Games should costs 120$

Games should costs 120$

Todays games are much better, needs much more work hours than games from the last decade, 60 is simply not enough to pay for these experiences.

Games on PC should cost more to pay for zhe damages piracy causes.

i'm glad i'm finally too old to remember who she is

hey you can charge what you want to, nothing's stopping publishers from jacking up the price

they won't do it though, because the launch numbers would be dog shit

games cost 120 in my country which is why everyone pirates everything. STFU because you dont understand simple economics 80 IQ americuck

Noone cares about shitholes


>Amerimutt education at work
El goblino...


Fuck off brazil, games should be 240 for what you fucks contribute to gaming, almost as bad as russia

>people care about america

You dont care about economics either so why bring it up son?

>le hue maymay

there are more than 3 countries in the world my simple friend

sure. Let's allow EA and Ubisoft to sell their unfinished games for 129.99+tax and then more 30 bucks for DLC
In the meantime you have indies made with less than 1 million dollars that are way better
Even fucking Falcom games are better than any Ubisoft/EA/Bethesda trash

>Assumes anyone who doesn't pay over 100 for a game is American
>there are more than 3 countries in the world my simple friend
You gotta choose one

>prices too high
>nobody buys them
Wow, great economic Op you cocksucker

sorry I just assumed someone that ie either so ignorant and or stupid must of had an american education. My apologise

and here we see rare vidya gaems jew who tries to justify overpricing his bad gameplay propaganda pieces

They also sell far far more. It balances out.

In addition it's the studios fault that games cost so much to make now because they fostered the graphics whore culture.

I think it's either April Lavine or Avril Lavine

Avril Lavrigne

Advil Lasagna

She used to be so hot.

Maybe you should focus more on making a good game instead of putting 70% of the budget into marketing of your shallow AAA p2p game

i-is this shopped?

I know what I am having for dinner.

>Todays games are much better

wtf that dick is worse than mine