>waaahhh the combat is too hard
>waaaahhhh the archery is too hard
>waaaahhh lockpicking is too hard
>waahhhh why aren't traders there 24/7
>waaahhhh it's hard to get money
>waaahhhh there isn't always a marker telling me exactly where to go
Ultimate pleb filter
>the combat is too shit
>the archery is too shit
>lockpicking is too shit
>why aren't content updates being made
>it's not fun to get money
>there isn't any explanation for where anything is
I love daddies cummies
Game is fun, what more do you want?
>tfw weekend Kingdom Come marathon
Replace “hard” with “awful, broken, unenjoyable, clunky” then you’re right
Go back to assassins creed button mashing faggots, git gud
Imagine being such a pleb you can't even experience how great this game is because it's "too hard", top kek
I don't know about archery, but combat was easy but too clunky and it took too long to kill anyone.
Should I wait two weeks for the bug patch or start now ?
Combat is fine, dude. It only takes a while to kill guys in full plate, which makes sense.
The game could use a better enemy stamina system, so you can wail on them until they get exhausted and then stab them through the eyeholes with a dagger, but it's not a big deal.
You might get a crash or two in 50 hours.
One thing that I found particularly funny, is that overall I experienced far FEWER bugs than I did in a Bethesda game. Considering the massive difference in budget and team size, I find that fucking hilarious.
>hit a dood 20 times with sword till he's dead
>he won't die, and if you want to kill him you have to chase him down, wasting even more time
>1 hit can fuck one of your limbs
it's just more tedious skyrim
Then it is decided.
only got one bug so far in 20 hours and it was fixed with the codex update 3
The combat is fundamentally broken.
Try fighting anyone without locking onto them, it trivializes the entire game because of how poorly designed the combat is.
the archery is pretty realistic, just aim higher and more to the right than your instinct tells you
same shit with irl archery for non manlet not left handed people
are you playing on a console? because I tried that and you can't avoid auto locking onto an enemy you're fighting for long enough to do damage
Enemies literally can't block/dodge if you are not locked onto them.
How is that not fundamental broken?
>cheese the combat by doing something unintended
>wow this game is easy
Because it's very hard not to lock onto enemies unless you're doing it on purpose to cheese?
>thread is only about mechanics
>in comes the liberal shitposters to ruin all discussion yet again
Press the unlock button and look at the ground in front of an enemy then spam overhead swings.
liberals are insane.
There's literally, fucking LITERALLY, a button in the controls that releases the lock on on an enemy during combat
How is pressing that button unintentional design?
Do you people actually play and enjoy video games? I've lurked in the threads over the past few days on this game and everyone is just really bitter and cynical, even the people defending it.
This is something I will never get. This game kinda goes back to mechanics from older RPG games.
People were okay with older games being the way they were but why is it now that when new games that want to go back in time in their gameplay, setting and story people become upset? Why not just jump in with an open mind and learn as it's intended?
Simply mind-boggling.
>>There's literally, fucking LITERALLY, a button in the controls that releases the lock on on an enemy during combat
Are you fucking stupid? It's also the SPRINT button, guess what it's for? Disengaging and running the fuck away.
Note that even if you hold the button, if your cursor gets too close to the enemy, you'll auto-lock again. It's pretty blatantly cheese to fight someone while not even looking at them, faggot.
Hey guys serious question i ran into a poacher and beat his ass unconcious. Theres an option to carry him so i figured i can take him to prison. I am town guard now but not sure theres no guides.
Also Im actually having alot of fun with this game stop with the fucking whineing cause you cant expect a blacksmiths son to be a knight with out training first. You can actually get trained how to parry and dodge and learn archery from not knowing how to getting alot better.
This game is something else i dont give a shit about politics and sjw ass hurt the immersion and music and country side is comfy as fuck.
The story is progressing alot better than skyrim in my opiniong.
If it's this easy to "cheese", then it's badly designed.
buy the game, this isn't ea they need the money. I bought it after playing 10 hours, pirated saves work fine
You're purposefully abusing something that was unintended. It's not badly designed, you're just a faggot who can't git gud.
Do you also spend games sitting on top of tall objects where enemies can't hit you? Games have limitations, it's one thing to abuse them, it's another to cry about the game because it let you ruin the game for yourself.
>It's also the SPRINT button
No it's not, what the fuck are you talking about.
They are separate keybinds, by default sprint is SHIFT and release lock on is middle mouse button.
Look guys the Combats easy if your trained and time the chain links right. Once youve done the prolouge ignore the miller uncle guy and go straight to see Lord razdig he will make you a squire and you will get some training and free armour. I tried to do the grave robber mission 3 times and got my ass beat you need to get trained to survive even a basic fight.
>waaaahhh lockpicking is too hard
It actually is. Historically speaking, it was pretty easy to pick any lock until the mid 1700s, due to the fact that most were single action pin tumbler style mechanisms that didn't require a specific lift to unlatch. Even the best locks of the period were susceptible to brute forcing, too, because there was so little variation in tumbler designs that a man with a ring of blanks could open practically anything.
Never mind i carried the Poacher back to town and the town gaurd arrested me for murder/kidnapping i guess. There wasnt even an option to say i caught this criminal.
It's not like attempting to free-aim is a bizarre, unthinkable concept. That the game buckles and becomes trivial when you do it shows a lack of foresight from the devs.
Beause the people who complain about it weren't born when Gothic was released.
Yeah combat is so fucking tedious and boring. There is nothing "rea" about it and I hate the dumb fucks mending about that as it’s selling point.
>Andigrog smash tribism and shaminarchy
Amen. I'm not sure if it's just a lot of trolls because I usually don't frequent Sup Forums but this game is amazing. If they iron out the bugs, fix the clipping clothes and maybe figure out a way to make it run a little better this is definitely and unironically one of the best games of the last 15 years.
I found the combat too simple desu.
The game went downhill after I had to escape from the castle. The lock picks cost the clothes off my back, and to top it off, the mini game is complete shit and can break your lockpick almost instantly. Everything is also locked in this game. The houses are full of nothing but pretzels and carrots.
I wasted about an hour going through houses just to find nothing.
Do you know there are other ways to escape, retard?
Yeah the trolls need to understand if this is a new company's first game its only gonna get better from here. My pic looks like the fucking shire imagine a LOTR's game. Or more historically correct games like a Samurai game in the Edo period. Or an Anglo/French king henry game.The game developers need and deserve support. God bless.
Mount and blade combat is simpleton tier
Shitters BTFO
Yeah. Look at all of those sane humans on Sup Forums.
You're the reason people like me can go 53/0 on full servers.
Yeah no shit. I could've just jumped out from the bridge. Doesn't change the fact that the houses are full of nothing and the lockpicking is trash.
Talk to the Lady, steal armour, ride out the front gate on a horse like a boss.
Does anyone know if the ps4 version runs at least okay? I have a pro
>houses are full of nothing
accurate for the game's setting
>lockpicking is trash
more like you're trash from what you've told
Level 4 here, I have around 2k Groschen, two sets of gear (for sneaking and speaking), 8 bottles of schnapps and a trunk of yet unsold weapons I've stolen from the armory.
Game is a lot of fun, stealth and stealing is broken op though
Stop stealing you degenerate nigger. Henry is a good christian boy. May the Lord have mercy on your soul.
This game really exposed the (((gaming journalists))) as the lazy bums they are. Don't review a game if you have only played 4 hours of it.
>mfw the only annoying bug i've had was the "game saved" text being stuck so I had to reboot the game
>no crashes or anything like it
>smooth 90fps despite outdated pc
it's honestly pathetic that bethesda games are as shit as they are
The nonstop shilling for the game kept me from preordering because it just looked too good to be true. So I waited, watched streams, and saw for myself that it's a pretty mediocre experience riddled with bugs and Warhorse felt like that was an acceptable thing to sell to their customers for $60.
Glad I didn't spend money on it.
>Fail grave robber
That was fucking ez
hello todd
Combat is too easy desu
Who were you fighting, outside of full plate armor, that took 20 hits to kill?
For the love of christ this is getting autistic. Why is every motherfucker and their family blatantly shitposting Kingdom Come? And I don't mean shitposting that it's good or bad just shitposting in general. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Nobody even talks about the actual fucking game just the same vague stock phrases and 3 webms over and over and over while everyone bitches and bitches.
The first time i dug the grave found no ring and was walking back to the mill fell down a bank got fucked up and bleed out while crawling to get help.
The 2nd i Actually got my ass beat down by the hangman after i failed to picklock his house.
Add in wondering around trying to figure out where the fuck i was after the prolouge i probs lost 3 or more hours and was starting to get worried i had just bought a game that was shilled a bit to hard. I guess these days we are spoilt for games i got 100+ in my library and just havent clocked shit in ages. I had a break skipped that mission and now shits rolling along pretty good.
Main dev participating in some twitter war was a mistake. You won't get any discussion whatsoever now, ever.
No. It's just that the majority of people into vidya consists of normies nowadays.
Sup Forums is just a shit board. There are always a few people talking about quests or wifus or the general comfiness of the game but most people just want to be epic memesters on Sup Forums.
Best RPG I've played in years, unironically
30 hours in so far, not even close to done. I'm walking a ton because the world is so easy to immerse yourself in.
Feels damn good to be the target audience for once. I just wish they didn't buy into the quest tracker meme, the npc dialogue is more than enough to figure out what you're supposed to do without tracking.
>Feels damn good to be the target audience for once
You got that right lad, it feels good. Last time I felt something like that was with PoE. Obsidian knew how to make Infinity engine nostalgia fags feel at home.
The way concoles turned gaming into casual bullshit was really never as apparent as now that people discuss Kingdom Come Deliverance. Normies can't wrap their head around the fact people like the way a game FEELS. Because you never feel anything playing AssCreed or some retarded multiplayer shooter.
It's sad that you can feel the weight of consoles holding this game down. Another year in development and it might have been good.
I'll never understand why people jump through hoops to defend this buggy mess, but if any other game has small bugs they are slammed. I used to laugh at the idea of Sup Forums shills as being a conspiracy theory, but it's really makin me think.
Combat isn't hard at all. Just too fuckingh clunky to function normally. The combos you learn from the perks works only like half the time. Fighting multiple enemies is completely fucking retarded since target switch is broken.
Lockpicking is pretty hard but with a few perks it gets easier imo. Speech checks are also a little broken.
If they fix these and the bugs the game would be really great. I think the writing and the quest are pretty great.
Dev said things on twitter, therefore game is based. Hopefully patches and mods will make it actually decent soon.
Or maybe Sup Forums isn't composed of one single person creating millions of posts?
I don't really complain about bugs in games at all as long as they're not gamebreaking or too common, as long as the game itself is good enough to make up for it which usually doesn't take much for me.
It's almost as if there is a difference between a bad game with bugs and a good game with bugs.
Yeah, it's pretty good. It's not even Eurojank, aside from the sketchy secondary voice acting. Little too Elder Scrollsy for me to love it, though.
It's honestly this.
Hard to get money? Just steal dead peoples clothes and sell it.
>2 threads with le pleb filter meme
I'm just going to assume the same fag who shills this game is still the samefag shilling this game.
t. Gaming Journalist
Sup Forumstards deranged enough to think like that don't post about the actual game, though. They just post about how le btfo their boogeyman is.
The game is great, it's just not for everyone. If you just play it to fuck around in a video game and kill a couple hours I can imagine it's fucking trash.
Runs decent enough for me on my pro,the initialloading screen/video is kinda long though.
As someone who has never heard of this game before it came out I can assure you the only time twitter is brought up is when someone claims righties love teh dev because of his tweets. There are never any actual BASED posters in any of the threads. You are arguing against something in your head friend.
I really wanted to like this game but I'm getting random bounties over my head whenever I go to sleep and I didnt even stole anything. First time I went to jail because I had no money and after spending 5 days in prison cell my character was still "wanted criminal"
>kill someone in the middle of the fukin woods
>go into town
>immediatly arrested
Wtf man, no one even saw anything this is dumb.
This desu. Just filter and move on.
I punched him until he submitted,selected 'keep fighting' & the son of a bitch changed out of his pajamas into full gear & whipped out a bigass sword & one shotted me. Fucker.
>dev is so based because he btfo sjws xD
>game is shit because no niggers
Why do americans always have to bring politics into game discussions? Do they think anyone in europe cares about their stupid culture war?
post horses
here is my speed fiend trojan
Why is the horse on top of a dress wearing rock?
I had a funny bounty bug too. I trained with the captain who teaches you combat stuff for free and after we were finished he immediately drew his sword and told me to stop attacking people in the city. 200 groschen for a free combat practice.
>run around with a sword so blunt that it might as well be a metal rod
>wahhhhh why doesn't he DIE
Today the game will peak big time, it might reach 100,000 peak. Passing Witcher 3
did you wash the blood off?
Maybe pick the right weapon for the situation?
I carry a bow, a warhammer and a sword.
I apply the warhammer to armor, I apply the sword to unarmored peasants. Were you trying to kill someone clad head to toe in steel with a dinky sword or something? Keep in mind not all plate armor shows, brigandine and similar types of plate armor looks like padded cloth with weird studs to historylets.
He for sure didnt, bitch probably didnt evenhave a change of clothes
How did you get that much FPS? Mine seems to chug whatever I do. Should I just give up and run on low rez textures?
jesus christ you guys are bad, he has a low speech skill, you can easily persuade him to leave the area and then you lockpick his house/chest.
i run everything on low