New VR video that's unbiased and doesn't shill for shitty speedwalking game.
He's uncucked himself but the damage is already done
New VR video that's unbiased and doesn't shill for shitty speedwalking game.
He's uncucked himself but the damage is already done
Other urls found in this thread:
>hey check out this awesome VR game
booo booo
>oh I mean huh how about that VR sucks
Not buying it anymore, sorry.
Too positive
crowbcat has jumped the shark, not our guy anymore
Hmm, you mean the guy that cherry picks footage in order to support a narrative turned out to be corruptible and biased? Damn man, what a shock.
>can only play VR games for about an hour before getting too nauseous to continue
The future has left me behind fellas
That last video was the blunder of the century
>s-sorry i p-promise it wont happen again
god the crowbcat fanbase is literally full of children who whine until they get what they want. hilarious
>BAD... BAD... BAD!!!
you'll get over it
There ARE crowbcat videos that talk about positives in vidya, and there's nothing wrong with that.
The problem here is he's now shilling for VR because 1. the hardware is clearly rushed and not ready, and 2. there are no good games for it, even VRChat gets fucking boring after a while because it's just a Second Life re-hash.
>makes a video about a game he actually enjoys
>his worst fans cry about him being a shill because his video wasn't negative
>caves and deletes video, makes another video in his usual cookie cutter format
Really activated my almonds, unsubbed immediately because it's clear he's just in it to get paid and not to actually inform.
>because it's clear he's just in it to get paid and not to actually inform
>there are no good games for it
nice lie.
I should have put it a different way.
He cares more about the money than he does about making his videos. If you think there's no problem with this when he makes videos intended to sway purchase decisions, you're a fucking moron.
This was the funniest shit desu.
How autistic do you have to be to cave to the YouTube comments section?
If this hadn't occurred to you before maybe you're the moron. :^)
>waaah he doesn't shit on everything on the planet all the time anymore le dropped
as soon as you realize people are not part of your fictional secret club you act like "turned" on them
holy shit you are actual living cancer
you should die this instant you fucking waste of oxygen
Had it been a standalone video of 2 or 3 VR games he liked that would have been fine, but to start the video shitting on VR then doing the "until now" shill just is bad form.
What makes you think he's shilling apart from not wanting to believe he had fun playing a game you never have?
>this person who only makes content for money is going to be more trustworthy than the guy who does it out of passion
You're a real fucking genius
pure trash, kys
He's done tons of one game videos that he was praising, the only reason people said he was a shill for the vr game was because he's made his entire audience think vr is shit by cherry picking footage of people having a bad time with vr. This entire situation happened because he can't think more than a month ahead and shits on things it is popular to shit on at the time, then later when he realizes he was wrong he's going to have an entire audience that HE TRAINED to hate something using that hate on him.
I didn't say he was a shill, I said he was a pussy for taking his sprint vector video down.
youtuber thread?
>posts a 5 minute long commercial
>people call him out on him using his visibility to shill
>this is somehow a bad thing
nice bait moneylet
>if I say something was a commercial that automatically makes it true
So basically any video he makes that doesn't make a game seem shit is a shill video then? The doom video must have been a commercial too, right faggot?
Maybe you can be in his next ad, he can do a video about contraceptives and you can be the poster child for why we need to use them.