Easy games to platinum

I'll start.


unirconically this desu senpai

Tekken 7

7.2% is ridiculously high.

>no lengthy monologue
Not entirely convinced you're him

Sleeping Dogs is 15.8% platinum rate


I think the worst part of this meme is that 10 days is a perfectly reasonable amount of time to plat

>Easy games to platinum
>guide reader
>had to savescum for endings
>still took 10 days
OP is PATHETIC faggot!

The Ratchet & Clank reboot.

Project Diva Future Tone DX (the physical version; completely different trophy set than Future Tone) has an easy-ass platinum. Took me three hours.

Nier auto

This is how platinums should be. You just have to complete all of the meaningful content.


That trophy shop was pretty good.

Tekken 7, its the only platinum i have on PS4 kek


Hell, all the Ratchet & Clank games. The only "difficult" one is getting a million bolts in the first game because new game+ bolt multipliers wasn't a thing yet

>tfw there will never be a trophy patch for tools of destruction and it will forever be an incomplete trophy collection

You can savescum the endings? Shieet woulda saved me some more hours.

Celeste. Just cheat it with Baby Mode

You can copy your save file to a flash drive, do one ending, copy the file back to the PS4, do the other ending, etc.

I'm surprised ToD never got ported to the PS4 yet.
If the remake was so successful despite the movie being shit, then would they not try to port the PS2 and PS3 games onto the PS4?

Maybe with the success of shadow of the colossus they'll do it

But the bigger question is, will they break the ToD and ACiT like how Idol Games fucked up the first 4 games during porting?

Far Cry 3 is easy.

bloodborne and tekken 7 are my only platinums

>no ps+
>would have several plats if it wasnt for mp trophies

Infamous 1,2, and Second Son. Basically any tech demo-ish games. That's coming from someone that love that franchise.