Vidya Gaem Awards 2017

For scheduled times check the upcoming post.

>what the fuck is ahppening
Vidya Gaem Awards is a Sup Forums-exclusive yearly award show meant to award the best and the worst of vidya. In December Sup Forums had nominations to select possible candidates for potential categories. Then in January anons voted to decide who wins year-relevant categories. All garbage outsider votes have been filtered. The end result is a video award presentation along with community-submitted skits, bumpers and a few other things to finish it off.
The Sup ForumsGAs are a tradition for over 7 years now. Where did the time go, right?

Main show times are these:
Saturday for 2PM PST, 5PM EST, 22:00 GMT, 23:00 CET.
Sunday for 9AM AEDT, 07:00 JST.
For other times check this list:


Other urls found in this thread:

Okay, but where is it being streamed?

I swear to god if Cuphead and its generic jazz beats Nier for best OST

Twitch and YouTube

fuck that was the wrong image

As you can see, there will also be reruns immediately after the show, so if you're late or can't make it in time, you can still potentially enjoy some of it.

Why as always on the main website.

Here are the categories:
Clicking on any of them should still allow you to pick and equip the loot you earned during voting.

I expect either P5 or Nier:A to win best OST, but wouldn't be surprised if Zelda or Cuphead actually wins it.

But what about:

inb4 cel-shaded Ubishit games wins GOTY

Oh, yeah, forgot about SMO. I doubt it though. That's the only song I can remember from the game.

Will there be a preshow?

There is not one, but two pictures in this thread that will answer this question for you.

I swear to fucking God if this godforsaken NintendoGAF board has Zelda beating Nier

Here's the schedule The preshow is included

>over one hour long preshow
The fuck?

But BotW is pretty good.

The preshow includes two music mixes each nearly half an hour long and there also are unused skits.

Thanks op, gonna grab some snacks and see if my votes are good







Oh boy, I can't wait to spend my evening getting shit-faced and watching terrible games win things.

Play the game

>if this godforsaken NintendoGAF board
>Nintendo has never one a single Sup Forumsgas award
Really makes you think

I did. Either way it won't win

Neither game deserves an award. Pretentious weeaboo fapbait is not so much better.

I know it won't win, see But it had some pretty good music, not the best of the year, but pretty good

>>Nintendo has never one a single Sup Forumsgas award
What are you talking about

Souls/Kojima/Platinum games have quite a history of dominating Sup Forumsgas so I could see Nier winning

But they did win a few awards. Bayo 2 won GOTY when it came out. I remember that causing tons of butthurt. Splatoon and Super Mario Maker also won a few awards. I have no doubt in my mind that BOTW will win a few awards as well this year, SMO probably as well.

>>>Nintendo has never one a single Sup Forumsgas award
Another award won by Nintenblow.

>/vr/ award
You have basically proven my point.
>Bayo 2 won GOTY
Platinum Games != Nintendo

Sorry, Nintendo has never one a legitimate non-meme award at the Sup Forumsgas

I'd rather Zelda than Nier and I'm a fucking Sonybro. Nier is complete garbage for pseudo intellectual weebs.

Bayo 2-3 belongs to Nintendo and Sega though.

Platinum is not Nintendo

It's exclusive though.

Desperate soytenbro

I agree, but it's still a Platinum Game

>I am extremely thankful to Nintendo for funding the game, and to Sega for allowing them to use the Bayonetta IP. (9/15)
>All of the rights still belong to Sega and Nintendo. The rights owners decided that the game should be made for Switch. (11/15)

>new IP
>IP twist
Ok user

>if I say it's a meme award then it doesn't count
It's the same as
>if I say console X has no games then it means I'm right
You literally have no arguments to refute him.

I agree with everything you green-texted and linked but it doesn't stop Platinum from being the developer.

If one of these doesn't win...

>if I say it's a meme award then it doesn't count
New IP and IP twist are so subjective and impossible to identify that it's a meaningless award for games that don't win GOTY or any genre award.
They mean LITERALLY nothing

>They mean LITERALLY nothing
They mean something as long as anons vote on them. Your personal lack of appreciation does in no way disqualify the part of the voters who deemed the award important enough.

>They mean something as long as anons vote on them
Right they mean, "I like this game but not enough to win an actual award"
>Your personal lack of appreciation
Nothing to do with the lack of value in these two shitty awards

>that deb of night at the start

Let me quote your original post again.
>>Nintendo has never one a single Sup Forumsgas award


i live in sweden so, it will start 20:00 right?

Based on this preshow starts for you at 21:43, main show at 23:00.

OK I'll amend my post for you
>Nintendo has only ever won two of the most worthless awards ever conceived purely to have more awards that they obviously wouldn't count by anyone with commonsense

>The Reddit Awards

And to be clear I'm not saying this is exclusive to Nintendo, if you're not Valve, FROM, Kojima, Platinum or the Indie of the Month your game has a hard time in general

Best new IP is a very commonly used award given by many sites and publications.

you should go back there

Right, and it fails to bring anything of value their either.
Awards fall onto the power hierarchy of granularity and specialty.
GAME OF THE YEAR, is all encompassing while GAME OF THE YEAR ON PLATFORM is far more finer detail, while BEST OST of the year takes a specialty of the field of gaming and also finds something of value.
"IP" is a marketing issue, and not of value for vidya awards and "twist" isn't sure if it means spin-offs or sequels and makes it hard to discern if it means IMPROVEMENT or DISPLACEMENT from the original mechanics (Super Mario World vs Mario Kart as an example)

good luck for tonight guys, I'll be watching

>Sup Forumsga's

nier and zelda will sweep unfortunately
i hope the skits will be fun at least

literally who cares

More anons voted this year than in 2016, 2015 or 2014 so it seems there's quite a few who still care.

>zelda will sweep
First Sup Forumsgas?

2B's BUTT!!!!!

Previous video game awards (minus meme, indie, one shot or otherwise inconsistent awards)

I know I'm late to make this ""suggestion"", but could you make the nominated vids last longer than 3 seconds? I remember watching a VGA where shit was going so fast you couldn't even tell who the fuck just won

I guess you are entitled to your opinion. We will have to agree to disagree. But in a world of sequels all the time, it is nice to reward people that take a chance on a brand new IP with a category they can win without being crushed by MegaBlockbuster AAA Game 37.

>in a world of sequels all the time, it is nice to reward people that take a chance on a brand new IP with a category
There is absolutely NO guarantee a "new IP" has fresh gameplay or new mechanics or a new genre, I could make a Zelda 1 clone that is identical in all but models and because it's a new IP it would be a nominee.
Fresh mechanics WOULD be a better award but still difficult to define

That was probably 2012. The nominees were presented in the order of least voted to most voted so the winner didn't get as much exposure.

More like people have forgotten about its cringey beginnings and think it's a thing now

Except people "take chances with new IP" all the time, it's just they aren't considered because they aren't large companies rehashing Mario so their "new IP" falls under awards like Best Indie instead. More or less, IP-based awards only exist to throw a bone to nintendo in a year where they don't have a new system that needs an exaggerated show of validation.

I never said a new IP had to break new ground. Let's face it, video games have been around for a while now, it is extremely rare that ANYONE makes a truly creative new idea with a game. Every genre has been done to death by this point. No matter what kind of game you make you will be able to find something that inspired it to some degree.
All "New IP" means is it isn't attached to an already known quantity and is thus free to stand on its own merits as a game.
Most people go into a sequel with a pre-existing idea of what the game will be like and how good it should be. New IPs really only have developer/publisher pedigree to go on... and truly new IPs by indie studios that have never put out a game before often don't have that. It's really only games like the latter that can truly be appreciated for what it is without any preconceived notions on how good it will be.

>More or less, IP-based awards only exist to throw a bone to nintendo in a year where they don't have a new system that needs an exaggerated show of validation

Nintendo's last new IP before Splatoon was Pikmin which came out in 2001. Every notable title they have released between then was a sequel of some sort.

Tomorrow sunday will be good.

>All "New IP" means is it isn't attached to an already known quantity and is thus free to stand on its own merits as a game

>Nintendo's last new IP before Splatoon was Pikmin
Steel Divers was before 2001? Also Wii Sports? What about the others?

No. Fifth or sixth.

Ah well, it's weird you know so little about the awards


We'll see.

Hello, Ratto

>Implying it's surprising
this shit is always "let's watch the flavor of the month win all the awards!"

Oh great can't wait for another year of unfunny normalfags tier memes skits and weebs trash games for virgins to win every category!

Sup Forums is so original and full of surprise!

>hates on weebs
Stop breathing.


Yeah, it's gonna be great!

more of that comic? not the whore, the skellington jokes

>BotW will win all the bad awards
>over Andromeda
Then can we finally bury the Nintendogaf meme?

I'd rather Nier than Zelda and I'm a fucking Nintenbro. Zelda is complete garbage for barely literate kiddies.

NintendoGAF mobilizing itself when it finally has a game or two to show off.

So from the look of this thread it seems it doesn't matter who wins, Nier or Zelda. Someone is going to bitch and not be happy with any of this.

Reddit has raped my Sup Forums.

Nier should win. If BoTW then it means this board is hypocritical as fuck for hating on all those Ubisoft games a while back.

What you have for the shitshow that is this thing is, more often than not, three type of people.
The first are the fanboys that absolutely want their current favorite cumdump to win and who will bitch nonsensically if it doesn't
The second are the haters that can't accept it might win and will bitch nonsensically if it does
The third are a minority of people who are just legitimately mildly interested.

Every fucking years it's the same shit.
Every fucking years nobody is surprised by the results.

That's fuckin adorable

>created by literal Sup Forumstards
>all non-Sup Forums votes get filitered