Never played Half-Life even though I've played 2 and Episodes, should I play the original or Black Mesa...

Never played Half-Life even though I've played 2 and Episodes, should I play the original or Black Mesa? I already know the Source port should be avoided. If Black Mesa, I figured I could play through and watch Xen on youtube.

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play the original


Whats wrong with Black Mesa?



no xen

Besides that though is it better than the original? I'm fine with watching xen on youtube

Not really. Play Black Mesa once you've beaten the original. Black Mesa is more of a remix on the original game.

While Black Mesa is great, it's not the full game.

I loved the first game and i played it a year ago. The movement speed, diversity of guns and exploration of the complex is just great.

I don't know if they've fixed it since, but in an early release of Black Mesa the AI had no reaction time and was far more accurate than in the original.

play the original idiot
black mesa is a completely different thing and isn't finished anyway

>2 tries
>still didnt post the best track

its a shame they play it after you picked up the chargable gun. But you can only get it after you already killed the dudes. So you have a cool new weapon and the best song playing with nothing to shoot

most of the time

The original. Black Mesa is a nice in its own right, but it's not a substitute for Half-Life.

>I already know the Source port should be avoided.
I don't know about anyone else but I liked it. My only complaint is that it doesn't have the HD content. That and bodies don't gib like they do in the original.

its not finished yet, and they do heavily change the layout of certain levels so you should absolutely play the original and then pick u p black mesa when its finished because the tiny bit of xen they've shown looks amazing

Besides being currently incomplete, nothing is outright "wrong" with it. It's a fine game. It's just that it doesn't really capture the gamefeel of the original: The art direction is different (it's not just a matter of "graphics", the weapons/enemies feel different, the player movement feels different, the level designs are different (most notably, Black Mesa completely guts out On a Rail).

Honestly I don't see the point of even arguing over this. Just play both. Pirate them if you must.

>Black Mesa completely guts out On a Rail
This is arguably a good thing.

>started replaying half-life 1 for the first time in ages
>people have the gall to complain about the pistol and smg in HL2
I don't remember the weapons sucking this much.

Use the pistol to headshot at longer ranges, and use the MP5 at close range.

Glad someone says this. Half-Life pistol/SMG/shotgun all suck.

The only good thing about HL1 was that it was moddable.
The core game sucks hard.
The cinematic approach that sacrifices gameplay and action for storytelling making the game a nightmare to replay, the horrible peekaboo gunplay, bullet-sponge hitscan combat with clairvoyant enemies, gimmick bosses make it a massive step in the wrong direction from other mid and late 90s FPS games, and it paved way for more and more horrible FPS games where it was more important to restrict players freedom as much as possible, railroad and force them into following the story and scripted events, than to allow people to have fun just shooting at things.

>improves the art style
>improves the gunplay
>guts the worst chapter in the game
What's not to like?

pistol is fine, great for long range early fights since enemies have shit long range accuracy
MP5 is fine, its meant as a backup weapon, it gets plenty of ammo to spray down some simple low tier aliens
shotgun is fine, use alt fire at short range to oneshot kill enemies
They are meant as ammo preservation weapons while you save explosives and nuclear weapons for grunts and the like

>guts the worst chapter in the game
Yeah, not having Xen is a major improvement, I agree.

How did you guys play Black Mesa? I'm thinking on getting it from Steam store.

I think you're confusing HL1 with HL2.
Besides, the original poster stated he played through HL2 and its episodes, so he clearly has no problem with railroading.

With a mouse and keyboard

Play the original. Goldsrc had a slick arcade feeling to it.
Blackmesa has that gimped HL2 feeling that CS:GO finally stripped.

Play cocky and enjoy yourself without modern games' hand holding mechanics.

Other user here, what has you think those are improvements? I never played it because when it was released I was in college learning to model and animate and the stuff released was worse than my classmates' art so I dodged it.

Dang, you must be like 43.

Play through the original with Sup Forums in sven co-op

>Other user here
I've noticed this back-and-forth game of "who's who" has become really common on Sup Forums. Seems like half the reply chain slapfights turn into "who is >>#######, I am not >>********, you are not the other user".
If you're going to have these flamewars go between posters and not between posts, why not just adopt some names and avoid all this confusion?

You assume arguing on Sup Forums is done by smart people

>should I play the original or Black Mesa? I
And no, not the shitty and buggy Source -port, but THE original.

And no you dumb fuck, you do not watch GAMES on Youtube.

-Not finished
-Cuts tons of material
-free mod turned into paid Early Access trash that's never ever coming out

It is not.

Once you've played both you'll realize what a ridiculous question this was. You're asking whether you should avoid the original critically acclaimed thing and enjoy a piece of amateur fanfiction of it instead.

Original, Black Mesa butchers the levels and has terrible AI.

Black Mesa isn't finished yet. Even if it was, I would still say to play the original first so that you can better appreciate all of the effort & details that went into Black Mesa.

it also guts Office which was one of the best levels in Half-Life

The original is better. Definitely a memorable experience.

He already said he's avoiding the source port you blind retard

What everyone says - Black Mesa is very good but you've got to give the original a try.

HL1 pistol is better than HL2 pistol and HL1 SMG is actually a grenade launcher.

Shotgun is much better in 2, yes.

B-hopping in HL1 is so easy and fun. It’s a shame if you don’t experience it.

Play the original first. Then check out Black mesa.
But yeah the source port is a pile of shit. They tried to port hl2 gunplay to hl1 and it doesn't work.

Why was the ability to turn off the laser guidance not on the half Life 2 rocket launcher. I hope they fix it in episode three. Or maybe they should wait for half Life three to fix it.

Because they turned it from a regular weapon into a setpiece bossfight weapon (except for that one Episode 1 section, sort of).

you have two choice:

1)play the original CD relase if you want the best vanilla experience (whit no HD models, origina song in all 3 expansions)

2) buy the steam version only if you enjoy SP CO-OP mods (keep in mind the steam version is broken as hell there are no expansion songs, you cant play whit direct 3d render because now is only OPGL)

Skip the original, replay the sequel if you are in a mood for a good game.

Half-Life is much better than HL2

Not at all. 2 has some of the most diverse levels in video games while almost every chapter in 1 is exactly the same.

>much better AI
>no lengthy exposition scenes that overstay their welcome
>no vehicle sections so early in the game they fuck up the pacing
>the gauss gun and the other nuclear weapon are much better than HL2's weapons

Yeah HL is much better. Also no the levels are quite difference, are you going to say Over a Rail is similar to Office Complex?

>2 has some of the most diverse levels in video games
You don't play much video games, I see.