Now that Billy Bitchell got BTFO, why isn't he getting as much hate as Todd "salad dodger" Rogers? He deserves it more.
Now that Billy Bitchell got BTFO, why isn't he getting as much hate as Todd "salad dodger" Rogers? He deserves it more
Because most of his accomplishments are documented and irrefutably legit.
It's only in recent years that there was question about him using MAME.
did he actually cheat or just use an emulator?
Just used an emulator.
From the way it looks, very possibly both. The footage shows evidence of him using mame and also being heavily edited, which indicates that save states were likely used.
> Regular Show depicts him as a petty cheating manchild years ago as a joke
How did they know?
This. His play on the tapes is very erratic, and he's never played anywhere near the same style live.
Still, his previous scores decades ago were fucking amazing.
>How did they know?
They watched that 10 year old biased documentary that portrayed him as such and stooped to lying in order to do so? Even the subject of the documentary, who was given a very flattering portrayal, said they lied.
Did he? After all those years? Why the fuck did it took them so long? Also have you seen the film? It's a circlejerk of like at least 15 old farts nobody cares about stuck in their very own bubble. This film gave those retards more attention then they could ever deserve so why do you care?
The King of Kong definitely had a narrative to tell and definitely portrayed Mitchell in a particular light, but once you look past that narrative and that portrayal, you can't really argue with the footage.
Absolutely NO, repeat NO evidence of any kind of cheating. At most they proved that it was the MAME emulator that was used, nothing more. Anything else is pure fantastical speculation and conspiracy mongering libel. Billy Mitchell is one of gaming's legends, and his DK runs have inspired many to achieve greatness themselves.
Everyone, including the haters and the losers, need to get it through their thick skulls, that Billy Mitchell is a legend, and will always be a legend.
>I just love Billy Mitchell's semen
t. Billy Mitchell
except for all the clear edit points you can find in the audio of the few videos that actually have audio
>All he did was submit a heavily edited video of an emulator score as a real score! There's nothing wrong with that at all, you're all just losers and haters with fantastical imaginations!
Fucking listen to yourself.
Except using a mame emulater instead of arcade hardware IS against the rules. So it IS cheating and as an competer it makes all your accomplishments come into question real or not.
You guys are way going way too overboard with these accusations of people cheating.
You're all forgetting about the human element.
Bitchy Michelle defending Todd Rodgers.
go away Todd
The human element of submitting fake scores? They deserve to be called out, you cuck.
Yeah deliberatly lying about what hardware you use is in fact a human element
It's ogre for him.
i've got some hard you can wear you autistic fuck. it doesn't matter what platform you play a game on if you don't cheat. the score is just recorded in a different category
>if you don't cheat
Explain the obvious edit points in the audio.
If you're going to record a mame score, why not make it look like a mame score? Why bother to disguise it as something else? Why lie about it? Because Mitchell is a fucking hack.
but he did cheat though, there's no reason for the cuts in footage if he wasn't splicing together a run
>you can't really argue with the footage
Sure you can, they flat out lied about shit. For example, there's a scene in the movie that appears to show Billy refusing the enter a restaurant because Steve was there. In reality no such thing happened, they just edited it to make it look that way. The same is true when they showed him snubbing Steve at the arcade. Steve himself has said they actually met numerous times, and played against each other too which the documentary claims never happened(Billy won), and they got on as well as could be expected. The documentary was extremely "creative" with their editing and the documentary film makers have even sort of admitted it but they say it's fine they did that because they showed the "feel" of Billy and that's good enough.
>it doesn't matter what platform you play a game
can you just fucking stop spewing your uneducated opinion?
1- It was against the Twin Galaxies ruleset (and that should be enough for you to know he cheated)
2- you are just plain wrong to say that emulators are the same thing as a real console. There's a reason most games have separate categories for emulator runs
All these old pieces of shit getting caught by autists is the most hilarious thing of all.
Also who is ever going to take Twin Galaxies seriously anymore.
No one has taken Twin Galaxies seriously in like 20 years.