Which vidya has the best love story?

Which vidya has the best love story?

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Final Fantasy _IX_

Fahrenheit. At least. The only i ever gave a shit about

I don't think is the best but i like it very much even if it doesn't involves you directly and it's the one in Dark Arisen.

The one in Trails in the Sky is pretty slow burning, so you can't really help but care a bit if you're stuck with them for 70 hours

Saya no Uta

Does Dark Arisen have a better story than the base game? I still have a save of justh aving beaten Grigori lying around somewhere, haven't even done post-game yet
Just to be clear, I'm not saying the story in the main game is terrible but it's just written so weirdly
>meet queen once
>she says you need to come talk to her to discuss how her husband is getting fucking crazy
>lol fuck that you're apparently having an affair now

Mass Effect

What the hell do you even reply to this?

"Wanna fuck?"

It reveals more about the main story and the system of dragons and the arisen and there are bits and pieces to be found that explain why the islands exists and why it is what it is so yeah i would say it's better.

the right one doesn't need to ask if he wants to fuck


I had a dream about her today. I cut all contact with her two fucking years ago, why does she still live in my head rent fucking free?

You don't, you run as fast as possible and cut all contact with that psycho.

The Last of Us


Also: Huniepop

Don't worry user, it gets much worse at the eight year mark

>The right one doesn't ask, YOU have to be willing to assert yourself and potentially cop a rape charge based on my arbitrary whims :^)
>As the ultimate goal, now with added autonomy, I decide everything.
You think this is a joke, but it's not. This is the unconscious thought process of many a woman. For a healthy society, you either need to aggressively promote the idea that women aren't shit, or you need to subjugate them.

Ar tonelico 2 was neat
And oh, ff8
And rune factory 3 because why not
.hack//g.u., but this one pretty complex


most of them make me cringe but i kinda like that they are bad.. i guess braid was pretty good

max payne
shovel knight

aight bye

it takes 2 to tango and if bitch wants prince charming let her become a crazy cat lady


FFXI Wings of the Goddess
Katawa Shoujo
Sonic 06

relationships take effort leave and bang her sis and best friends before she comes to her senses


jerk off on her picture

Please tell me this is a joke.

Silent Hill 2 unironically

I think outside of some of the weird Japanese games, the best actual love stories I've seen in games were so far:
>Planescape Torment

Super Paper Mario

You tell he to grow up and run away.

Came here to post this.



Why do girls say shit like this?
>I love you
>You just think you love me
It's the same thing bitch.

realistically this is the only correct answer without sounding salty


Seriously, girl said something like that to me just few weeks ago.
>no user, you don't like me, you only like the idea of me

>fish is named ghoti

>Why do girls say shit like this?
Because they hate themselves 99% of the time and can't except that a male is interested in them for something beyond sex.

I mean she's not wrong.

She is. Thinking that there's a person out there for you who you would be perfect with with no effort or compromise on either side is a fantasy. Good relationships are good because the people involved compromise for each other and work together to make it so. There are no soulmates in life unless you redefine the term soulmate altogether.

>Thinking that there's a person out there for you who you would be perfect with with no effort or compromise on either side is a fantasy.
Sounds like Sup Forums's line of thinking t b h

because girls generally have higher emotional intelligence than virgins like you

Nah, they read stupid shit on facebook and tumblr and instagram and then parrot it like it's some kind of incredible lost wisdom direct from Buddha himself.

>emotional intelligence

"Well I just dodged a bullet".

Anyone man or woman, who believes that sort of romance-fantasy shit isn't mature enough to have a meaningful relationship and will tear you down with their unrealistic expectations and childishness.

desperate guys thinking they love a girl when they just like the idea of a girl is pretty common and guys dont even realize they're doing it

this, us "roasties" are far more intellygent emotionally than those R9K permavirgins

You move on like an adult.

>someone rejected me, they must be a psycho

No you're just a fucking loser. Also he's the one begging for her attention when she's clearly wanting rid of him.


Pretty much, dated someone like that and while it's all fun and games when everything is fine, as soon as there is some problem in the relationship they mentality is that "Welp, I guess we aren't right for each other".

For anyone interested, and I know you cucks are, try watching 500 days of summer. It's basically an entire movie revolving around the concept of the "ideal girl" that many guys fantasize about.

Reality is quite harsh.

tits or gtfo roastie

More like, women have an idealised paperback novel concept of what love is and can't recognize what love looks like in a real relationship, ergo they go through life convinced that their current man doesn't truly love them and they need to find their one true love.

You get the fuck out, then you do everything you can to destroy her life.

Guess what the physical manifestation of the idea of a girl is Plato

The game is the one where Ryuuji gets Taiga pregnant, right?