How does Morrowind compare to Oblivion? Loved Oblivion and liked Skyrim; should I give Morrowind a shot?

How does Morrowind compare to Oblivion? Loved Oblivion and liked Skyrim; should I give Morrowind a shot?

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Morrowindfriends think Oblivion was a another holocaust and tolerate Skyrim. But they'll never call either a good game.

Yeah definitely. It's great the first time you play it, lots of interesting locations and you get rewarded greatly just for exploring blindly so try not to ruin your experience with guides too much like I did.
Only thing you should know beforehand is that fatigue affects your chance to hit.

Oblivion had the best expansion, was a good game in itself and Skyrim the best mods (doesn't make it a good game) but none of these come close to the story and freedom that Morrowind offers.

How should I go about playing it if I don't have a gaming pc? Do gamestops general carry original Xboxes?

Oblivion was not a good game and by good expansion I hope you're talking about Knights of the Nine because Shivering was shit.

Yes, it's pretty similar just with more reading and combat having dice rolls to determine whether you hit or not. Also no funny physics in that one. But since most people like elder scrolls for the lore and character building rather than the combat, you'd probably enjoy it.

this game will run on a netbook by now dude

Honestly - no, it's great but you won't like it.

I mean I have a laptop but I'd prefer to play it on console.

xbox version is utter shite, you can't patch it too, don't even touch that
Just play it on any toaster you can get your hands on

Okay so how do I get in on a macbook then

>loves Oblivion
>wants to play TES on console
Holy shit, you're a faggot of the highest calibre. Still, you can. You torrent the game and then launch it through OpenMW fan made engine reimplementation.

Most of Sup Forums will tell you yes, but if you played those two FIRST, I'm going to tell you no.

It's going to feel like a downgrade. It's like playing a polished original deus ex.

I know I'm a faggot or whatever but I'm just trying to play the game. Um, english please?

>loved Oblivion

You torrent the game and then launch it through OpenMW fan made engine reimplementation

Yeah and I also hate The Witcher 3.

You sure you didn't reverse those two opinions? Witcher 3 was everything Oblivion was trying to be.

Honestly though I don't know how to torrent it.

Don't ever let anyone tell you there's anything wrong with being a pleb

You can push your ruse to wanting to play on console or having a mac, but with this you've pushed it too far. Make another bait thread in a week and maybe you'll be more successful.

>Hate Witcher
>Hate Elderscrolls
>Hate Fallout

I get it Sup Forums you're a bunch of contrarians and only Nintendo and Zelda can do right by you.

Swear to god brother. I have no idea how to do it. Help me out or I'll go to GameStop tomorrow and buy it on Xbox.

why do you even bother anymore

Because I want to play the mf game.

We only play Morrowind in multiplayer Russian total conversion mods. You're not welcome here.

You're not helping me.

Oblivion looks like a generic RPG compared to Morrowind. I mean, even Suran alone is more original and beautiful than any Cyrodiil city.
Combat is old-fashioned (hit-and-miss) and related to your stamina, so don't worry about missing that cliff racers 10 times at the beginning.

Those are some sick looking adidas trackies.

It's pretty much the inverse of Oblivion in many ways. Oblivion's quests are fantastic, while in comparison Morrowind's are bland and forgettable, at least in terms of writing.
What Morrowind does well however, are the gameplay mechanics, primarily how your choice of skills affects the way you play.
For example, Joe Fighter has to enter a tower to retrieve the mcguffin. Joe Fighter goes through the front door and makes his way up from the bottom to the top, killing and looting his way all the way up to the top.
Dickass McThief meanwhile, may be able to reach one of the higher floors right off the bat, due to his increased acrobatics and speed which allows him to jump higher and farther, skipping a good portion of the dungeon by climbing and essentially bypassing a good portion of the enemies while sneaking his way past the rest.
Then we come to Nott Gandalf the Mage who casts a levitate spell on himself before floating his way to the top of the tower, entering through the balcony before retrieving the item in question.
So, not only is there a lot of variety in gameplay in how you go about accomplishing your objectives and how your character plays in general, but because of the class system you can effectively combine any number of the aforementioned playstyles to improve and compliment one another. So while yes, the game may have a lot of fetch quests, or "go there and kill these guys", you can go about actually doing it anyway you like and there is very little, if any scripted events to come along and ruin your fun. Morrowind is by far the most open in terms of gameplay, immediately after Daggerfall and the further you go in the series, the more simplified gameplay gets until you end up with the bland schlock that is Skyrim.

Fucking piratebay you sperg.
Look for openMW online and follow the instructions included in the download.
>console oblivionbabby
There is still time to fix your pleb ways, but you must hurry

You had better like reading.

>Oblivion's quests are fantastic

The best in the series. If you disagree, then you are wrong.

Maybe if the dialogue and voice acting weren't shit. I just can't take anything in that game seriously. Stuff like Whodunnit leaves me rolling on the floor laughing because all the characters freeze in dialogue and have such potato face expressions. The theoretically great quest is ruined by the game.


It's not supposed to be taken seriously

They are. All dozen or so people remember and rave about as if they represent general quest quality level.

Is Morrowind actually a big game or does it only feel and seem big because of the amount of fucking text that is buried within the game
>t. retard that wants to try and give the game another shot

>is Morrowind a big game
It is now haha

It is large af. Full of little things to find and do. Maybe the weakest part would be the dwemer ruins, which I oftentimes find too small and simple.

>sell for X amount of stolen stuff
>sell for X+100 amount of stolen stuff
>sell for X+200 amount of stolen stuff
>go clear that generic dungeon that has the same layout than the other 50 dungeons you've just cleared

It had some garbage quests, it had some good quests, just like every other TES game. You just think they were awesom because you were 12 when you played it.

Oblivion main quest is lame and boring as fuck.
>hurr durr you need to save the entire world again
>Uriel Septim gives you the Amulet of Kings , a powerful artifact, litteraly 10 minutes into the game
I mean, just look at it :
and something less "linear" and "help that city and that guy etc..."

That sounds like a personal problem. Honestly though, while Oblivion's voice acting is horrendous, Skyrim's isn't much of an improvement. The norn accents are painful to listen to, for example but again this is entirely subjective.
I am referring to what you actually do in these quests, and the context they give you in terms of the areas you go to and for what reason.
In Skyrim, an embarrassingly high amount of quests revolve around going to a tomb filled with draugr, killing them and getting an item.
In Oblivion, even the most basic Fighter's Guild quest (solving someone's rat problem) is more complex in terms of plot.

The game feels larger than it is because of travel limitations. Even that becomes irrelevant once you get a certain skills and gear. I have manage to jump flatfooted from one end of the world to the other with enchanted gear.

Morrowind>Oblivion>Any TES game>Skyrim

>help a group of soldiers close an oblivion gate
>help a group of soldiers close an oblivion gate
>help a group of soldiers close an oblivion gate

Fantastic quests, especially since that's something you don't do often in Oblivion.

>swing weapon at enemy standing right in front of you

>In Oblivion, even the most basic Fighter's Guild quest (solving someone's rat problem) is more complex in terms of plot.
>help a group of soldiers close an oblivion gate
>help a group of soldiers close an oblivion gate
>help a group of soldiers close an oblivion gate

So can I pirate any version of the game and it will still work on my Mac as long as I run it through OpenMW?

The main quest in Oblivion is linear and boring, yes but most of the side quests are fantastic.

Not an argument.

How well do full in stealth builds even work in Morrowind? The system is much less forgiving.

>Not an argument.
We're not having an argument. I'm laughing at your post.

With great difficulty throughout the early levels in my experience. Then again later on you can sneak up on an enemy and steal their weapon quite literally out of their hand without them noticing a thing.

Alright enchantfag, but in terms of actual feel and dimension:
>5 cities
>a dozen of little settlements
>5 distinct landscapes (marsh, ashlands, steppe, azura's coast, red mountain)

You'll need to use travel points to get to points quickly.

Yes, but make sure to download the goty version, which includes both dlcs.

Then you're flat out ignorant and obviously haven't played Oblivion.
There was not a single quest in Skyrim that subverts expectations to anywhere near this degree, if at all.

there's mage guild, boats and silt strider who cover most of interesting places.

Says on the site I ought to block my VPN and IP before I download, how do I do that?

Skyrim's Unseen Visions is the most creative quest in the whole series. It subverts all expectations and involves lore in a way we've never seen before.

Also Mysticism for when you need to make a quick trip back and forth.

It really isn't.

I was playing it earlier today for the first time in a while

I jumped on some uneven terrain outside of Seyda Neen and the game kept bouncing me off the ground until all that accumulated all of that fall damage and instantly killed me

That bug has not been fixed since the game's launch.

Depends on your country and if they are going to fuck you up for downloading games.
In any case you can use Tunnelbear or some other vpn to more or less hide your ip.
Dude, just curious but how old are you?

You're just a pleb, then.

Morrowind's main quest is more creative and involves lore in a much better way, frankly.

Surprise, no official patches never ever.
Download the latest unofficial patch from nexusmods.

Bethesda games have always been buggy.

they're both shit games

Morrowind its bigger and more in depth than both games. If your gonna play get the realism mod. It overhauls the games graphics close to Oblivions i was quite impressed and also balances some stuff out too.

The major is you get all the magic spells a shit ton. They took out flying and jumo magic etc in oblivion which was a major let down for me.But im still a fan and have clocked all 3.

so they think oblivion doesnt exist??

I'm a Morrowfriend and think that Skyrim is a far greater an insult to the series than Oblivion is.

>look at this fag
>holy shit it gets worse

is a game with deep gameplay/RPG mechanics and deep Lore/world details.
is a game with Accessible Gameplay/RPG mechanics and fairly mediocre lore/world details(Except for shivering Isles, that shit is great.)
is a game with Shallow gameplay/RPG mechanics and VERY deep lore/world detail.(Seriously, my bestfriend and I are major Kirkbride nerds and this entire game is betrayed by it's surface. The lore gets deep, esp in Dragonborn.) Mods are recommended, as fixing the fairly shitty gameplay can make this game 9/10

Nigga is Tamriel Rebuilt even that far in

I might be a fag but I share a genuine love for video games. You are alienating me from the community right now and you really should consider that before you say these kinds of things anonymously.

>dragon break of schizo akatosh fixed by ghosts in a realm of oblivion
>dreaming but awake riddle of a god vs an unreliable, possible Nerevarine

Yeah, no. Hermaeus Mora parts were passable but still it was a game shallow as a puddle. If not, explain.

Yes in the sense that the landmass is there. No in the sense that the NPCs and reworked parts are done.

Dude you might be a colossal fag for having a macbook and wanting to play this on console but I respect your determination to play one of the best games out there so I will spoonfeed you
>download deluge
>go to Pirate Bay
>search for Morrowind
>download torrent and open it with deluge
Same goes for any torrent you want to download

Blessings of Stendarr upon ye.

Fucking keked.
Is this your first day on Sup Forums or what.
Also you are showing normie tier levels of casualization, not that thats bad per se but you're in the most rancid vidya community this side of the world, so if you mention morrowind and consoles of course you're going to get told to fuck off.

We gonna be collecting social security before that shits finished

Fuuuck I stopped at antediluvian secrets
Does it install OK or will it rape everything? My Morrowind folder is portable by now what will all the shit I added

Stop posting

>The entire deal with Mirrak

Why is the game so shit when the lore is so real? What is this reverse Dark Souls shit?

Everybody look at this Skyrim apologist. Point and laugh at him

Oblivion has the best side quests, but the main quest is lacking after the excellent introduction.

>a fetchquest DLC was better than one of the greatest expansions ever
I've never seen such bad taste

The first thing that really comes to mind is the Miraak deal. If I call correctly, there's signs pointing to him in vanilla, but it's pretty hidden.

and not even to shit on Oblivion, it's just that alot of the good stuff is tucked away. Like fucking Mankar Camoran. He come off as the evil just to be evil kinda guy, but it goes way deeper with his CHIM fuckery.

It installs fine, but a bit different from how it did years ago. Also turn on the alpha just because it looks good enough imo
Pic related. This is what is "not released" in the TR lingo.

Holy kek, what the fuck

>and the world shall cease to be

So he's trying to achieve some end of kalpa fuckery? He influences sleeping people and we all know the deal with dreams in Tes

Ever played chess against a dark elf n'wah?

OP here. Can't figure out how to get it on my mac so I'm just going to buy it for Xbox.

>tfw have not forgotten enough since last playthrough to play again now

Yeah, we know you're baiting since 80 posts earlier. No need to tell us.