Well this is fun

well this is fun ..

I wouldn't know I'm waiting for the pc version

>tfw you will never go back to the old games after play this one

The gameplay mechanics are perfect here

I honestly don't want to know shit about any other mh ever again

>The gameplay mechanics are perfect here
fuck off
so many weapons are fucked now

I missed the boat on character creation and need people to tell me how shit my taste is.

A, B, C, or trash it and start from scratch?

Hair, makeup and beard can be swapped at anytime.


just a few more months

I like it, it took me awhile to find what weapons i loved most but now it's pretty good

t. nintendo fag

like what?

If you're dead set on a niggres go with b.


I just got to high rank, is the basic bone armor now better than my old odogaron armor? Should I forge A or B armors? Is some version better than other or is this just different look?

Chargeblade as an example is 100% braindead now.
Thanks to the shield charge staying after you do SEAD the whole gameplay became about that.
And because you can SEAD out of sword mode and out of sword mode guard points you never truly have to go into axemode.
You also dont use EADs anymore because SEADs do so much more damage and there's no downside to them anymore.

You got this whole fucking switch gimmick and dont use half of it. Its terrible. The weapon is mega strong currently because the damage is bonkers, but the actual weapon design is busted and shit currently. It was better in 4U.

And dont let me start with the GS, thats the most depressing one.

Still ugly as fuck.

Most armors are total shit until you get about half way through high rank.

Just gear for defense until you reach HR Odo or something.

Beta armor has more slots but less armorskills. Build whats more useful to you currently.

How about paying attention to the fucking game and what it's explaining to you for a second.

B is better late game when you actually have decorations thanks to the extra deco slots they have. make a armors if the game doesn't give you anything good and they have skills worth using.

I see you are a man of culture as well. I should have removed the makeup.

GS is great the fuck are you talking about?

Dont be mean user, he can make anything he wants!

Why do people complain about OP weapons in am coop game?

How good isnthis game and how does it play? Ive never played a MH game before. Is it similar to dark souls in any way?

Im a soulsborne fan, will I like this?

>talk with an npc in astera
>tells me about how she was paired with another hunter
>said hunter can stop talking about mnster called shageroo
>no fucking clue what the hell is she talking about
>check google
>shageroo redirects me to some furfag twitter and big tits porn

>Monster roars
>Break it's fucking face since I'm unaffected

This is what I've been waiting all game for.

GS shoulder bash is one of my favourite additions.

And he made ugly
Im going to say no and tell you to go back to souls games

Hello, fellow soy consumer

>I should have removed the makeup.
You can


Honestly the speedrun / time attack shit is a meme and not why having OP weapons suck.

The problem with OP weapons is that all of the casuals flock to it for easy kills and ruin the game for themselves.

90% of the tempered hunts I went on after the first week were with 3 other people using bowguns with slicing ammo. Now it's 3 people with bows. After Bow gets nerfed I suspect it will be charge blade.

It just ruins the variety and some of the fun of online hunts.

Based bazel

Please don't bully my hunterfu. She likes bashing the heads in of monsters just like everyone else.
Oh really I'll have to look into that.

Hes a bitter faggot. Adding shoulder tackle to basically add a skill based charge cancel/delay and a guard point-ish mechanic all in one was awesome.
But hes a shitter so he cant appreciate it. And that sentence pretty much sums up all the butthurt contrarian faggots on Sup Forums now that i think of it


I mean, your first problem is relying on strangers for a good time. Need to get some friends

GS is fuckawful right now. Off yourself

You're an idiot and you cant read.

The tackle is really cool and useful.
Thats not what killed the GS though. What killed it is that they backloaded all damage into the true charge, effectively turning the GS into a slow, rooted and clunky combo weapon that doesnt even truly care about charges that much anymore.

Wait a second... that's not the same expression.

am i the only one who despises the melee and prefers the long ranged one's esp.the bow

You're missing out on the best jap shitter SOS encounters though.

Looks like someone confused her for a monster then
Kek and you're autistic

You have made a fine mate for my char.

Why that yellow? Why would you do this?

I actually kind of like the cat, it's neat.

MH needs more people who stick with their first choice through thick and thin. None of this flavor of the month shit.

>tfw I can't ever post my character because she looked fuck awful outside of creation

Patch in plastic surgery NOW, Capcom!

To be fair, Hammer has been godlike and pretty fucking fun to play in every MH game forever.

Some others have been hit or miss, so I understand why people might switch. The Youtube meme builds are cancer though.

Post it you ugly little coot.

Whats good sword and shield upgrade tree?

Later. Once I've got my full Kushala gear.

A lot of people like the Teostra blast S&S.

>Made a male character first so I didn't have to care about how ugly he would be.
>Got to steal other character's sliders/looks and use them as a template when I made my huntress
>Looks great in and out of character creation


Can't go wrong with Nerg for the Raw or Teostra for the Blast. They'll do pretty good against everything, then you can branch to fill out all of the other elements later.

Malady's Tabar or w/e
SnS is fast strikes and mounting. Aim for ailments in groups. and Teostra for fun.

>Playing 2 characters

Limiting yourself to one weapon only is the truest fucking pleb taste. You should be proficient with at least one blunt, slashing and ranged weapon

Stop playing Monster Hunter on systems not manufactured by Nintendo

Not him, but I've done this every game since Tri for the full breadth of Fashion Hunter.

looks like a creepy mannequin face

First character was for finishing the game and maxing everything out

Second character is for my naked challenge playthrough

Will probably make a third just to fuck around in online hunts while I rank up

You mean creepy harlequin face?

Because when you see me on the battlefield you will know exactly who that is.

I have other characters that use other weapons.

>Do Azure Rathalos optional quest
>Game spawns me in the lava room with it
>Cut it's tail within 30 seconds

I feel like Blast is really fucking nice.

Wow that's autistic

First charge move is pretty great at 3rd level still, dumb fag
You're probably don't even know that you should time it right
>t. GS user since Unite

Game's more fun if you have to start from the beginning and work your way up with a weapon. How is it fun to just pick up a weapon for the first time and have the ultimate version of that weapon when you're testing it out? That's like riding a bike for a while and then deciding to pick up a Formula One car.

Please improve my build.

Block - kick - tackle - charge lvl 2 - tackle - true charge
You're just shit if you can't time/position it correctly

Sure, I'd totally love to go back to how you couldn't see the critical distance on ranged weapons.

Or how blocking with a shield would take of sharpness.

Or how you were hardlocked into a single kinsect.

Or how you were hardlocked into upgrades in general.

>join online mission
>I'm the only one buffing people with magic powders
I've yet to see anyone doing anything for the team.

This desu

It's about 1000x easier to pick up and "learn" a weapon when you're absolutely geared to the teeth already

>First charge move is pretty great at 3rd level still
why make shit up? the damage is absolutely pitiful. a SnS user can do more in that time without having to commit to charges.

Game would be easier if you could cheat in it too. The ease isn't important. The fun is.

>fire res
>earplugs lvl2
>tremor lvl1
Is this some kind of joke

Get Earplugs 5.

That's why the game gives you a beginner version of literally every weapon, and you have the ability to either make or buy more.

It's legitimately autistic to restart progress of an entire save to try a new weapon unless you're doing some "One Weapon Only" sort of challenge.

But hey, if it's more fun for you that way, you do you as long as you don't try to impose this on other people

ok why am I supposed to do all this filler shit now to do a basic charge I used to do in the past without all this crap?
what does it add to the game? it only makes the GS useless against fast monsters that move around a lot.

its a gigantic fuckup.

I have a mushroom buff set that I put on before fights if anyone is in camp nearby, but nobody ever does. They just fuck off and don't get buffed.

>Or how blocking with a shield would take of sharpness.
how about you actually go and play the older games before you talk about them

I use powders on people who are getting ass blasted.

I'm not doing a one weapon challenge. I just don't move on to different weapons until I feel like I've mastered my first choice.

Weakness Exploit 3 is mandatory

From there, make three different loadouts:
- One where you trade off some Attack for Earplugs 5
- One where you trade off some Attack for whatever level of Earplugs works for small roars
- One where you max Attack and ignore Earplugs for shit like Kirin that doesn't roar

Also maybe look into getting some points into Focus, but I don't know how good or bad that is for Hammer in MHW.

address the other points besides the bait one that you can literally google to find the answer of.

And all of that falls apart once they add monsters that actually try to attack you.

I was implying that the easiness was a bad thing, which is why I put learn in quotations. Should have been clear. Anybody can pick up a weapon and play it poorly when you take no damage and can tank attacks like a dumbass.

I didn't mean that you should play through the game with one weapon then switch to others, I meant you should never limit yourself to just one option. I ended up using GS, Hammer, Horn, SnS, both lances and SA before finishing LR, and branched out to more options at the start of HR. Sticking to one weapon cause its more fun that way is absolutely fine, ignoring the rest of your arsenal for arbitrary reasons is retarded

earplugs is an all or nothing skill anything below 5 is a waste of time


>merely pretending

This is my first MH and Hammer/SnS are fun as fuck. Gotta gear better before I keep using Lance.

I made the commission set which is like the ultimate team support buffset. Used mushrooms and everything, overpowered as fuck. nobody appreciates you for it though. Theres like fuck all communication in this game. People cant even be bothered to plug in a keyboard, yet they did in monster hunter tri on the fucking wii

>add more, quicker, moves that let you hit the monster multiple times or catch quicker monsters instead of just whiffing entirely
>not good against quicker monsters
>Im literally fucking retarded

Hammer is my main weapon. Not my sole weapon. I just don't move on to the others in actual hunts until I can be reasonably certain they will succeed. And if I cart once using a different weapon I'll have the expertise with my original choice to mop up the mistake.

>why make shit up? the damage is absolutely pitiful
>t. charges at monster's body and legs

I made the commission set which is like the ultimate team support buffset. Used mushrooms and everything with max wide range, overpowered as fuck. nobody appreciates you for it though. Theres like fuck all communication in this game. People cant even be bothered to plug in a keyboard, i miss mh tri

What is "prevents knock back and tripping" specifically?

Does mandragora work with wide range? I never could squeeze 5 levels of wide range into my build, but does mandragora work with lvl5?