Saturday Night Comfy Thread

It's a nice winter night, let's talk comfy Anons.

What're you

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I actually don't know. Just beat SMT II and really have no clue what I want to play next.
New Poptepipic and CCS.
King Gizzard
Higurashi maybe.
Whatever's around the house.
Water and coffee.
/hgg2d/ stuff or maybe panda if something good gets uploaded.
Pretty good. Sleep schedule is getting back in order and I'm losing weight.

Bayonetta 1+2. Devil May Cry. Will DMC grow on me? I'm not too hot about it right now.
Frasier. Going to watch that new Pop Team Epic, too.
Got a Girl.
Sup Forums and /fit/
Just had a couple of frozen pizzas. Not sure what I'm going to have for dinner.
Not today. I did it twice yesterday, so I'm beat HA.
Bittersweet. I want to get a next-gen console since I only have a Switch, but I can't decide between a PS4 or Xbone. Hell, I might go for the PC but fucking cryptokikes fucking up GPU prices.
I want to drop out, but I don't have a clue if my parents would be on board. Not that it technically matters, but I'd have to live with them. I need to talk about it with them but I'm deathly afraid to do so. Thanks for reading my blog.

Batman Arkham Knight. Hoping to finish it today.
Fuck knows yet. Feeling BtAS
Catsuit bondage
Alright. Gonna go to my Student Union later to hang out with some friends

Tales of Berseria
Just started Black Mirror
Faith No More - Angel Dust
University textbooks and foruchin
Leftover enchiladas
Cola and water
I don't really know. Not right now
I'm a little hungover and my body hurts because of a heavy metal concert yesterday. Tonight is a comfy day-off :)

Monster Hunter World

That 70s Show

Worldbeat playlist on spotify

Computer Science book

I'm gonna go grocery shopping. Could use some recommendations on what to buy.

Water all day every day

I just want to rest. I spent the last three days working until 9:00pm.

Homemade pizza or kill yourself and your music taste

Prolly play Dark Souls 3 and shit on kids until the crew arrives for some fortnite later
No time for this when I'm playing games
The crisp sound of backstabs and ripostes
School ruined reading for me
Grilled chicken and rice, gotta live the /fit/ life
Water now, whiskey later
Girlfriend wants me to stop over later so I'll hold off for now
Feel good, can't complain too much when I'm cracking open some brisk brews with the boys later

>Homemade pizza

Can't eat tomatoes ):

KC:D on the xbone It's really good.
Konosuba later
Chicken salad
Gonna get beer later
Nah bruh
Hungover, but Saturday is my last day of the week to drink so I'll be double hungover tomorrow.

Played Splatoon 2 last night, might play more later
Panty and Stocking
The Xenoblade 2 OST is pretty good
Going to order pizza
Coffee or water
Not to shabby.

Theres already a thread faggot

Bayonetta when it finishes downloading. Been looking forward to this all day.

Overwatch some time tonight too.

Winter Cup, maybe Violet Evergarden too.


Had steak and wedges with peppercorn sauce. Good shit my dude.

Dr Pepper Zero.

Femdom later, probably /ss/ variety.

Good. Got two more days of work to get through tomorrow and Monday, then I have a solid 11 days where I only work a single four hour shift. Excited to get comfy and play some vidya.

Also managed to lose half a pound despite not watching what I ate this week which is cool.

ME1. Hardcore.
Not much Green Day.
Chicken dippers and Chips. I leveled up from microwave hot dogs.
Later on.
Not bad.

Either Secret of Mana or Kingdome Come: Deliverance
Nothing because TV and Movies suck now
"The Hero with a Thousand Faces" Joseph Campbell
A Tuna Sandwich
Water or Tea
Catholic, so I won't be
A little lonely

Plan to get some hours in Oblivion logged. I'm like 120 hours in and have done almost nothing of note, worried about if I'm gonna get that game ruining bug soon so I wanna plow thru the story. Then some Battlefield4 with the homies.
whatever is on cytube tonight, probably some trek.
Black Mages albums while grinding
Working my way thru the Silmarillion for the thousandth time. Fuck you Mim you coward dwarflet.
Korean bbq
NOS energy because I'm a degenerate
Krash because I'm a degenerate
Amazing. I'm working thru my games backlog of PS1/PS2 games and finding the change up in genres is really motivating me to finish games. I have a terrible habit of playing a game and putting it down right at the end.

Hell's Yeah Broski

KCD and with my new dogs
E-League for cs
Commentator and Liquid getting annhilated.
Joan of Arc: A Life Transfigured
Taco Bell
Was Baja Blast but the fucking idiots gave my brother and I super flat drinks, so water.
Not sure
Great. Got two new puppies last night. pic related is one of em.

So cute!!

I was streaming Cannon Spike and Project Justice. I may do some more dreamcast stuff or some random stuff.
Nothing currently
Flying Lotus
Nothing Currently, though I am looking for stuff
Just had a sandwich
Some tea
Nothing recently
Pretty cold and tired, but it's fine.

ACNL, Enter the Gungeon with a friend
Electric Wizard, Yob, Deftones, Church of Misery, Ufomammut
Absolutely miserable

her name is Joan of Barc (idk if want to do Bark or Barc because spelling)
thank you!

Lol so cute. I been thinking of getting a pug and naming it Butt Pug.

made me chuckle desu. i've already made small talk with a few girls that were swooning over the dog. it's a lot easier than it seems. I couldn't imagine telling them that your pugs name is Butt Pug, but i'm sure the look on anyones face would be priceless.

>not just saying his/her name is Butty and them thinking you said Buddy
Possession of cake and consumption of same.

REPOSTAN from the Saturday Night Thread
Hollow Knight, CounterAttack, some Sanic.
Gonna rent something on-demand, Sup ForumsGA's.
The crackling of the fire.
Sup ForumsGA threads, Sup Forums in general
Home made Sweet potato fries with my own seasoning mix, chicken tendies.
something mixed, or hard cider.
My GFshaking her ass in my face.
Feelan ok. Got a fire going, gonna cuddle up night to the doggies, make a drink, and snuggle up. It's starting to snow here and their calling for some accumulation. Hoping it stays put despite tomorrow's warm up so I don't have to do a filming gig I promised I'd assist with.

A little bit of NFS MW 2005 but it's starting to bore me. Anyone have some chill games to play on a shitty PC?
eggs and bacon
coffee and water
can't find anything that makes me wanna do it
like shit

Girls love to laugh it all works out ;)

They are billions Is pretty chill and works on my potato.

Quake Champions, CrossCode, Golf Story
Jet set radio live
Sup Forums
top ramen
Been doing daily for a while might skip today to heal up
Feel like I'm getting sick. Still going to work today though since were understaffed as fuck feels quite shit.

I'll give it a try. Thanks bro

No prob