Switch Pirated Games Coming Soon™


>video doesn't even show anything
>OP browses r/piracy
oh look more faggotry

>Too pleb to know what the video is about

>pirating from the only company who cares about gaming
Nah, fuck off. I hope they get sued.

>cfw on a modern system
enjoy getting banned

Nintendo shills can fuck off back to ResetEra

Kys for even knowing what that is

I like that one nig that has the Kirby avatar constantly saying

"No big deal, nothing to see, Nintendo has best security, switch is locked down, this is nvidias fault" EVERY FUCKING switch hack thread.

>even 3DSes are getting banned every single day for something as minor as forgetting spotpass on
>the Switch box out right says Nintendo will brick your Switch if they detect any unauthorized software running on it
Unless you want to use the Switch as an offline singleplayer machine I would not recommend attempting to hack it.

T. proud pirate fag with 3 hacked 3DSes.

Heh I get faster and better answers for my questions there than I do here (if at all here)

kys tbqh

>I hope they get sued
Won't happen. Nintendo can threaten legal action and they still won't stop. It's literally impossible to stop them.

Portable n64 is worth it

>"No big deal, nothing to see, Nintendo has best security, switch is locked down
I don't know how anyone believes this after the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U. Nintendo cannot into security.

>offline singleplayer machine
Given there hasn't been a console game worth playing online in years, how is this a bad thing? Enjoy paying for online, chump.

Great, I can't wait to play, uh...

the nig has pride, he made some unfortunate jabs at sony for a ps4 hack, now his ass puckers everytime there is a switch hack thread on resetera. its really topkek

some people have pointed it out and he gets flustered and denies the switch is about to be broken wide open

If you think it's worth it then hey go for it. Just be sure to never connect it online.

I refuse to buy 720p 20fps hardware even if the games are free

Fucking hell that site is a trainwreck of fanboys pretending they're civil. Passive aggressive cunts all over the place.

PS4 hacks when? I'm on current firmware and my dream in life is for pirating to be possible so I can download the one or two games I'm interested in but haven't bought yet.

You can't kill an idea

You're already fucked. It's hacked already.

Has been hacked for years but nobody talks about it because using the PS4 as an offline singleplayer box is a joke.

Or because it's a geniune headache pirating PS4 games if PS3 was any indicator.

I find playing games online against people to be a joke.

>Do not upgrade
>Probably the first version of Switch is hacked a version nobody has
>One post with no source

Amazing post


You are in the minority. Most people buy a PS4 for GAAS type games so pirating and rendering your console unable to access online systems is pointless for them.


I'd probably trust the xecuter team over the sperging dramawhores of reswitched desu.

Calling the things that own a PS4 "people" is pretty dumb.

They're far too stupid for that.

>cares about gaming

No it's not? I literally just put a memory stick into your console and play the ROMs there. That's how I played my PS3 games at least. I could never imagine how much money I've saved from torrenting all those games