>In March of 2016, Nightdive Studios released our video of our vision of System Shock Remastered. Done in Unity it was an immediate hit with almost a half million views on YouTube. In June of 2016 we launched a Kickstarter campaign to make the vision into a reality. It was tremendously successful with over 21,000 backers contributing over $1.3 million to the campaign. We put together a development team and began working on the game. But along the way something happened.

>Maybe we were too successful. Maybe we lost our focus. The vision began to change. We moved from a Remaster to a completely new game. We shifted engines from Unity to Unreal, a choice that we don’t regret and one that has worked out for us. With the switch we began envisioning doing more, but straying from the core concepts of the original title.

>As our concept grew and as our team changed, so did the scope of what we were doing and with that the budget for the game. As the budget grew, we began a long series of conversations with potential publishing partners. The more that we worked on the game, the more that we wanted to do, and the further we got from the original concepts that made System Shock so great.

>Ultimately the responsibility for the decisions rests with me. As the CEO and founder of Nightdive Studios, a company that was built on the restoration of the System Shock franchise, I let things get out of control. I can tell you that I did it for all the right reasons, that I was totally committed to making a great game, but it has become clear to me that we took the wrong path, that we turned our backs on the very people who made this possible, our Kickstarter backers.

>I have put the team on a hiatus while we reassess our path so that we can return to our vision. We are taking a break, but NOT ending the project. Please accept my personal assurance that we will be back and stronger than ever. System Shock is going to be completed and all of our promises fulfilled.



>>Maybe we were too successful. Maybe we lost our focus. The vision began to change. We moved from a Remaster to a completely new game. We shifted engines from Unity to Unreal, a choice that we don’t regret and one that has worked out for us. With the switch we began envisioning doing more, but straying from the core concepts of the original title.

Why does this happen to like 90% of the successful Kickstarters? Fucking retarded devs need to calm the hell down. There's nothing wrong with having a limited scope that leads to a focused product. Bigger is not automatically better. God knows AAA vidya is proof of that. Indie/AA devs need to be better than that.

sounds like they finally realized they stopped making what people actually gave them money for and are reevaluating what they're doing, hopefully now they will make an actually good game this time

Creative people tend to be shit at following through and focus.
A small minority of people who are creative and willing to work can muster self-restraint and control to keep to their goals and finish their work.

>21,625 backers pledged $1,350,700 to help bring this project to life.

>21,625 backers pledged $1,350,700 to help bring this project to life.

>21,625 backers pledged $1,350,700 to help bring this project to life.

>21,625 backers pledged $1,350,700 to help bring this project to life.

i personally have no faith in either the SS1 Remake, SS3, or Underworld: Ascendant, i highly doubt they'll be as groundbreaking and innovative as their predecessors were, and i highly doubt that the teams developing them still have a knack for proper game design, that isn't filled with arrows and step-by-step instructions telling what to do and where to go.

I'm trying to run a company myself and it is literally wrangling creatives and engineers that makes me pull my hair out.
>hey what if instead of doing this on the smartphone we all have in our pockets let's design a custom HUD that clips on the user's glasses
>What if we use (Fancy technique nobody in the office knows) to do it instead
All real things at serious meetings.


work is boring as shit but r&d is fun

All this pledge money and they cant afford one project lead or manager to keep their heads on track and out of the clouds? Or even a piece of paper or white board to wright their goals down on

if you ever wondered what the fuck producers and project leads actually do: that's what they do. keeping the retards in check from straying too far away from the concept and budget.

No refunds

they're not creative, they're just idiots

Well that's one less thing in my wishlist, I guess. Scorn probably isn't gonna make it either but at the very least Agony should release, right?

The more people give the more people expect. The more that people get the more they expect.

Fun is great, but when we are on a limited budget with a deadline I don't want our lead engineer spending three weeks learning cutting edge display technologies when we are working on making a phone accessory. He can do that at home.

No, the managers are.

>tfw you didn't fell for the kickstarter meme
I can count the amount of good kickstarter games with one hand.

>never support a kickstarter
>still get to play the few games that actually make it

And people complain about idea guys.

i guarantee you that he spends time at work while, "waiting for X to do Y" plotting on how to make inaho kaizuka's robotic eye
might as well file for bankruptcy now

We've already had this thread yesterday, shill.

I don't think you know what a shill is. Also, post link please