to 2017 and man, those fucking movies were the WORST FUCKING THING.
i only did watch doug, brad, spoony and sometimes linkara because i like comics and youngblood was shit.
but shit, i didn't know 90% of the other people on that fucking site and now, does it even exist in a profitable way anymore? i mean, i know doug is on YT, but i haven't cared to watch his shit when its new and once 2011-12 hit, he just got worse and worse, adding in forced commercial breaks that are totally from the Blip era.
now with super unfunny sketches with REALLY FUCKING UNFUNNY black guy and white girl he is forced to use due to contracts, when is he going to stop?
i mean, HE IS BALD!
kill yourself newfag
>wasting it on some literal who only /vp/ and smogonfags care about
>tfw I used to like Doug's content but can't watch it now because of his autistic yelling over fucking nothing
Look, I hate e-celeb faggots more than most and ignore that shit altogether, but when someone dies, it's fascinating to see the reason and story.
It's the same reason why everyone knows about chris chan, regardless of if they've watched its videos or not. It's a spectacle.
>i mean, HE IS BALD!
He didn't go bald actually, he shaved it off for one of his unfunny sketches
Big mistake honestly because he looked better balding than bald.
goddamnit was he balding even in high school?
smart to have tied his persona to his hat. he knew it was coming
Doug has always suffered from two things:
>He tries too hard
>He tries too hard because his brother is better than him in almost every way.
Who was she cheating on him with?
Wario64 died ?
Convinced his wife to go all in on stupid internet "fame". Had money problems when the internet didn't want a 40 year old whiny jew. Killed himself instead of working.
oh fuck off.
you only find it interesting because you have a cuck fetish
>If you could Sup Forums, which youtuber would you have rather offed themselves instead of him?
All of them at once. Then make sure he follows.
>considering someone a newfag because he didn't know a e-celeb
Thoughts on his wife's statement
Doug was near his age too, it's just that people didn't care about games on a site featuring Doug doing full movie reviews
He seriously might.
I only wish death on my enemies. And I have no enemies amongst web reviewers.
He's doing more of his shitty streams.
I only watch the stuff he does where he isn't in his "Nostalgia Critic" persona.
So Doug Reviews, Sibling Rivalry, and the Nostalgia Critic editorials, aka the ones where he doesn't raise his voice to screaming levels and there's no skits.
He's back on Twitter.
literally who?
Apparently Lindsay Ellis/Nostalgia Chick got arrested recently. What happened?
different account?
you need to go back soyboy
public intoxication
It was drunk driving if I remember correctly, she was also uncooperative. Metokur went into it on his video about her (or was it just a video about other tgwtg collaberators he hadn't covered already I don't remember)
only good jew is a dead one
I like those things too, until I remember he's never actually made anything good and is actually just parroting basic film critique. The man has no idea what he's talking about.
oh i thought she did something else after that
he was a literally who before he died and when he DID die everyone and every eceleb pretended to be subbed to him and be personal friends and be increadably saddend and blah blah blah and so forth. virtue signaling at its finest.
>age 32
>behaving like this
At least his death wasn't in vain and gave twitter ammo to his "friends".
>Video recorded 2 years later
>"If you really loved me you would have taken me with you"
>"I'm not better off without you"
>He didn't take his medicine because he felt it wasn't manly.
>He lost his job in 2008 or whatever
>Made some money on youtube but ended up taking a part time job to make a little money
>She became the bread winner
>Talks about stupid feminism and how he was lucky to have her to work for him
I always figured Todd was a shithead
but then again who wasn't at Channel Awesome?
There is a parody account but Spoony is still off twitter. If he wanted to he could have hopped on his dog's twitter, but he still has hope that the ban gets reversed and that ban evasion would be the nail in the coffin for it.
>Funeral service inside a Catholic church
>He gets cremated, but the dumbass rabi won't do anything about it because it was the sabboth or some shit
>Can't even get buried in a Jewish cemetery because they don't want cremated remains
>They say the rosary
Well, at least he'll have a chance at heaven if god mistakes him for a catholic.
>which youtuber would you have rather offed themselves instead of him?
You, Pewdiepie, Markiplier, any and all other of their copypaste LOOK MOM IM SCREAMING AT THE CAMERA retards, Game Grumps, Buttblasted Pedro, the list just goes on
What the fuck. Who would act like that about a dead person
Moliminous. I would be free of his shitty everything wrong withs and his audience would migrate to better everything wrong withs.
How dare you wish death on /ourguy/ Pewdiepie
Say sorry.
post the metokur videos on channel awesome, something bad has happened to every member
>waaahhhh he said the word nigger
i used to hate pewdiepie until he started redpilling people. enemy of my enemy is a friend.
Man, did todd really post this ignorant garbage? I actually like his content.
He doesn't count since he doesn't make actual videos anymore.
>why is there a new meme!!!
Because nobody gave a shit about Mario for about a decade due to him not having any major games since Galaxy 1.
Thank god for Jim Sterling. His DW review was great.
>public intoxication
Wife drove him to suicide, pretty obvious
He wasn't even jewish, I don't think he even converted
Nobody honestly gave a shit about him, or knew if he existed
He didn't even delete it so he stands by it to this day.
>get arrested for walking home
nice freedoms, america
he was jewish didn't you watch the goddamn video? shit.
she drank irresponsibly and acted like an asshole
>Job outsourced.
You guys think he'd vote for Trump if he were alive today? man I bet he wouldn't have killed himself. he just needed to last another 2 years.
I dont have the energy to tell you why youre a retard, just know that you are.
Land of the free
>Takes advantage of a new medium not used to its full potential yet
>Able to live off it for a decade
>Got himself published in a magazine for his work
>Tried his best to use his film degree to make make movies and a TV show to get him into the mainstream(and failing)
>People still know the name "Doug Walker" or "Nostalgia Critic"
Did Doug really do anything wrong?
>And he was a famous or what ?
for being a youtuber that killed himself and pissed off pablo making a video about him it adds on it
Holy shit people actually laugh at these types of events? If I were to laugh at someone's memorial, I'd be killed by their family
>putting your fucking FUNERAL on YouTube
How is this anyone's business but his family's?