What's our expectations?

What's our expectations?

Other urls found in this thread:


"3 out of 5" - IGN
"5/10" - GameSpot
"It sucked like a Jewish nigger" - Pewdiepie

Spider bits a guy and the latter gets superpowers.

It's bad since it's a PS4 exclusive.

Arkham Batman - Daylight edition

who's the spiderman in this game?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Some nigger.


It is very hard to completely ruin Spider Man. Even the bad games are just mediocre low budget slog nit outright offensive.

Walking simulator: Web edition

And lots of QTEs and cinematic "gameplay"

The fucker was shot out of principe.

Oh interesting.

A game that will fail to top Spiderman 2 the movie the game for the consoles, Ultimate Spiderman or even Spiderman Web of Shadows.

I'm cautiously excited.
It's been forever since last good full fledged SM game released.
I don't expect it to be the second coming of capeshit christ, but at the very least I expect some fun web slinging around NY.

And fuck do I hope Mr. Negative isn't the only main villain.


Infamous with spiderwebs

How would spidey recharge?

Well the majority of what Insomniac has put out has been good (aside from Fuze) so I'm hopeful for it.
Dunno if it'll be amazing,not all that impressed with what they're shown so far,but I'm sure it'll be decent enough at least.

By going back to his house or calling his buddy to refill his web cartridges

Benox Amazing Spider-Man with better production values and a shitty story because Slott is writing the game. Also all extra costumes are DLC Microtransactions instead of earnable, there's no cameos from other Marvel heroes like other games and Marvel will have murdered Insomniac's creativity for a basic Arkham clone because Marvel is too obsessed with controlling their properties over making a good game.

>There will never be a boss fight as cool as Symbiote Wolverine in Web Of Shadows or Deadpool in Shattered Dimensions

They've already confirmed there will be multiple costumes in game.
Dunno how many or if they'll be worth a shit,and they'll probably do some shit like a pre order bonus costume,but at least it's something.

>exclusive Spider-Man game
>not by Sucker Punch

How could they fuck this up

It was actually rumored not long before the game was announced that Sucker Punch was working on it.
Turns out they're working on that samurai game though.

>We'll get Miles as MC
>Alternative costumes will be paid DLC/ lootboxes
>nu-GOW style ""gamepleay""

My expectations are extremely low.

Completely forgot about the samurai/ninja one, I can live without a good SM if it means I can have my Tenchu fix.

Also I wish we could have a curaizy supaidaman game