Choose your weapon Sup Forums
Choose your weapon Sup Forums
I would take the Dagger of Extreme faggotry if it was +1 damage mate.
dagger, even if it was half damage
dagger of ludicrous faggotry
i ain't gay, but +1 damage is +1 damage
Better game.
Can I pick a ranged weapon instead?
god I wanna live under another neets bed and suck cock on demand.
You also become 1+ gay, you stupid faggot.
Does this matter, I'm already a faggot.
an extra 1 damage would not be enough warrant taking the fag sword
Purple seems pretty alright.
Red would be pretty good if you're, lets say, a tanky character with a shitload of health.
You can live under my bed but I have a gf. Maybe you could lick the stains when we leave the room?
pick one for fast zombie universe, one for slow (legacy) zombie universe.
Well now your gay stat is 2.
Purple is downright OP. Not only its free CC, but its also free damage for you and your team. Blue is pretty damn great too if there are elemental weaknesses in the game or skills that reduce resistances to negative values.
Depends on the type of game. If it's 5 hits to kill someone, I'll take green. If it's 10-20, probably red, unless I'm exclusively fighting people with the other rings. If it's 20+, yellow.
Multiplayer? Purple for sure.
Laptop. All survival, agricultural, construction knowledge and cuckold anal cleanup pov porn at the click of a button
>a fucking lightsaber
It would solve the need for lots of weapons and allow you to easily make a path into buildings others couldn't. It might not be amazing for fast zombies, since you'd have to have good reflexes for that to work properly, but legacy zombies would easily be cut down.
We've been having this exact same thread for like 10 years. Give it a rest.
Big guy, coming through!
It's a tough call between the lightsaber and the laptop.
Lightsaber is a great tool for cutting through shit like steel or whatever.
On the other hand, there's something to be said for having all of humanity's accumulated knowledge constantly available to you.
I think I'm going to pick the laptop.
I guess the elemental one is if it's a flat addition with the last line.
Zombie detector, likely would already be in a defensible perimeter with supplies.
Sword, I'm not gay bruh
Sword >> Dagger
>pick laptop just so you can one day use "ancient" knowledge and create a religion based around the old world
This is legit the only reason I would do it.
> defense doesn't exist and max hp in game is 84 dmg
Laptop IRL although I would take dog for shit and giggles if it was a game
Choose your armor:
>+20% HP
>Prevents 20% damage
prevents 20% damage is far superior.
>Choose your weapon video games
>some gay sword is worth more than my entire army
The fag dagger, +1 damage and probably swings faster than the sword so even better dps
Straw if it's waterborne.
Lightsaber/Laptop otherwise just because straight utility. Maybe even grapple with a good setup.
Detector, Glasses, Gun, Dog and Bow are good safe choices.
Sack should be infinite space. Mask would be decent if it was true stealth. Key is just worse Lightsaber.
given the lightsaber the key is almost completely useless.
>Key is just worse Lightsaber.
Cut your way into a secure military bunker/fallout shelter leaving a big fucking hole behind you?
Open the lock of a secure bunker and then lock yourself safely inside with no damage to the door?
does the faggot knife have a penis head on the tip asking for a friend
Backpack, laptop or glasses for slow zombie universe. Lightsabre for fast zombie.
Not really. Key is basically the only way you can get a completely secure location. No point cutting into the most high tech panic room in the world if everyone else can also come through the hole.
>Key is basically the only way you can get a completely secure location
Unless someone who chose the lightsaber shows up and forces themselves in.
*Opens up backpack* WHIRRRRRRRRRR
Pretty dependent on the mmo so I'm just going to go with the last one I played.
All of these would be OP as fuck but yellow would definitely be the best since bosses have such stupidly high defense they ignore 97% of all damage typically, being able to do pure damage to bosses would increase your damage more than 30 times over.
Yellow or blue. If yellow I can attack them at an increasingly fast speed occasionally negating armor. But with blue i can just choose what ever element the enemy at hand is weak to and do massive damage and just keep changing it whenever I want.
Ninja mask
Give me the fag dag
>Acquire backpack
>Get in backpack
>Entirely invincible
right dagger, more damage and it will troll all the homophobes and Sup Forums
Red would be awesome in a souls type game where it is possible to take no damage by dodging. It would basically double the base damage of the character if you got gud
Depends on the moveset. If it's pure 21 damage vs 20 damage then the Dagger of Supreme Faggotry - daggers usually have fast combos so it's like 5x21 vs the sword's slower combo of 3x20. Also the DSF has more personality just looking at it. It's a win-win-win.
There's a lot here that depends on additive vs multiplicative, how punishing base healing rates are etc. But based on this alone Yellow is the clear winner. Piercing alone (100%?!) could easily put it on damage par with the others and the attack speed means you're doing that damage 1.5x-2.25x more often.
Fast zombies: grapple gun. Stay out of reach forever (or until I die of dysentery). It's all about risk management.
Slow zombies: AR glasses. The water tube is attractive as hell but fuck it, I can boil water.
Put bucket on shopkeep's head. Take both, wear 40 armor, sell 41 armor to closest Khajit, break game economy forever.
supreme faggotry for unlisted psychological pvp damage
gun is the long term solution for sparse population
if you get set up somewhere safe you could also just pop zombies all day long without worrying about ammo
mask for city/high pop
tablet if I was really, really remote
that's why I said "almost". there are few cases where the key could help but most of them are impractical / too rare anyway, while the lightsaber is also a weapon and a great utility tool.
Lightsaber is the only choice.
Anything is possible. I know a kid who lives with like 5 dudes rent free, but he has to fuck them whenever they want
The glasses, the gun if i have access to a safe place, since you can literally kill every zombie in a small city in about 3 months
Sword of holy justice Im afraid
Good thing I can put all of them on one hand.
>take dagger of supreme faggotry
>transmog sword of holy justice over it
>being so insecure in your sexuality that you won't do the right thing just because it will make you look like a weirdo
dagger of supreme faggotry has a hidden aura effect that radiates faggotry every now and then that only other players can see
they'll know
that's not rent free. he's a male prostitute.
Easily the attack speed. Anyone who picks green is a beta tryhard.
Higher damage always, its even better if you dominate a foe with a gay weapon, they'll be more angry.
How'd you get into the first ordeal and why'd it end?
Still 253 lower than yours, m8
I have autism so I would take the round number.
+50 HP
+5 Damage reduction
how much hp do i have before hand
what is the average damage done by enemys
I get it and I approve.
+5 damage reduction if it's absolutely flat
glasses, it ensures you basically always make the right decisions.
>gets you resources
>avoid zombies
>detect asshole survivors
As of this second, you have ALL of humanity's accumulated knowledge available to you (according to your definition of internet.) What are you using it for?
>+ 1 damage
>Plus the morale effect of having your teammates killed with a faggot sword
What a hard choice
/fa/ over stats so in this case dagger, even if it was at half damage
I have no use for knowing how to grow crops and set up irrigation systems.
But if society collapses I would have.
Red Ring actually let's you heal more when you're in overheal. The higher damage makes up for the lower percentage.
I fucking hate this
> HP up 10%
>Damage reduction
Yellow for DPS, Red for Tanking
Dagger, no time to waste in a speedrun.
Health is always better than defense.
>sword of holy justice
That's more faggoty than the dagger, so dagger it is.
Purple if in a group, yellow if solo.
>there are shitters that will pick green
>they think they're getting 30% crit rate
>they think increase all damage by 50% only goes one way