I just love ranged weapons, always use them in fantasy RPGs, always use snipers in FPSs

I just love ranged weapons, always use them in fantasy RPGs, always use snipers in FPSs.

So naturally I tried the bow in this game and I just ended up using it primarily, occasionally using dual blades, trying out the insect glaive once in a while.

I have almost no motivation to try out the clunkier, slow heavy weapons now. Anyone have anything to say about this? Did I fall for a meme?

Bow has always been great, going back to home consoles just made it infinitely easier to use.
Maybe try the LBG too if you want to try a different ranged weapon that isn't too slow.

>love ranged weapons
>always uses Snipers
>not Assault Rifles

Everyone in my Chinese video games forum keeps bullying bow users though... Should I let this concern me? Do I finally understand how magic users in dark souls feel?

What? Since when is Bow ridiculed? LS and IG are the defacto shitter weapons, Bow is fine.
Maybe people think it's shitter tier now that using it as a billion times easier. Regardless, ignore faggots.

Big slow weapons are only good when you autistically pin down monster animations and can predict when their heads will be in X location at Y time. But when you get that good it can feel extremely good knocking monsters down and stunning them for like 10 seconds. It is an incredibly good benefit that those wombo combo weapons won't ever get

As long as you are ok with knowing you are playing the game on even easier mode it doesn't matter.

I'm wondering if bow is easy mode.

Bows in MH are not raged weapon.

>Caring about difficulty for others in MonHun
Why would you even do this? If a weapon is easy to use it reduces the chance of easily avoidable retarded carting. The problem are faggots maining LS tripping people all the fucking time and other spastic behaviour, or just using a weapon really poorly and carting all the time.

I'd sooner someone not realise Bow does trash damage at long range than constantly getting caught in telegraphed attacks and carting or tripping people. At least at range they're less likely to cart.

>I'm wondering if bow is easy mode.
It's really not. Getting optimal damage out on bow is a lot harder than most weapons to be honest.

ranged weapons are pussy shit

I have nothing against that Arekkz guy but god damn because of his stupid tutorial every bow shitter online is using that retarted arrow rain that does fuck all if you use it online aside from tripping every meele player. I insta kick every bow faggot that uses that on my quest and trips me or my other meele bretheren

>SnS will never be good

I've just said fuck it and put flinch free on any time I go into multiplayer. It's a waste of a slot imo, but not getting tripped is much better for my mental health

Oils should've been nerfed, not removed.

Insect Glaive is single handedly wanting me to get this game. Please tell me all about it

Is it super hard to learn?
Is it hard to play single player with?
Is it good?
Is it fun?

>easy to learn, difficult to master like all of the weapons
>if you're good
>sure, for you maybe. Unless you're good, it's not fun for your multiplayer hunters

what's the best bow in the game

>Is it super hard to learn?
Not really, but remember to get your jelly boosts
>Is it hard to play single player with?
It's one of the best solo weapons
>Is it good?
>Is it fun?

The one problem is that it's hated in multiplayer since most people don't know how to use it properly.

There's no Teostra Bow, so who fucking knows?

Bow was only fun when you couldn't run and gun like you can in World.

The thing about IG is that you have to really learn how to use your Kinsect correctly to actually do any damage. It's not something that you can pick up and do big dick DPS with off the bat.

the ayybow