I don't want to pay money for video games. What are some good freeware games I can pick up, Sup Forums

I don't want to pay money for video games. What are some good freeware games I can pick up, Sup Forums

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Try out this metroidvania, it's free on gog and has some pretty fun boss battles

You can also pirate the remake and plenty of other games with the right sources

Any idea the average length?

Play SMT Synchronicity Prologue incase you haven't already. It's a pretty fun medroidvania, but a bit short. DL link is in the description.

Around the same as cave story, user

- AM2R: Metroid 2 Remake. Download it via torrent on reddit.com/r/AM2R/

- Nitronic Rush: This is a survival driving game (IMO one of the best freeware videogames). nitronic-rush.com/

0 A.D.
An open-source RTS game like Age of Empires

Battle of Wesnoth
Turn-based strategy game kind of like Fire Emblem (with much less story) that has a pretty good sized modding community

Tales of Maj'Eyal
Really good Rogue like where the full base game is free, but you can pay to unlock some extras and expansions. Good sized modding community as well.

Free Orion
Still in beta, but a 4X game based on Masters of Orion

Super Mario War
Fun multiplayer game based on Mario with many different game mods

Another fun mutiplayer game, but based on Worms this time.

Great arena shooter, unfortunately doesn't have the largest userbase.

Path of Exile
Not sure if this meets the definition of "freeware" but the full game is free. It's an ARPG like Diablo with some fairly interesting twists.


Nitronic rush reminded me of the game Perspective; made by the same group.
GREAT puzzle game where switching the angle you look at your character changes the room layout. It's hard to explain.

I dont want to pay money for whores. That's why I only go for OP's mom.

>open in notepad
Doesn't Sup Forums have a filter for that?

Warzone 2100 (wasn't originally freeware, not sure what happened but it is now)
Battle for Wesnoth

Also abandonware in general but you'll have to do some digging yourself to find the good ones there. I'll say check out Stronghold (the DOS one) and Anvil of Dawn to get you started though

Within A Deep Forest

SC2 is all you need

Quest for Glory is the shit

And BW's free as well

It also has a filter against mobile posters and look how well it works.

Cho Ren Sha 68k

Meteor 2


The proof for how good 4chans filters are working is that I'm posting from a phone right now

Red Rogue.


literally all of them

About how far in does cave story become a metroidvania? Played around the first hour or something (just entered bushland so what's it called) and don't really feel that exploration type of vibe, more like a linear side scroller

Am I the only one here who played this?

>Dildo Tank
what's that?

Russian Roulette with a fully loaded AK-47

Anything from Locomalito games.

Anything by ABA Games or pic related.

It's in-between a linear sidescroller and a metroidvania. A pretty fun game if you ask me, I recommend sticking with it.

Is mostly linear but every area becomes more open to explaration later, and you are also capable of backtracking to previous areas and find secrets.

translation: im Brazilian and my machine cant run anything post 2004 so whats free

Don't know if that's what I'm looking for since the first part of the game didn't really hook me.

If the game didn´t hook you up by the time you are in the sand zone I don´t think you are going to like the rest.

Battle for Wesnoth
Flash DROD

This is like a pajeet post on /biz/, it's so carelessly crafted in an attempt to appeal to people here
You could replace the top left panel of that image with literally anything

They look like the fake games you would find inside a game and that usually look too fun to exist, I love it.


what makes this aesthetic cool?

Anything retro, with emulation and a good pc you can play tons of games from the earliest console to probably the 3DS or the Wii U

The promise of a great adventure while at the same time it's clear that it's just a videogame. Whatever is inside the box will try its hardest to grant the player some fun.
True or not, for me it's an unshakeable impression. Also the old school vibe is always a bonus.

>what is pirating