Seriously though, TESVI when?
Seriously though, TESVI when?
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Should be Hammerfell.
that Toad Howard guy said it will take like a hundred years
might as well forget about Elder Scrolls
Summerset Isle. Accept no substitute
Hopefully never.
In like 5 years, unironically
Theyre rereleasing skyrim a billion times to cover costs of the new engine
Its going to be a shitfest
Let's talk about Skyrim first.
user, did you buy Skyrim the elder scrolls ?
>Wanting Bethesda touching TES after Fallout 4
cmon son
this meme of hating on elder scrolls confuses me
do some people genuinely just hate fun?
Why don't they use another engine? Unreal engine or something?
I get that their engine is a dated pile of ass, but I just don't see how the guys who built it, the guys who programmed Skyrim and Fallout, are going to have the skill to make something better. Fucking modders are out there writing better scripts for their shit ass pile of poopy ass. I have zero confidence in their ability to deliver something truly great. I can't even go to a settlement in Fallout 4 without dudes spawning on a roof of a house and a cow sticking his head through the wall. I mean Jesus Christ
I just pirated it :D
user, I didn't hear you right. Please pick up the phone and let's talk about this .
not for another 5 years at least. maybe toddy boy will finally upgrade the fucking engine to something that isn’t a pile of shit, but it will take a long time.
Bethesda is going to release a new game that isn't Fallout or Elder Scrolls before starting production on another Elder Scrolls game. Todd said so himself, and considering he never fucking lies, ever, you simply just have to wait.
I can't wait for three skills and zero stats.
Do you not understand that the people who designed the engine for Oldrim and Skyrim Special edition used two different revisions of that engine, it's seriously like comparing Unreal 3 to 4.
You upgrade engine for use, the reason Bethesda use the GameByroEngine because it allows a lot of flexibility for customization.
Revision 5 of GameByroEngine will probably come with low level API support for DX12.1 feature level and Vulkan API support, as for when it'll release I think 2024 is the date I've got in my mind based on rumors, they're working on a bunch of projects at the moment which are at the same scale as Elder Scrolls but are different IP's but they're taking precedent before Elder Scrolls. So dependant on launch cycles I think it's best to assume that Elder Scrolls 6 won't be here anytime soon.
Oh boy can't wait to see the down grades.
>3 weapon types, onehanded twohanded and ranged
>3 magic schools, destruction restoration and illusion
>strength stat is a catchall for combat and heavy crafting
>dexterity is a catchall for stealth and light crafting
>intelligence is a magic catchall
>more retcons and bullshit "lore"
Really? I actually think it might be even more limited. Probably no skills, no stats, and no leveling. A completely equipment-based system to encourage (force) crafting and/or DLC sales. I'd also be surprised if you got open character creation and not something like Fallout 4.
Morrowind will always be one of my favorite games. Skyrim is unironically a good time waste that you can try to make better via mods, but it's still far beneath the huge praise it gets.
>Seriously though, TESVI when?
In interviews they've said that they were going to work on dev tech, then two new IPs, then the next Elder Scrolls. So that's at least ten years. Elder Scrolls is basically a dead series.
I've never understood the praise for Morrowind, I had nostalgia goggles for that game as well, but then I went back and tried it and I was instantly reminded of all the things as a kid I hated about the game. Missing an enemy because your skills were too low in a weapon proficiency, cliff racers ganging up and following you everywhere, getting awoken by a rat or kwama forager only to destroy them in a single hit to just go back to resting.
The ambience in morrowind is completely fucked as well, it's meant to add to atmosphere but sometimes it takes me out of the immersion because the sounds are just way too loud comparable to everything else.
Eh I kinda think that's bulltshit. It'll be out by 2020.
Hammerfell already has 5 games with it featured. Valenwood is probably the best choice for it.
Doubtful dude, you'd be right if Bethesda pretty much punched it and just slammed out a new IP from here on out year after year, perhaps we get starfield this year at E3 and then whatever their next IP is in 2019 then that may turn out to be true.
>nostalgia goggles
I don't think anyone ever said that this game is perfect, fuck it, I even prefer skyrims real time combat to this weird first-person dice-based combat. But these are small things compared to the world, atmosphere, writing yes, I take encyclopedia npcs over the shallow lines voiced by the same three guys magic fuckery and customization options.
Did you mean
>TES VI: Argonia
>The 3 Attributes, Health, Stamina, and Magicka, are now automatically derived from your skill levels in the Warrior, Thief, and Mage aligned skills.
>There are now 12 Skills, with the removal of Alteration, Pickpocket, & Block. Light Armor & Heavy Armor are combined into Armor, Conjuration & Destruction are combined into Offensive Magic, and One-Handed & Two-Handed are combined into Melee.
>Tempering removed; all equipment now created through crafting mini-game.
All races now have the same stats & starting skills. The previous racial powers can be obtained in-game by selecting a "Specialization" from certain trainers in cities. Bosmer & Altmer combined into "Old Elves," Nords, Bretons, & Imperials combined into "Northmen," Orcs removed.
>All dialogue choices involve choosing between 4 options: "Yes," "No," "Maybe?," and "Yeah, sure!" All choices are interchangeable and advance dialogue equally. All NPC settlements have between 1 & 3 buildings, aside from several main cities which have up to 6 buildings. There is one male & one female voice actor for each race.
>Fast traveling can now be done to any location on the map, regardless of whether the location has been previously visited. In addition, viewing a Quest in your Journal gives you the option of fast traveling directly to the next objective for that quest, wherever it may be. Fetch quests removed; all quest objectives now involve combat.
>There are now only 3 factions, the Dark Brotherhood & Thieves Guild combined into the Shadows Guild. All 3 guilds (Shadows, Fighters, & Mages) are housed in different wings of a single large building, the Guildoffices Complex. Each guild has a 3-quest questline to become the leader.
>Lore: The 8 Divines combined into 3 Divines, and the 17 major Daedric Princes combined into 5 Daedric Princes. Each race depicted as either inherently evil or good for simplicity (E.G. Dark Elves are evil, Old Elves are good).
Valenwood and Elsweyr
Beth was never good at making fallout games
Skyrim came out when I was in 8th grade and was my first RPG.
No offense I also like old games I tried Morrowind once but today after almost 7 years I can't play Skyrim anymore it's boring.
I wan't another game from Bethesda something new no more TES or FO.
should be both Hammerfell and High Rock in their entirety.
Has two Khajiit on the teaser image.
>not Elsewyr
>Skyrim came out when I was in 8th grade and was my first RPG
witcherfags. just ignore them.
>Skyrim came out when I was in 8th grade and was my first RPG.
what the fuck am i still doing on this site
Oh yeah and thats why they made the series more relevant than they had ever been before. Beth fallouts are better than your archaic, low budget trash.
Throw in Blackmarsh and make the game all of south Tamriel.
It's even politically topical or some shit, with all the most oppressed races living down there.
>trying this hard to start shit
I know you're not really that plebby, user. Let's just be friends instead.
What's the problem? before Skyrim everything was COD or Halo. It changed my mind about gaming.
You're exaggerating. I'm not a kid anymore. It was almost 7 years ago.
I think that would make it too big.
Id rather take a smaller map with a lot of content, than a big map full of nothing
i unironically believe that the series should go back to the procedurally-generated world from Daggerfall and Arena that includes the entire Tamriel, while paying attention to overworld content.
It was little over six years ago. That's not almost seven.
But hey, welcome to Sup Forums
Yeah sure.
I'm just interested in seeing what Beth's move will be after the respective receptions of Fallout 4 and Breath of the Wild.
Dude he has a point, they tried to do Fallout again the archaic version of it. It's on steam it's called "Wasteland" guess what..? Barely anyone, cared or played it. So all these fucking people talking about how Fallout 1 or 2 is the shit are hypocrites.
Based on what they've said so far. Not until 2022 at the earliest.
I think they will try to milk the ES cash cow some more.
I mean it worked for Fallout. Fallout 4 was shit but it sold like crazy.
Same here Skyrim came out when I was a kid and it was the best game ever. Nos I’m 20 and I can finally see how boring it is... Bethesda magic no longer works on me.
I won't allow your negative vision to become reality.
>no more TES
What's wrong with you? It's probably one of the most established fantasy settings with excellent lore. Why would you not want more of that?
I agree that the gameplay isn't exactly top notch but that can be forgiven as long as they keep the engine and gameplay customizable
>talking about popularity as any measure of quality
You must not have been here very long. Also, Wasteland is not Fallout. At all.
Sh~ut the fuck up.
It's always the game AFTER the shit game that has to take the fall.
TES is of course still in the clear, so, they can still fuck it up and sell boatloads at least once.
Personally, I considered Oblivion the fuck-up, and didn't even buy Skyrim.
That's not what they said. They said the tech wasn't there yet, not that they were going to put their own team on that tech (doesn't work that way anyway, none of the people who actually make the games would have skills that translate to engine programming, that would be a different team entirely).
The other thing they said is that they have 2 large games to make before the next TES game, both of which they are working on right now that are at different levels of development.
Expect the first of these games this year (announced at E3, released in Q3 or Q4). Then the second in either 2020 or 2021, followed by TES 6 in 2022, 2023 or 2024.
So it's closer to 6 years than 10 but still a long way off.
Todd hate us dude.
Bethesda need to create another franchise. That's my point. I mean leave TES behind for some years or find another studio with another point of view of the franchise.
Also they need to leave their ancient engine behind.
The Elder Scrolls series is Bethesda's (and Todd's) baby. They would never give it the same treatment as Fallout.
I want this if there will be functioning piracy mechanic in illiac bay
I dont know dude. I think if they produced another Fallout it would still bring in a fuckton of money.
dont think they really give a fuck. they will destroy a franchise for money.
TES is their engine debut series honestly.
Every TES game displays whatever their newest engine iteration is first.
So TES 6 will be the first game running on their 'NEW' engine that they're apparently working on now. With the two new IPs they're making in the interim serving to tide people over until they've finished making said new engine (since this time they know they can't get away with bolting more random shit onto the Gamebryo Engine it's taking a lot longer now that they have to actually make a legitimately new engine).
>I mean leave TES behind for some years
its been 6. tesvi might not come out until its been 10 years since skyrim. theyre doing exactly what youre saying
Bethesda probably won't be competent enough to implement it but it sounds like a fun idea
just wait for the 2 dialog options
>tfw Bethesda will never release the source code for Daggerfall and Arena because they lost it
>tfw we'll never get some comfy 2d sprite mods
How can you lose a video game?
What exactly is fun about elder scrolls?
they lost source code.
>Tod decides to switch engine
You mean never then
>Lore: The 8 Divines
Um excuse me
Well, ROM-hacks are a thing.
That's essentially reverse-engineering of compiled code.
Not saying this is easy though, which is likely why it's mostly done with 8-bit and 16-bit games of
>TES is their engine debut series honestly.
I always thought this was cool.
Todd & Co. are big fans of what Richard Garriott did with Ultima, where each numbered game really was a completely rewritten engine.
Turned out Todd was the last divine himself. He exists outside of the games now.
I would be very surprised if it wasn't Skyrim 2: the Skyrimming.
Yeah, people said that about the last two games as well.
"They won't NOT use the most popular part of the title again!"
But each game was more successful than the last.
even if they do it, they won't be able to top Witcher 3, it will be just an embarrassment for Bethesda
Bethesda Jank isn't going to cut it anymore. 2017 was a landmark year for open world games in terms of exploration, graphics and storytelling. TESVI will be as dead as TES:O is they don't adapt.
>they won't be able to top Witcher 3
why da fuck do you set the wither as a measurement?
elder scrolls and the witcher are two different pair of shoes
I unironically would be down with dark brohood and thieves guild combining, as long as its done well.
>An over emphasis on isolation for DB, an aggressive anti-TG offensive by law enforcement, and a constant competition for recruits of similar skills has lead the two guilds into an uneasy merger to try and remain afloat
>Some members remain nonlethal, some don't care about the stealing, being in it more for their patron
>Some combine the two, executing a target and ransacking their target in one go
>Player can choose to focus on one path or the other, or the middle route
>Each option has some shared and some unique missions; the player will have to choose which mission they want to do out of a choice, while other members take the unchosen missions
>Rewards vary between the missions
>There is infighting in the combo guild, over beliefs, traditions and even particular missions
>There is an option to join the guard and help root out the new guild once and for all, becoming a sleeper/inside man might be possible as well, provided your stealth and/or illusion can pull it off
I think it could be pretty cool if they put effort into it. Which they wont, of course
i consider Skyrim to be a better game than Witcher Senses 3.
>TESVI comes out
>it's still running Gamebryo
What will you do?
what's wrong with Gamebryo parrot?
It's limited in what they can do with it. Why do you think Skyrim only barely adds any features on top of what you already saw in Oblivion? Sure it's fine if you want the next game to just be Skyrim with fancier graphics, but if you want them them progress from there they need to move on from Gamebryo.
It's really inefficient.
I seriously hope if there's one thing Bethesda takes from TW3, it's the seamless world. If some slavs can make Velen and Novigrad witout a single loading screen anywhere, Bethesda would embarrass themselves by not doing the same.
with all that nigger pandering currently I'm almost sure it's gonna be hammerfell
Skyrim does far more than the Witcher or any knockoff open world game ever could.
Skyrimjob killed TES figuratively and literally.
Irrelevant. Do you want them to produce a better gaming experience or stagnate and keep cranking out Oblivion with new regions and slightly updated graphics?
>Best selling game in a franchise kills it
What are some examples of this happening?
Resident Evil 4
World of warcraft
>killed means "I don't like it anymore"
Oh, that one's harsh.
why yes, I bought
Skyrim LE (Original +DLC)
Skyrim SE (the remaster)
Skyrim Switch
Skyrim VR
>Not talking about the Witcher 3
>Brings up the Witcher 3 anyways
Absolutely seething lmfao
It killed itself and with that any hope of other Warcraft games.
Did you enjoy your original preorder bonuses?
Yes that is all i have ever wanted. I was sure there would be a new vegas equivalent for skyrim. But it never came.
I feel a little bad for the people at Blizzard who still give a fuck.
With the lukewarm reception of StarCraft 2, and WoW players being more interested in vanilla servers than any new games, they have no reason to serve the world more of their brand of RTS.
>They'll eventually rename TESO as TESVI just to shut people up