Has the main character in a game being black or female ever made you not buy a videogame?

Has the main character in a game being black or female ever made you not buy a videogame?

Don't think so.


You can usually tell when it was done for political reasons, because the gameplay looks like shit and it takes itself seriously.

This is a bait image. nice try though, OP.

No it never did, but nowadays it's become pretty obvious there's an ideological purpose behind making characters non-white other than just for the hell of it so that puts me off.

For me it was horizon zero dawn and watchdogs 2.
Its hard for me to immerse myself if the character doesn't look vaguely like myself. I don't mind black and female movies though just games.

Also if the main character is blonde I can't play.
I need it to be brown hair white guy to hispanic


Man back in the day human characters were the exception. Anyway, Bayonetta and Shadow Man are pretty much Sup Forums-core at this point.

Oh I can animal characters and Asians also for some reason though just chicks and black and blonde blue eyed I can't play.

That's weird, man. But alright, whatever.


Death camps for SJWs and anti-SJWs you're both unbearable faggots.

No, but I did lose all interest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance because you can't play a female, or literally anyone but fucking Henry.

Women? No.
blacks? Yes, a few times.
It's gotten to the point that developers cannot fucking put in a black character with them being racist stereotypes. While it's hilarious that "diversity" is including blacks that are "ay yo nigger homie wassup yo", it gets annoying after a while.

What's worse is that jap devs can make blacks that aren't stereotypes outside of the old googly eyes and afros

But the best Jap Brand Black is pretty much just an afro.

I hate niggers

I didn't buy Horizon: Zero Dawn because the female main character looked like la creatura. Does that count?

user, I mean that japs can make black characters that aren't "ay yo nigger homeboy wassup", the most racist thing about them is "googly eyes afro" and then they're generally (thankfully) "whitewashed" in their speech as oppossed to blacks done by Western devs who are generally "sup homie"

If theres some political message behind that then of course not. Otherwise I dont care.

We must protect our white youth.

But that's how most blacks really are, user. What you're asking for is a black guy who acts like a white guy, and what's the point of that?

Halo 5

I'm fine with race doesn't exist. Pet dog is Max. Black soldier is Lyle.

Shouldn't need to define what media pushes. Black panthers were a black supremacist problem in the 70s.

I know bad people. Someone starts to be black instead of Lyle, Max starts to be a dog, they don't get status as human. It's a mark against them reinforced by the memory of their treason.

They're just jews.

So no. Political correctness promo kills the crab.
I'm vegan. Stab the chef with the scissors.
In the neck.
Put the crab in the ocean.

Mafia 3. Not because he's got a melanin infection, but because he's a shrink and the rest can be surmised from there. Got that what's yours is mine look on his entitled face. Scum.

Ok with blacks portrayed as venreble but entitled in any shade looks like shit. Shoot it, not shoot for it.

Not interested in people who justify doing what is obviously wrong, that's a bad soldier. People doing what they know is right holds an army together. Right being what wont be recognised, accomplish little and likely get you killed.

Spree shooters are good soldiers. Only payment they get or need is knowing they held the line for the human race and joined the unbelievable story of it dying alive. Pumped up kicks vapourwave for Columbine says it all.

Anything helping us to be cool, legendary too is worth dying for. Little heaven planet of earth always awesome.

Anyone not having faith in dog saving the world isn't being dog. Never acknowledge betrayal, they're just training us or handing us what they can't handle.

I have talked myself into being ok with playing as a blue spartan now, but I'm not blue dabadedabadie I'm green, and II, can't go ohn withouch you.

No, that's how American blacks are and to an extent, UK blacks.

Here's the thing: diverse racial casts are actually more racist than a pure White cast on the basis of "we can only make them into negative stereotypes". But nobody seems to realize that SJWs pushing forward the "progressive" racial diversity by bring our good old black friend, Tyrone, the hustler just tryin' make a quick buck or two by slingin' dope is actually causing more harm than not having a black character.

Of course, it's praised as "progressive" by setting blacks back to the 1990s

i'm okay with playing any games as long as it's good

Mafia 3. If I play a Mafia game I want to play as an Italian mafiosi and not some 56% faced mystery meat tho.

start downloading your history books now because this WILL happen

Not exactly. If the entire game revolves around 'black culture' or something like that then I won't buy it though. It is very situational, there's not many games with black main characters, so I'll take movies as an example or something that works.

Take Blade, great action movie, and I have zero issues with Snipes as the star.

On the other hand we have things like GTA San Andreas, I really tired of being a black thug listening to hip hop in the ghetto. I get enough of that shit just by walking outside.

I didn't play San Andreas because I'm not even remotely interested in black culture but after seeing how everyone loved it, I can't help but feel I made the wrong choice. The main character being something I'm not doesn't ruin my immersion. This much is evident with relatively enjoying The Walking Dead. There's a fine line in doing it though where it either feels like it was done purely for the sake of doing it or it was deliberately done to call attention to it. There's a reason why I can be interested in a character like Samus but not a character like Alloy. Ultimately, it can all be overlooked as long as the gameplay is good bit it is definitely not a positive when deciding to play initially. It's not even neutral, it's more of a slight demerit that can be easily overcome.

Life is you need to prove how much you love America. Dying for it can't be more true. That's how they know you love them. That's how they live in your love. How America exists.

You don't look at a problem, you paint it perfect. Problem puts on a cape and calls himself toxic man. 'Ugly girl' is daddy's girl.

The problem with SA is the game is literally "niggerville, the stereotype of why blacks are hated".
At least say in GTA V, Franklin was able to codeswitch between White and black speak and wanted to make something of himself.
CJ in SA was more than happy to fall straight into the "gangsta" lifestyle again

they literally found the oldest Brit bones recently and it turns out he was black so Mary Beard was right all along


I don't like playing as ugly characters. I happen to find black people deeply unattractive.

San Andreas is the only GTA game I've never played


>Retired handegg player is Caesar

We need to help each other from becoming stereotypes.

You're not a good friend if you let Lyle hate the white man. Pay for a shirt for if him if you have to. No basketball shirt today. Maybe tomorrow but today we're me and you.

You're missing out man, SA is the best in the series.


Nobody is ugly bro. Got to know them to see how they really look.

Look for how they try to be pretty find you see how delicate they are and how tragic it is if they're not looked after.

Not that I know of.

As to the OP's image. The British Broadcasting Channel is on their last legs anyways. Looking at it from an American standpoint. Yet, why not have somebody of African descent research it? Doesn't seem particularly bad to me. Maybe he has an interest in the history of my family, or somebody else? I'm directly descended from a very odd bunch of people and I doubt he's going to talk about them anyways.

>Its hard for me to immerse myself if the character doesn't look vaguely like myself.

This. Shame that there aren't any fat protagonists so I play only FPS games where the player character is never shown.

that game had some of the most insane / ridicules set pics I have ever seen
yeah for about two or three games, but usually games that have sjw shit in them don´t seem very interesting to me like mafia 3 or dishonored 2

No, but I know someone who never played San Andreas because of it. Their loss.

I remember begging my older brother to get a new graphics card and a DVD drive for San Andreas.
>go to school the day after
>everyone is talking about it
>how much have you played user?
>until 2 am
>fuck that game is the world
Fucking good old days man

No. Nor has any other ethnicity or like playing an alien or demon or some shit. Maybe if some furry game came out in a genre I gave a fuck about I would dodge it. I guess Them's Fightin Herds qualifies. Fuck that.

Nobody else in my family knew how to do it.

It's still that way.

No, only shitty things like constantly mentioning a character's race/religion in interviews or other promotial work (and in-game too) make me not buy the game. If the character's got a legitimate reason to be where they are, and to do what they do, then I'm fine with it.

Well, I'm not going to buy a game that's shit as a result of retarded SJW pandering that includes a black character just for MUH DIVERSITY.

Otherwise I don't fucking care, if I like it then the character being black has an infinitesimal impact on my opinion of it.

yeah of course
I don´t support sjw or feminist crap

I didn't like dishonoured 2 for what seemed like forced 'diversity' considering the first game felt like it was set in an american English speaking victorian England. But it was almost inevitable for all the characters to be LGBLTBK+ black women in an American made game in 2016/17'.
Also the second game ran like shit and was generally shit.

Sure, because I don't want to support this fake ideal that SJW faggots actively try to shill. Basically a white character was the only suitable option in that setting, but he was just switched for a person of color to pander to entitled anti-intellectualism leftists, not for reasons regarding the actual quality and narrative.

I enjoyed Afro Samurai for what it was, shit game, but at least the narrative was genuine from the start, and it was created by a Japanese who ofc doesn't give a fk about politics and left-right wingers.

pretty sure OP image is a fake mock up

Of course not, I don't buy video games.

You still cannot make threads about Battlefield 1

Why would you want to do that in the first place?

I'm pretty sure every single game with a nigger has been trying to push the "dem africans is as gud as us, guise!" agenda, so what meager money I spare for video games I tend to not pay a second glance towards those.

Samus Aran is pretty much the only female character I respected and still respect, because I ignore the subhuman slanteye masturbatory aid travesty that was Other M.

>I'm pretty sure every single game with a nigger has been trying to push the "dem africans is as gud as us, guise!" agenda
Open a window and get some air, you paranoid fag.

12 year olds in this thread mad they saw a black guy on in a video game because their hick dad tells them those negros aint right

grow up children

Not directly. I love GTA San Andreas, and Franklin my favorite GTA V character. I just feel and know when a game has badly forced characters for politica views or stats. I'm for all type of characters, I'm against all bad writing/games.

Hahahaha. Go to africa then

Niggers are bad. It's pretty much fact.

I didn't buy battlefield 1 because of that, it was blatantly pushed for no reason
>but muh harlem hellfighters

>literally editing an image because a respected historian told you all you were wrong about ancient britain being all white
imagine being this triggered lol

No, that's your opinion.

I'll be honest, I'd have done some serious research and weighing of options before buying dis2 if I'd known about the controversy about it beforehand. Specifically Emily being a playable character because of some giant mouthed feminist.
I liked Emily though and if she had any STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN moments I didn't notice them

>Also the second game ran like shit
Yeah it really did. They somehow also made it feel less smooth than knife of dunwall. How do you make blink and far reach feel so fucking janky and inconsistent when blink at least was perfected in Knife .

I bought RE5 exactly because I can play as a hot negress.

My opinion is based on observations around the world, both historical and present.

It's still just an opinion.

It's a reality based opinion moreso than a feeling based opinion.

pretty sure its taking the piss really.

she didn't have much to say on the genetic tests anyway other than "well its not zero!"

Yes. I quite like the virtual tourism aspect of Ass Creed so I played almost all of them but no way I'm touching Liberations, Freedom Cry or Origin. Also really liked GTA III and VC but skipped SA because of black culture shit. Will also be avoiding Beyond Good & Evil 2, even though I loved the first game.

What really gets on my nerves is playing as an american. If he'sa soldier then it's a complete turn off

Black female character no buy
Stop trying so hard devs

>I won't buy a game because waaah negresses
Were you one of the butthurt babies crying during last year's e3?


No, I just don't buy them
Beside they usually make them quirky mary sues, fuck that
Go ahead and tell me that the quirky negress isn't a political choice

>rofl twitter is so fucking crazy, they can't handle hot female characters because they cant identify with them!

>also, a character who doesn't look like me is bad and i can't play them.

how did this happen

>implying le female negro character isn't massive virtue signaling

The only worthwhile posts in this farce of a thread

This thread has really opened my eyes. What compels someone to drop a game because of the colour of the protagonist's skin? Especially if it isn't at the forefront of the conversation? Are you that insecure that you need tenuous media representation to mend your fragile and vulnerable ego? Is this how all Americans are?
Explain this to me please.
t. Black guy living in the UK


Stop doing digital blackface.
Unless you're a proud person of color, then I'm sorry for offending you.



>t. Black guy living in the UK
African living in the UK? Or born there?

i hate this gay ass planet

I think CJ is actually well written. He obviously doesn't want to be a gangsta, at one point straight up saying he doesn't care for the whole Groove Street, Ballas bullshit. It's just his love for his family that keeps forcing him back into it. By the end even people like Sweet find a middle point where they're not just gangbangers.

Being born in Britain doesn't make you British.


cant speak for the rest of them, but when it comes to things you buy with disposable income i guess you can afford to be petty that being said SJWs are doing the exact same thing. Maybe they feel the characters aren't sincere depictions?

Are all black female characters virtue signalling or just the ones you can't masturbate to?

No because in case of good games it doesn't matter
I never made a black character in any game where you play custom character though

What the fuck is wrong in your brains you dumb americans, seriously, why the fuck do you care so much about race and always feel the need to shit the bed and make a fuss about it?
This goes for both sides.

I know it doesn't. We wuz brits n sheet man

funny enough blackaboos tend to be a whole lot better then other black stereotypes

Years and years of white male protagonists
>Who cares about the protagonist, I just want to play a game with good gameplay
Games start having non-white and/or non-male protagonists

i beg to differ
look at me!
i am British now!

Born there, ethnically Kenyan.
Not going to lie, I won't give SJWs a pass on this either. Their so-called "racial diversity" can be extremely damaging in the long run by pushing certain stereotypes. I honestly think the only solution to getting bona fide depictons of black people in video games would be for more black developers to start making games. Notice how games like Watch_Dogs 2 are made by whites who most likely have never met an actual black person in their lives and instead fall back on various cliches they've been spoonfed by the media they consume in order to meet a certain diversity quota. They genuinely couldn't give two shits about creating characters with actual personalities that you want to root for. Everything is black and white unfortunately.

My only issue has always been horribly written characters. I always use Lee from Walking Dead as the perfect example of a well written black character. It's a character that happens to be black, yet it's not just "write a character, turn him black before release for internet points", his race comes into play at some points but it's handled with care.
Since games don't have the best writers out there, a lot of times, anything that's not a white guy is done absurdly bad. Like anything Bioware does.
>Trans character
>First thing she says is that she's trans and doesn't want people seeing her as trans
>Gay character
>Stereotypical gay whose only personality trait is being gay
>Black character
>Is black, that's about it