ITT what were they thinking


>lets make some small objects fly around a lot because that's the big hot meme for the PS4 launch is small objects flying around
>so shouldn't we be planning a game around it, something simple and easy to pick up like resogun did?
>no all we need is the gimmick and that's it. people like story so throw in some story. and some pixar looking shit too

"We just roasted Microsoft on stage please make a game anything will do just please we cant afford to repeat the ps3 launch oh god"

>lets also make knack only have square square square as a basic attack
>In a beat'em up game
>also lets not the player change Knack skin unless they start a completely new game

>All because Mark Cerny thought he was important enough to make his own mascot
In a different timeline where this game wasn't made, Japan Studio could have made Ape Escape 4 instead.

I honestly can't believe Sony Japan made this game. Its just so god damn below everything they made

Knack sometimes reminds me of Polygon man, who was a reject of a mascot that showed up in a shitty crossover meant to "celebrate" PlayStation's history


>get knack for free right after buying the R&C remake to give to my little brother
>he doesn't like R&C and loves knack
>he knack is this generations R&C and 10 years from now he will look back on it with nostalgia
I feel old

I'm on Chapter 8 and I like it so far.

Nice Ganon ripoff Sony!

What is it that you like about?

It's fun and looks good.

>read four year old gamefaqs thread
>people are legitimately trying to argue that the only reason Mario 3D World got better reviews than Knack was due to Nintendo bias

I think the main thing that got people mad was they were expecting a platformer and got an average beat em up

how is Knack a Ganon rip off?

What is fun about it? The square square square combat?

Beating enemies.

Well, 3D World is also a hunk of shit.

>People who bought a PS4 must be used to buying shit.

So something you can do in a better way in every game? Gotcha

The character on top I mean. Obvious ”inspiration”


