Free-to-play weekend

How's your experience so far? I'll start

>load up game, start tutorial or whatever it's called
>some cool concepts, change of pace from most shooters
>get enough coin to buy 4 base operators like the game suggested
>hop into multiplayer, little nervous because i heard there is a good learning curve
>i get good teammates, no one on the comms but we sweep the other team
>i even get 3 kills

>NEXT THREE MATCHES proceed to have literal kids that sound 10 on the mics
>One kid is barking orders as you can hear his 10 mexican brothers and sisters arguing and fighting in the background
>kid is always first to die (leaving the group to run solo?)
>I tell him to stick with the group and not die
>teamkilled by him and his friend the next two rounds
Haven't been back on since. Seems fun, but I have no friends who own this on ps4. Solo just aint going to cut it. Sad, seems like it could be hella fun with some of my dudes.

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The game would be infinitely more tolerable if they got rid of friendly fire in casual, at least for guns, and let you mute other players easily during the rounds. As it is you end up with maybe half the rounds being fun and the other half being one team or the other teamkilling each other or a 4v5.

This game has a horrible community on consoles. Team killing in both casual and ranked. People who play music in their mics or have a lot of background noise making it difficult to hear footsteps and shit. People who are just generally annoying. Vote kicks happening every 10 seconds. It's a nightmare.

If you have a capable PC, the community there is much better. People are generally pretty friendly and helpful. People actually use their mics to say useful things. I have it on both console and PC, but I haven't touched the PS4 version in months. Community is trash there.

Solo queue = pub stomp for hours

Games broken too, having to buy in game currency to unlock heroes after you've already bought the game and DLC is a fucking joke

What this game does is worse than BF2

>Games broken too, having to buy in game currency to unlock heroes after you've already bought the game and DLC is a fucking joke

so you are telling me even if I bought a year 3 pass, I still need to earn reknown for them?

hold tab, select your asshole teammate, press enter then select mute player
not that difficult, yea?

>so you are telling me even if I bought a year 3 pass, I still need to earn reknown for them?
Jewish if true

I've only played the PC version but it's still too annoying for me to deal with at my current skill level. I can't imagine how much worse the console population is.

Having people scream at you on voice chat for failing a match is never fun. People treat it like losing a game costs them money instead of chilling and having fun, win or lose.

It's a solid game with some of the worst matchmaking and community I've seen outside of MOBAs. I can't recommend it in good conscience to anyone who's not playing with friends, at least not at the start.

> game that's centered around teamwork
> literally mute your teammates

It's better to just leave a game if a guy's being a dick. That includes Ranked matches. Honestly, it's better to take the hit to your rank than deal with a scumfuck sperg screaming over a video game.

I think you unlock the new heroes potentially, but the old ones have to be unlocked with renown

28,000 renown to be precise

You earn about 80 renown per match

300-400 games per hero unlock after you've spent your intial allocation of renown (and there's about 10-12 heroes locked by that time)

When I played, you couldn't do that during a round, since there was no cursor when you brought up the tab menu.



Middle click when you're on the tab menu, that brings up the cursor

It's more of the principle of a finished product being feature-complete. Ubisoft is really pushing the "games as a service" business model and it can get pretty annoying to someone who hasn't already played the game for a while.

Having to buy renown every now and then is just a much less extreme version of the Paradox DLC bloat. They're still similar in how it annoys people who haven't been playing for years.

There's something weird with the options where I can't even vote kick players in certain matches. Not sure if it's a glitch with UPlay or if there's something about the mute and kick functions that I don't understand. This was back when I tried to play casual, not ranked.

Maybe it's just UPlay being shit and unreliable.


No, they are unlocked it you bought the pass

If you bought the DLC then you have the characters unlocked, you dont need to buy anything else.

Unless you mean the original characters that arent part of the DLC, but those are cheap so buying credits to unlock them would just be dumb.

The main point of pass is skipping the grind.

I know enough about the gane to see my team's braindead retarded plays, but not good enough to carry them against the tryhard clan stack on the enemy team.

This is a lie, it really is a case to post that comic of why would someone lie in the internet

you get 150 renown after a matchbon average. it is 25k renown to buy a post-launch operator

>wondering why he is playing with literall sub 10 year olds on a platform meant for kids
Are stupid are you?

Trying to be fair to both sides, it really isn't that much better in reality. Then again, Siege borrows a lot from F2P business models so it makes sense that they want the grind to be realistic but annoying for completionists. It's trivial if you just want one or two more characters though.

Not that much better on PC. It's like the difference between losing an arm or losing your hand. Neither is terribly pleasant, even if one is preferable.

Age demographics on consoles sold disagree with you fuckface

>a toy platform designed for literal ease of use and brain dead retardation
>n-no serious adults get it to sometimes

Again. Statistics blow you the fuck out.

>hasn't posted anything

"28k renown" and "80 renown per game" are just flat lies though, the fuck you mean "trying to be fair"
you get 20 base ops in your first like dozen or so hours playing, the 25k operators are DLC ops
you get 150-250 renown per game, plus 150 bonus renown every day, and like 1500-2000 bonus renown each week, from daily/weekly "challenges" respectively

also in my 300 hours on PC i haven't ran into more than like a handful squeakers or faggots desu, maybe it's different if you live the third world

>you get 20 base ops in your first like dozen or so hours playing
in standard edition, not in starter edition though, which is important to mention.

If you're serious, there's a study by the Experian Group on the last gen. Not sure how reliable it is or if the numbers are still relevant today, but it's worth a look.

>buying the starter edition

>majority of "owners" are old people and not kids
>young kids are almost as active players as 65+ grandpas
Let me guess this is based on who BOUGHT the fucking console and not who actually fucking plays it? What kind of fucking retard uses these statistics to claim that console players are not kids

They do it the way they do because if they had you buy maps the player base would be split. I've bought each dlc and felt they are worth it because I'm getting easily my money's worth of playing the new ops instead of grinding for them.

It's important to draw the difference between Starter and Standard. 80 renown is not a flat-out lie for people who are just starting out in the game. I remember a time when I grinded renown by speeding through T Hunt games and it was very, very common for me to get less than 100 renown per match. It was made up for by how quickly they were finished, but don't be so much of a narcissist to think that just because your experience is different that other people are "lying."

People also have differing amounts of free time and certain people don't want to dedicate all of it onto a single game. For more casual players, the renown grind might be a turn off. That's how I'm trying to be fair.

Don't sperg out and quibble over specific numbers when the larger time investment isn't too far off the mark. Don't conflate Standard and Starter, either.

Game is unplayable on console

don't buy the "good goy" edition
it's an unbelievable grind designed to bait you into spending more money than if you had just bought the full game

>playing on console
Found your problem. This game is meant to be played on PC.

It's hard to quantify those kinds of usage statistics without some pretty major privacy implications, since you can't know who's playing a given console at a given time if it's shared within a family or between roommates. I'm not defending that data either. I just wonder if there's a more reliable way to get better data without putting in cameras on every console to see who's playing.

>Last one alive so everyone's watching you
>Only one on the team with kills and didn't die off the bat doing dumb shit
>Everyone trying to backseat play on mic
>Still get yelled at and called a dumbass by entire team for not Ace-ing

Rounds are even longer than in Counter Strike, meaning dying early is even more frustrating

I absolutely cannot stand voice chat with strangers so I always disable that shit. That leaves my team with a disadvantage though.

Seems ok for what it wants to be, not my thing though.

I miss Rainbow Six Vegas 1

Why are people like this when it's not even a ranked match? I honestly don't understand it.

Is it the esports culture that's turning every FPS player into a massive tryhard? I just want to dick around and don't care about winning.

>1 v 1
>Teammate is screaming in your ear "left, left, he's to the left dude"
>Enemy comes from the right and lands a perfect headshot
>"Wow you fucking suck dude"

starter edition DLC ops are still 25k

and PvP matches (i.e. what people actually play and buy the game for you autist) give you 150-250 in both starter and standard

t hunt gives you lower rewards, and saying that the t hunt reward of 80 per t hunt is what you get per match is disingenuous and basically lying

You can't unlock operators with r6 bux.

I'm starting to lose interest with the game myself. Much respect to anyone who's able to ignore all of that mess, but the game just isn't interesting enough to be worth this level of commitment. Maybe I'm getting old and being good at video games isn't important to me anymore.

Are you retarded? Of course you can.

No Starter Edition DLC ops are 12.5k but so are the 20 base ops. You pay 12.5k for the op you should have paid 200 for

He means the base operators in the standard edition.

>Posting last gen stats when Xbox 360 was the popular multiplayer console
>Ignoring that PS4 is easily this gen's popular multiplayer console
>Ignoring the fact that parents buy consoles and kids regularly lie about their age

You're a fuck up

You can buy an operator for 600 R6

>quake tier instant movement
>in a tactical shooter
>even casul shooters like cs have movement acceleration

It's not disingenuous when a lot of people play purely T Hunt, especially to get quick renown grinds a year ago. A lot of guys who added me on UPlay turned out to be pure T Hunt guys who just want an easy game mode to relax in.

You can insult everyone who's different from you and believe that you're some kind of special snowflake if you'd like. Doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of people who are different from you and they're not "bad" just because they're different.

Why would you play a FPS on console?

If you don't have a PC that can play it adequately.

Never said that it was a reliable study. I just have trouble looking up something better.

If you have a better source or study, I'd be genuinely interested in seeing it. Console demographics are pretty interesting for me to look through and I'd be thankful to you.

If you buy the Year 3 pass the Year 3 DLC operators are automatically unlocked. You need a Year 1 + Year 2 pass to automatically unlock the other DLC ops. Base ops require renown but if you do the situations you get at least 4 straight away. As long as you leave meme ops like Tachanka last it doesn't take long to get the other base ops at all.

It's the opposite for me, I own it on both PS4 and PC and the PC version is the worse one. I get team killed and shit constantly on the PC yet on the PS4 the most I have to deal with are team mates that are ridiculously stupid and shit but I can carry so it's fine.

Because with the right 3rd party peripherals it's like pitting a Navy SEAL against an army of toddlers.

My experience? Over 500 hours of getting really fucking angry at videogames.

Find it hilarious when this happens. I play mostly anchors (Rook/Smoke) so I end up as last one alive all the time. Randoms are fast to vote kick even if it was a 1v3 situation. I'm just glad I have a group to play with and at most only have to play with one random.

For me and my friends, casual is for dicking around, doing dumb shit like recruit rushing. When we play ranked that’s when we get serious.

sure, """a lot""" of people play t hunt. but those people (who play exclusively t hunt) are not even remotely representative of how the game is actually played, and what most people buy the game for. Telling people that are interested in the game that the grind for DLC ops is 2x-4x worse than what it is is disingenuous.

grinding t hunt for quick renown is a special case that needs to be stated. you can (or at least used to be able to) get that 80 renown in like 1-3 minutes vs what people think when you say "match" (aka pvp) which can take like 8-15+ minutes.

you can play t hunt, whatever. just don't act like that's what people buy the game for. people who play t hunt exclusively are an absolute minority

This isn’t my experience, but then again I’m playing in 3-5 man teams on pc, so it’s usually just banter if someone fucks up.

Nothing like 5 recruits with smokes and frags gunning down the entire defending team with LMGs. It has to be my favourite matches

> recruit rushing

See, that's what I thought too. For some reason people act more extreme on casual in my experience. Not sure what the hell is up with the matchmaking or if God is personally going out of His way to make sure I'm grouped with people in bad moods.

Yeah I'm on PS4 and it's always thirdworlders that do it.

At this point, I think we're on the same page. Out of curiosity, have there ever been any official usage statistics on how often T Hunt is played? Just found it interesting that those kinds of T Hunt exclusive players existed in the first place and I've always wanted to see what the actual numbers are.

This game was infinitely better during release and the first few updates. The price and specs kept out kids and the community was really nice. Also everyone was learning how to play, so no one was an asshole

>tfw someone calls you a sweaty tryhard in casual because you punished them for being retarded.

Nothing gets my dick harder than when I pop someone in the head and it's immediately followed by a "really?".

If you play ranked for a while, chances are you’ll find a couple of chill guys who you can get into a group with. R6S is always better in a group of 3 or more. Always

It is. No one is even trying to have fun in online games anymore.

clips twitch tv/TrustworthyHorribleChickpeaOSfrog

this is how people play video games these days

yeah fuck off

I wish there was more effort put into Terrorist Hunt

>I absolutely cannot stand voice chat with strangers so I always disable that shit
Then fucking learn how to deal with it. God I fucking hate this snowflake generation

I play with a group of around 5 people and we have a strategy in casuals.
>shield rush on first attacking round
>they think we’re dipshits for shield rushing
>second attack round rush then with AUG recruits
Aug recruits are probably faster than ash so they get fucking demolished.

but that's exactly the opposite of what you said?

I think that specific guy who got fucked up is either drunk or trolling, but I used to have fun getting my ass kicked in all sorts of fun and inventive ways. Finding out that a multiplayer game acquired an esports scene is like finding a lump in your ballsack. It might be fine but it's such a sign of bad things to come.

I don't understand what kind of autistic snowflake thinks it's perfectly acceptable to act like a sperg on voice chat. If anything, the players who believe it's fine to act like a sperg without any consequences or judgment are the real special snowflakes here.

>this is how people play video games these days
Sounds like TF2 is more your speed, champ.

>Why don't people do like I do?

pretty much outbreak mode is gonna be

It's top tier entertainment when some retard goes full spergmode in voice chat. I don't understand why people take those words to heart when they could just laugh at them.

I just think it's really silly to take a video game so seriously. Maybe that's a lack of empathy on my part but getting mad just because your teammates aren't that good illustrates the type of guy who lives in a bubble where his rank is the only thing that matters.

Maybe when you play a game where the point is to win you might actually want to win

I feel the opposite and think that the person either has mental health problems and I feel embarrassed or bad for them, like a man with a severe mental handicap screaming in public. That's not really something I find funny.

Not sure if Siege just attracts mentally ill people or if the game somehow encourages this kind of behavior.

You're not wrong. I enjoyed TF2 a lot... 8 years ago. I just can't enjoy multiplayer games that have no funny shit that can happen occasionally and fun but sub-optimal stuff to fuck around with.

It would be a lot more tolerable if people didn't always have a stick up their ass even in casual modes (in any game really)

I thought the point of playing a game was to have fun. Ranks and K/D ratios don't matter once the game is turned off. I'm just there to relax and unwind, not to win. Not sure what's wrong about that if it's a casual match.

And frankly for some losing simply isn't fun. I don't understand how this is hard to grasp. Not everyone likes doing lelsurandom shit

If you want to win, play a ranked match. If you're playing casual, you really shouldn't mind losing. There are no stakes and nothing that happens there matters once the next game starts.

I don't understand why you can't grasp this.

>I actually play tic-tac-toe for FUN

Quake doesn't have instant movement, though. That's literally the entire reason strafejumping exists, the various forms of acceleration gained by turning/walking/jumping all stacking on top of each other.

If you want to screw around, play a custom game. If you're playing casual, you really should be willing to invest a bare minimum level of effort. There are people trying to grind renown for operators, improve their skills or earn alpha packs and you purposefully fucking things up is not helping anything.

I don't understand why you can't grasp this.

>low level
>get placed with 4 other low levels
>other team is 5 guys that are level 150 and up
What's with this matchmaking?

No you just get them, thats the point of buying the pass. Don't listen to antishills.

>free weekend
>kids are there
>on the weekend


crazy observation op, good thing you posted this here

I could just as easily throw that same logic at you. If you want to grind renown or improve your skills, wouldn't it make more sense to play a game without randoms with unreliable skill levels?

It seems like you're just setting yourself up for disappointment by relying on randoms to do any of that for you. I don't see you can have that kind of expectation for casual. You're trying to warp reality to suit your own preferences instead of accepting that a lot of casual players are there to dick around and have no obligation to play well.

I don't understand how you can be so narcissistic that you believe that other non-ranked players have any obligation to you.

>WTF this game has kids on it how can this be
maybe you shouldn't have tried playing on a console

wow what a gigantic cunt. and it's always people like this that have the most viewers
I fucking hate generation Z

Being competitive is fun for me, not even winning. I don't get asspained and rage when my team fucks up but I usually try to win, and if I make a mistake I get disappointed in myself because I like to get better. Carrying shitters just lets me get better faster, so I don't mind it I guess. To me the satisfaction of actually pulling off some clutch feat against other players trying just as hard is way better than "haha i click and the gun shoots! so fun!"

To each his own, but personally I dont get how not trying and mindlessly playing badly is fun, might as well stare at a wall. And when I play with friends that are like this and say they just like to play games for fun(whatever that phrase is supposed to mean), I get the feeling that they actually care about winning more than I do. Whenever we get into a game with good players and it gets a little difficult its instantly "im so bad at this game lets play something else" so I don't even buy the notion that they dont care about winning. Then we'll go to another game like pubg that they actually play and the same shit happens where it gets a little difficult and they just lose all motivation to play a fucking videogame.

I have a sneaking suspicion that not all, but many of the people that say that people take games too seriously simply wish they werent dogshit at them but also dont want to put in the effort to get better.

I guess I'm in that minority then. As someone who would dick around with HL1 mods all the time 10 years ago, winning is a total non-priority to me. Messing with the game systems, finding glitches to mess around with, and generally fucking with the game itself is way more fun than showing off how "good" I am at a game that stops being relevant after I log out. There's no sense of pride in being "good" at something that's not going to matter a decade later. Might as well put that time and energy into a more resilient hobby, like chess or dominoes. At least those skills will pay off if I'm an old man who lost his reaction time.

I didn't even know it was getting a F2P weekend.

As it is, why the FUCK is the non-Starter/standard edition still $20? I don't want to pay for the shitty starter edition, but it's at the price that I'd snatch up Siege standard edition at.