Looking for something to keep me busy for a month or so. Is this worth $40? I noticed it was on sale for 10% off and it got me curious. I have the first one but haven't played through it. Would it be necessary or is it just an entirely new story?
Looking for something to keep me busy for a month or so. Is this worth $40...
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just keep playing act 1 over and over again you have fun
Same. I need something to sink hours into.
Yeah, it's great. I played through it co-op with my brother. Quite difficult at the start, but soon enough you learn what's good and what isn't.
Entirely new story, everything that's happened before doesn't matter one jot.
I know steam reviews are a bit of joke, but the people who actually put some effort into their writing genuinely seem to praise it for all aspects of the game
I picked it up myself so no one is allowed to say anything bad about it
I would have said yes before, but now... Combat is a major problem. The difficulty is inconstant and out of nowhere can be straight up bullshit. ALL fights, be it with common street thugs or wild animals, end up with the entire screen on fire. Some times the enemies don't have to play by the same rules you do or abuse crowd-control abilities and AOE that seem to go straight through your armor. also the game gets more and more rushed the further you go.
Glad you did it my nigger.
DOS: II suffered from a great wave of falseflaging and shitposting back in the release, all due to a joke between Obsibros and LarianBros.
But you know, new ppl wanted to fit in and started repeating the same shit all over again.
>Is this worth $40?
>Divinity:Original Sin 2
Yes. Buy it on GOG.
It's telling that the vast majority of people who have this game do not have any achivements that go past the halfway mark. The game starts sort of fun with interesting concepts then never delivers on them. The plot is disjointed and kind of boring even when it makes sense, and the combat is awful due to lack of forethought in to balance. It just becomes a chore so people stop playing.
Then don't think to wonder WHY they stopped and never picked it up again. Starting the cycle once more when they recommend it to someone else.
You sound like a shitter. Git Good and stop crying like a little bitch.
I'm not crying. I just just lost interest and uninstalled.
Probably favourite rpg of recent memory
First run was over 100hrs as well and it didnt even cost as much as a AAA game
>waaaaah why canĀ“t i win with barrel stack now?''??11 dis gaem is so baaaaaad
Gtfo nigger.
It's an amazing game. First one is not necessary for the story. Grab a friend and play locally if you can.
This + The game is kind of boring with 4 player, far too easy, it just make the game more boring it feels like following someone else adventure with no real team works during combat.
>mfw got POE and DOS2 on launch
>only just reached act 2 on both games
>STILL tempted to restart with new builds
I'll never finish either game.
Yes, the amount of content and replayability the game has is insane
You get this feeling because the game completely collapses as of the midgame. At the latest. Same reason people restart Skyrim over and over after playing 2 hours on one character. There's no substance past the beginning. Promises reveal themselves as empty, but your memory of the fun and mystery of the harsh start tricks you in to trying again. Cause maybe it'll be different this time despite nothing having changed.
Nah, in my case it's more of "I want to try something different" more than anything else.
If I have 2 mages (Lohse and RP) and an archer (Ifan), what would a good class be for the main character? Would a physical damage class be better to evenly split the damage types?
This, pretty much all the floors tiles lead to combusting into flames one way or another. I think its hilarious honestly.
IF what you were already on was any fun, you wouldn't keep wondering if something else were better. Literally the same cycle as Skyrim.
>I am doing X and it was great.. for a while.. but what if Y is REALLY GOOD/FUN? Better restart just to be sure...
If your sense of value existed for your current build, you wouldn't trade it in for hours of gameplay you'd already completed.
Part of my problem was finding my playstyle, IMO get 1 point in thievery on at least two characters and steal every book possible and give them a try to find a build you like.
I personally restarted about 3 times (and did so in the first game) before I found something that fit my playstyle.
I never played with a friend but after I beat the game I wanted to, its a pretty good thing.
I have not beating DOS 2 yet but my daughter was born recently so I havent gotten around to it as much. It's nice to play since you can stop at any time.
Eh, I do this with plenty of games, I do it even more with CRPGs because of the sheer amount of options.
Even with Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights and stuff I kept restarting with a different build at first to see what I enjoyed the most. Same with KOTOR and 2 and Dragon Age Origins.
>Eh, I do this with plenty of games
And it's the same issue every time. You could play a game that compels you to complete it. Instead you buy games that could have literally no assets or coding for anything past the first few hours and you'd never know the difference.
Nigger I eventually get around to completing them, you are looking way too much into this.
That's what everyone says.
I beat NWN and KOTOR and the BG games years ago. I beat DOS as a Knight. I'm halfway done with PoE as a Cipher and going through DoS2 as a Polymorph.
You are making a mountain out of a molehill.
>Buy it on GOG
Might as well pirate it instead.
>what would a good class be for the main character? Would a physical damage class be better to evenly split the damage types?
Honestly, no a magic class would be better, with ifan throwing out rock spells. Armor fucks over split damage less by being a cc absorber, because once it's gone, you can chain cc everything into stasis, but by being an inflated hp value you have to get through before you can start doing actual damage. Can a split party work fine, sure, but fights are going to take longer when someone has more magic armor than physical, and your mages are just twiddling their thumbs, and vice versa with physical fighters while the other is dealing real hp damage.
Would a 4-mage party be better than? I'm concerned about how the party would be late game.
You can respec after act 1 so don't worry about classes. But really if you want a split damage party, go for it. The game won't punish you for it, and there are split party team comps that have beaten the game on the hardest difficulty. Play which ever seem to be the most fun for you.
Sounds good, I'll stick with 2 physical damage/ 2 magic damage then.
This is completely fine. If you're having trouble removing magic armor on your physical guys, consider the chloroform skill from scoundrel, or elemental arrows on your ranger. Mages can use necromancy to take care of physical armor, too, or summon physical incarnates or bone widows.
44 days...
Any party composition can clear the game on any difficulty, because the game is easy. You do not need to minmax at all, because there's enough broken shit in the game to carry you.
Kek, what a waste of good writing.
Yes, RTwP aka the best combat system for squad tactics games that completely BTFOs TB out of the water when it comes to tactical depth potential.
Can we talk about how goddamn hot the female lizards are and the criminal lack of porn of them? That hip sway when they run just makes me diamonds.
What's the best personal story?
>how goddamn hot the female lizards
They are fucking lizards, bro.
If you are going to pirate something pirate the Steam version. It is the inferior version to buy so you might as well pirate it.
>It is the inferior version to buy so you might as well pirate it.
That's really ironic coming from a potatocultist buying inferior products on their dogshit "service" not even the devs give a fuck about.
>Shadwen's level editor is Steam-exclusive. The developer mentioned that they have no plans to change this, as they have linked the sharing with the Steam workshop feature.
>A patch was supposed to add 4 Player co-op support and additional fixes. gog user Irenicus73 e-mailed the developers about this update, and got this reply back: "chances are the GoG version won't be getting the patch. cheers chrisM"
>No multiplayer in the DRM-free build. At least they're upfront about it and explicitly mention that on the game page.
>The DRM free version of Ironclad Tactics Deluxe Edition is single-player only.
>The GOG version has no online multiplayer, while a version sold somewhere else does.
>While currently up-to date, updates and the DLC took forever to show up here. Doesn't offer the music as a downloadable extra (paid or no). Emails to the devs regarding this issue were met with a "ask GOG if you want a refund" reply.
>The GOG version has not changed since April 2015 and is missing the May 2015, June 2015 and September 2015 updates available on Steam.
>The GOG version of Lovely Planet doesn't feature leaderboards. Email I got from the developer calls it "inferior".
>Missing daily challenges (Grargar) and leaderboards
And many, many more such cases in the link above, lmao.
What are you, gay?
the first one is better and if you don't like it i doubt you'll like the shittier copypaste of it called d:os2
Gaben you fat fuck. Your shitty store should die alongside with your fat self. Die faggot DIE!!!
*destroys your graphics card*
Dropped the game right there.
Yes, and?
This was the fight that reminded me to clean my PC. Haven't done it for two years and the temps immediately went down by 15 degrees
I was much more mad about braindead retard who was running at hellfire like it's a fucking meadow. Spent half of a battle saving his pathetic life.
It also makes the fight against the Sallow Man and his minions a fucking joke on any difficulty. Just bring up some lava from the nearby pit before or during the fight, doesn't really matter as long as one party member with the skill can see the lava, and either drop it directly on him or teleport him and all the other minions into it for instant kills.
>that fucking gait
Console port when?
i played this fight my reading the minimap while scrolling my screen to a corner without fire. Then when it's my turn, i did it fast then roll back again
Fuck off kiddinity-kun
>set up most of my team by the quarter master up on the hill
>barricade tiny path up with objects
>teleport everyone else from the start fight to the hill as well
>even made sure to bodyblock the NPC in a tent with one of my warriors who wasnt going to do much anyways
>snipe the enemies with magic and arrows until they're all dead
>friend says I should buy the game so that we can play together
>I buy game and install
>he drops off the face of the earth the next day
At least I've been having ok fun with it singleplayer so far and just got out of the fort