Was he right?

Was he right?

Other urls found in this thread:


for the most part yes. Id say 80%


No. DS2 was a mediocre disappointment that only sold because of brand recognition and misleading advertising

>that 8 hour response to that video that literally destroys every one of Hbomberguy's points

he makes a lot of wrong points and clearly didn't play the game at a high level to point out the mechanical improvements DS2 has over 1/3.

DS2 is still the best game for multiplayer

I'll never watch that video no matter how many times you shill it.

But I played DaS2 relatively recently (SOFTS version) and while it has flaws absolutely everywhere and lacks the "vision" of its predecessors, it's still a pretty enjoyable game. And it's sure as shit more optimized than DeS/DaS/BB.

youtube.com/watch?v=RzKasf4_x34 Mauler btfoed hbombercuck so hard, he had to call in HIDF to strawman and mock Mauler.

which one

Dark Souls 2 was okay but I REALLY hated how they forced invasions when you weren't human. It was good in the rest of the games where it was a semi risk-reward system where you could opt in and also summon other players for coop, but without that plus their fucking horrendously laggy netcode was a mistake.


To an extent.
2 is the weakest in the series, while containing design choices that are both better and far worse than the other entries.
He got too defensive about it though, and praised too much while not focusing enough on the things that were actually good, and bloating the entire video

Its actually 10 hours.

Not really. He made such a big deal out of MM's video, claiming he was gonna btfo of it, but if you watch both back to back he only really comments on 20% of MM's vid.

His take on the story was pretty good though

Go form your own opinions faggots

>finally decided to try and watch this
>entire healing section is "I don't think being hit while trying to heal is fun"
Does he make better points later on, I'd rather not waste an hour listening to someone use fun as to why they like or dislike everything

dark souls 2 is kinda like FF8, there is some decent content there, that some people enjoy, but its bogged down by some stupid bullshit, so it ends up being polarizing.

Personally I think some of the stupid shit in dark souls 2 bogs it down a little TOO much for my tastes.

the one thing that guy has done well is capitalising on the "hbomb hurt my fee-fees audience".

>made critical 10 hour response without adhominems and strawman
>hbomberguy and his fans: "lol tl;dr you fucking right wing gamer"


why wasn't he right user?

DS2 is a good a game and people who shit on it are definitely either shit or overreacting but that video was complete and utter garbage.

>instead of explaining the logic behind the decisions behind DS2 he spends most of the time shitting on another e-celeb youtube faggot.

Why would anyone approve of such autism?

No, he's just a retard like matthewmatosis is.


ds2 may be the weakest souls game mechanically but godamn its the one i always replay. Drangleic is so much fun.

It can't be the weakest if you replay it constantly.

Than you have shit taste tbqh

I replay it because of the world. Mechanically ds3 and BB are the best since those are the ones I enjoy the most while in combat.

I only replay 2 so much because Drangleic is comfy and makes me feel good.

Maybe, I guess drangleic has this old school vibe that makes me like it over the others.

No, most of his points were "other person made a mistake, so DS2 is great lmao"

>any other game defense: lol git gud, game is great
>DaS2: lol git gud, game is great

git gud at arguing lmao

>"it's shit and nonsensical but that's why it's good and because I said so"

So just like all the other games.

The game can be great or even the best Souls game (it's not) and the faggot's arguments can still be shit. This thread isn't asking if DS2 is good, but if the faglord's argument for why it's good was correct.

I don't think I was ever invaded while hollow. I know it could happen, but it's the difference between running around all fleshed out and being invaded frequently and "invasions off" in my experience. Maybe it's different with a smaller player base, where a larger proportion of players are pvp invaders than just odd people trying to progress. I figure that is exactly why invasions function the way they do - so there would always be fresh meat... even if it wasn't that fresh.

I never expected a grammatical analysis in a youtube video about an autistic guy talking about a videogame. The worst part is that it was well thought out.

I wish DS 2 was better.
That game has so many unique well thought spells and weapons that are all ruined by a few terrible design choices.

I'd be a happy man if they just gave us content from 2 in a game like 3.

What's your fav build?

forgot image

Either pure INT or INT/FTH depending on the games viability for the latter.

>you will never pull off the Artorias build
Feels bad man

>try an Artorias build in DaS3
>that fucking grind for the shield

DSII is alright. The PvP was real fun and probably the best in the series.

posting soybombercuck should be a bannable offense

fpwp as ne