What do you gain from consolewar faggotry?

What do you gain from consolewar faggotry?

Post-purchase validation
I guess. I don't care for them.


(You)s, of course!

This, the best currency money can't buy.


Consoles are fighting meanwhile PC masterrace just watches all this war for enjoyment because PC gaming is alot bigger caliber of gaming than any console gaming.

It's all me btw
Got all the collection of consolejacks




I have to say (you)s but also my chance to post nep related

hah see i got a (you)

good good
check this 7

In this industry some companies represent the forces of good, and others represent the forces of evil who are destroying this hobby. I will never sit idly by while this happens, and I will fight those companies and the braindead idiots who worship them at every chance I get. It's the right thing to do, and if you were a real man you would do it too.

Here's some ____ for you all

Basically masturbation.

>some companies represent the forces of good, and others represent the forces of evil
how can one be so delusional

faggot trap poster

Oh, wow! Pornography! What a crazy thing to see posted on Sup Forums! I hope this post doesn't get deleted so that no one can see it! Then everyone would have to wonder "gee, what was that crazy pornography that all of these people are replying too?"


I just like to pis people off

Who is this semen demon?


Because there are morons who takes this for real its so funny its really easy to hurt nintendies fee fee's

What you have to understand about console wars is it's mostly just a few extremely autistic people who post the same things over and over 14 hours a day. They ban evade so you cant get rid of them.


Brief, fleeting sense of belonging

This but ironically

>doing the same thing over and over again for the last year (with all the wojiack edits)
>trying to bait people who are trying to bait

Do you have actual autism?