Why are Asian games just so much better than Western games, Sup Forums?
>gameplay is more fun
>0 politics
>its playable on almost anything
>care about the players
Why are Asian games just so much better than Western games, Sup Forums?
>gameplay is more fun
>0 politics
>its playable on almost anything
>care about the players
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no one gives a shit about weeb games and Monster Hunter World is proof Japan needs to conform to Western standards if they want to stay relevant in game development this PS2 era shit level of development they have been stuck in ain't cutting it
>gameplay is more fun
Depends on genre. JRPGs have trash gameplay and Japan has never made a good FPS.
>0 politics
There are plenty of Japanese games with social/political commentary. Persona 5 and Yakuza 0, for example.
>playable on almost anything
Japs can't into optimisation for PC.
>care about the players
Most devs only care about your money, regardless of what country they're from.
There are good Western games and there are good Eastern games, quality is not exclusive to Japan, weeb.
Asian games are better for people who care about gameplay. But there are lots of people who think story and a realistic setting and characters are more important.
>dude i played one jap game and ignored the thousands of trash gasha games they released so that means they only make perfect games
>gameplay is more fun
Barely, if ever, is the gameplay more than shit-tier DMC or gacha mechanics
>0 politics
Stop romanticizing a culture you aren't a part of. They do put their politics into games
>its playable on almost anything
Because they keep porting it over and over for weebs to rebuy
>care about the players
Yes, the Japanese Mega-corportations care about you as a person, they certainly don't want your fucking money.
Weebs are ruining video games.
>There are good Western games and there are good Eastern games, quality is not exclusive to Japan
Why do we always have these threads? Why do we have to fight over countries having better games? Each has their own good and bad.
>gameplay is more fun
unless is a modern JRPG
>0 politics
>its playable on almost anything
>care about the players
>caring about anything
>playing western games that were released after 2012
oh wow, that's really funny to imagine that anyone has actually done that.
Good games get released every year. How much publicity they get is another matter entirely.
japs want to escape reality and have fun and not be lectured
> japs have slave mentality
Sounds about right
Taking on challenge is considered slave mentality now? No wonder white civilization is falling.
>I MUST do something because my boss tells me to!
>not slave mentality
White people would just say that this isn't doable and enumerate what needs to be done before it is doable.
Dumb gooks will try and fail over and over, aware of the futility, but too stubborn to apply creativity.
>work only applies to what boss told you
Projecting much?
Go kill yourself. Stop bringing shame to your race.
>getting insta-mad over having faults pointed out
Why are non-whites so insecure and instantly fall into despair when criticized?
Slavs are the only people who still make good western games
check out this supreme gentlemen
Yeah, I'm literally seething over here. How did you know?
Where do you draw the line for what is a Western game?
Western game ideas come from the story and character ideas. Eastern game ideas come from interesting gameplay concepts.
At the 56° line.
>good FPS
Not even mentioning good, is there any fps games from japan at all? It seems that is sim0ky not popular there.
i love asian video games
post more
I have lost complete respect for Japanese men. Who the fuck EVER marries a well known pornstar if they're just a regular salary man?
Seems only Polish men have a sense of pride these days.
But Divinity Sin is the best turnbased game released this decade.
marries a gorgeous woman
>DAMN what was he thinking?!
>Western game ideas come from the story and character ideas. Eastern game ideas come from interesting gameplay concepts.
Yeah. JRPG's, Visual Novels, games like MGS, Silent Hill and all those famous Jap Horror games, Suda51 games, all those fucking awful waifu-bait materials: they are totally purely gameplay-based and not at all based primarily around narrative you monogoloid.
There are considerably differences between GENERAL jap approach to game design, especially in way they approach symbolism, diegetic and non-diegetic content and abstractions of game mechanics.
Not in how they approach priority of story to gameplay.
user, shes a is a pornstar. Beauty doesn't matter if she's taken 1000's of dicks live on the Internet where millions have seen.
I hear "owöahlllahh!" from sandniggers on the tram all the time, at least 3 times per sentence, drives me round the fucking bend.
When japs prioritize story the game still turns out good. when roundeye prioritizes story it turns out bad.
just play some Medieval 2
Yeah, all those crappy JRPG's are true masterpieces of storytelling.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Jap games are inherently worse than western. I just don't think they are statistically any better either.
By your angry and desperate
>re k-kys!!! y-you're bringing shame to your country and peopre!
Every JRPG ever made is better than every western game ever made. Even Hydlide.
oh no
If you seriously believe this, you are such a fucking deluded idiot that you are not worth talking to.
If you are saying this just because HUR DUR I ACT STUPID ON THE INTERNET I'M A MASTER TROLOLOLO, then you are still not really worth acknowledging.
Either way, you are a waste of everyones time.
are there any alaskan videogame devs?
>hawaii not blacked
Die chink
Hydlide was a good game when it came out in 1984, James.
It's true, though. Westerners only make bad games.
and what if he's into that?
Hawaii has a large population of people of Japanese heritage living there. It's merely 'bad' since the population of round eyed mongloids balance them out.
I don't know why your mad about non-whites when you import blacks and muslims to erase your own people along with Jews. They also fucked an entire continent into a mutt land i.e. South America. The truth is that whites live non-whites more than even non-whites themselves. Enjoy your 56%, cuck.
Do Americucks really believe they own Hawaii?
Hawaii is majority Asian with most being nips.
Then he clearly has no pride for himself and will constantly be a laughing stock wherever he goes. It only makes sense for pornstars to marry other pornstars. When their kid grows up he'll get bullied through his whole childhood.
oh we do and they know it
t. white lived here my whole life
but what if his kid is into that?
You could replace the word 'game' with any other noun and it would still be accurate.
>gameplay is more FUN
nice way to drop the ball
Is that why Japan is full of Chinese immigrants?
I have hated every single asian game I've ever played.
For one, the writing is always horrible and fan fiction tier, and the stories are stupid. Even in games that emulate western atmosphere the story is always so fucking dumb I can't even suspend disbelief. Take ace combat for example, the game is good but the background story just fucking sucks so much it makes me cringe. But at least ace combat doesnt throw half naked bitches at you for no reason and the protagonist doesn't behave like an emo fucking bitch like in metal gear solid. Not even going to discuss final fantasy thats just crap on all levels.
Fuck story though, right? Yeah the problem is the gameplay is always shit too. If its not completely linear it's just mindless grinding.
I think gooks realized a long time ago that its autists playing these games so they make them for your typical autistic sperglord, thats why they feel so fucking weird for a normal person
You're deranged
Kids today still say "sucks", huh? Interesting.
I'm not angry, just sad.
>no fun allowed
Gooks are Koreans. Get your racism right!
There is no fun in someone calling your mom a slut and having to accept it was true
imagine being this mad
lmao rpgfag
why do white people worship asians?
Successful and beautiful, unlike jews who are only successful.
Japanese multiplayer games suck because they don't know how to make a proper netcode for any landmass larger than a tiny island.
Oh no sweetie that's just wrong
Programming is still a white man's job.
Everything east of poland is pajeets.
Mutts come from all ethnicity.
so what
he gets to fuck her too, and even better she doesn't need to fake anything.
>inb4 dick size and similar topics
both female and male pornstars are no different from a fucking robot during filming.
though while I would date a pornstar, marrying it is a whole complete thing.
user if the kids back then called your mother a slut and you didn't knew that you could just say that they were a bunch of virgins faggots that not even with a million of dollars are going to get your gorgerous and lovely mother give them a kiss in their cheeks, it's your own fucking fault for being such a beta
>Programming is still a white man's job.
look at this faggot who doesn't know Iwata
>Why are Asian games just so much better than Western games, Sup Forums?
>>gameplay is more fun
As an fps fan this statement is objectively false since gooks can't into FPS
Just play good ganes instead of AAA garbage
>>its playable on almost anything
Bevmcause they look like shit
>>care about the players
Yeah, thats why they have the most cancerous DLC practices
Be Americam
>be obese
>be medicated
>get cucked
>get shot
>get bludgeoned in race riot
>make shitty games
Be Japanese
>watch anime
>make awesome games
>marry loyal, pure woman
>have 1.5 kids and a dog
>eat awesome healthy food
>live to be 98 years old
>die peacefully surrounded by family and friends
but she's hot as hell doe
I'd do the same... and regret it too.
t. 56%
Not to say westerners and easterners can't make a good game once in a while, but to imply that either is somehow flawless in their execution of good gameplay is laughable.
>have 1.5 kids
Your wife's kids sired by a fat burger don't count as yours.
>playable on almost anything
most japs can't port for shit
>care about the players
Japs have created some amazing food - most notably tofu.
That's why they live so long.
>no meat
NOW THIS is what I call bait 2018
Vanquish was a decent TPS. Binary Domain too I guess. No FPS tho.
I wish more Middle Eastern women did videos like this, that way there could be a fair comparison
Be japanese
>doesn't have time to watch anime unless hikikomori
>work in anything but games
>doesn't even have time to marry, the company needs you 24/7
>forget even about having kids if you want a succesfull career, the dog is fine
>eat shitfood because no time to propper cooking
>Die after almost 60 years of your life pushed to the limit for what
Be anything but not white in America
>"Is your fault of anything that we all caused together!!!!!!!!!!!!"
fucking conservatives I swear, Can't wait to see until they turn out all woman feminists so you get wipe out because they don't meet your shitty standards.
>0 politics
Wrong. They're just not your politics.
>I AM SILLY strawman
>0 politics
You know why? Because they currently have one of the most stable societies on this planet. None of their political matters are important or divisive enough to be discussed/included anywhere but their political institutions.
The west is not stable anymore, hasn't been for a long time. Why? Because white people had been made to carry the burden of other races, trough immigration, economic development of shitholes, false brainwashed guilt of the past and now we also deal with marxist cancer of nihilism and degeneracy in nearly every form.
Only a virtuous and homogeneous society is a stable society.
Stop eating meat and I will stop posting
Japan just has the best entertainment in general, as long as you don’t watch live action movies.
So the basic argument to refute this would just be to post counterexamples like FFXV which have terrible gameplay, don't run on any existing hardware, and only care about selling movie tickets and season passes in the plural?
ok im imagining it. now what
>veggie burger same thing as burger
kys my man
That's not true at all. THe only thing that all political parties in Japan agree on is that American military bases needs to GTFO so they can forge closer ties to North Korea and China aka The Future.