>released 7yrs ago
>absolutely no other game since then has achieved the weight and feel of playing as a real Muhreen
Released 7yrs ago
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I am still mad this didn't take off or get a sequel. It's the best 40K game.
nu-Relic wouldnt know what to do with it
As a former 40k autist, it was a really good representation of the universe
kino intro/10
God damn, Relic used to be so good at this shit
What the fuck happened?
>passionate oldfags left
>diversity quota
>7 years ago
Anons have died in that time
As a total 40K casual who only has interest in the lore, I fucking loved it.
>studio revives the RTS genre with DoW & CoH franchise
>assfaggot appear out of nowhere and kill the genre for good this time
Eternal Crusade is OK, if you can deal with the shitty optimization. I haven't played it in a year, so who knows if that's changed.
>former 40k autist
I havent played since 4th edition tabletop wise
Ive missed a lot
The Horde-mode in this was so damn good. Especially the DLC-one.
>Online was peer to peer
>so who knows if that's changed.
There's less players . That's pretty much it sadly.
biggest problem
It's a fucking garbage game and to even suggest it's better than DoW1 or 2 is ridiculous.
Is it good? I've had it sitting in my inventory for a long time but never played for more than 30 minutes.
Man this game was awesome
And the multiplayer was too
I want another one
Oh yeah, its very good but it isnt very deep
If youre interested in 40k, its actually a very good starting point
>Reinstalled the game recently for its multiplaer
>MP consists exclusively of "that guy"(s) who use laz cannons (sniper rifles)
Oh well, it had some merit at release. Regardless, the lack of good 40K games is fucking criminal.
it gets old real fast
E.Y.E Cybermancy is the closest thing to being a SPEHSS MAHRINE I've seen aside from this game.
What was with 2011 and Warhammer honestly.
Really bland and short Gears of War knock off