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What boss? If it's the lava zone, you have my condolences, the bosses there suck.
Yep, that boss is fucking garbage, the entire zone is probably the lowest point in the game.
Can't really suggest much other than hit it in the head with the wind spell, can't remember if there's much else to it.
It gets worse. Buckle up
Found it quite easy comparably to other bosses and it just stood there throwing fireballs with all tiles turned for 2 mins. Dragon was the hardest imo.
become proficient
just do the jump dive down attack when it comes out of the holes i also ended up fighting that boss low level and it was easy with that strat
Ice cunt is manageable right up until he starts spamming grabs
the only thing shitty about this boss was the HORRIFIC fucking audio levels
I swear that thing has a partial blind spot in the upper left corner, hardly ever caught me with any of his attacks.
What's going in this thread, I wonder?
OP, did you pick up the new sword in that area before fighting him? It can help.
i just beat the bullet hell boss down in the mine, where do i go now? the mayor told to head to the mountain but there's a high jump i can't reach. also will i have to revisit the lave/ruin zone later?
How do I wven damage the last boss
Him and Dark Fact are so cheap.
Dark Fact isn't even that bad, at least the fight is fast enough that it doesn't get too obnoxious, Vagullion is just cheap and can drag each attempt out for fucking ages with his RNG bullshit.
Fire spell, it's the only thing that can hurt him for most of the fight.
Hop on the ice platforms when he throws them at you, float up and then shoot him with the charged fire spell.
Have fun with the later stages.
And now to trigger some PTSD.
Unless you go for low level runs the game is a breeze.
Maybe if you're playing on normal.