Moments in video games that women will never understand

Moments in video games that women will never understand.


Are men so oblivious to women's lives and problems that they think their own struggle is unique?


Men are not the ones who advanced the idea that the struggles faced by men and women are unique or different.
This was an idea created and propagated by the collegiate feminist. A subset of peoples almost entirely made up of Women.

anything from any game that isn't the sims.

Actually I played through this with a female friend and she was bawling her eyes out

>and then there's this faggot who has to get offended at anything that insults women in abstract ways

This still makes me sad, has he got better?

>women's """problems"""
>oh no what shoes should I wear today

People have different day to day struggles but they all boil down to human experience. Poverty, hunger, desire, disease, disappointment...I wouldn't say I have it as bad as women in the middle East but I think we could connect despite our different gender and experience. As a man I'm interested to know what other male anons feel is a uniquely male experience

did u fug

I didn't say it was true, I said that the idea was established by women. The truth is that outliers always exist. There is only one experience that is unique to any specific gender across the human species, and that is childbearing and the experience that females have with it.

However if we leave out the obvious outliers I'd say probably most of the things that happen in CoD clones is experienced in a way that females generally will not understand. In fact I'd say most males experience all forms of combat, play or not, in a very different way to most females.

>Gawd, I don't even want to fuck any of these 15 guys lined up to fuck me, I'm so lonely

Uniquely make experience (in the modern west): Being crushingly lonely and incapable of finding a partner.

All of them


You're telling me women don't feel this way?

Even if we go with the usual argument here of ol' Slutty Stacy, you don't think, in the darkest, deepest corner of her psyche, she knows? She knows the 15 black dicks in her every orifice won't replace the father who never loved her? That none will offer any true companionship, none will love her for anything other than a handful of holes, ready to be replaced once the meat grows stretched and old and wrinkled? That she'll amount to nothing, nothing but yet another dead whore hidden under some ratty mattress in a shitty hotel, the only escape being drugs, alcohol, and sex? Or live to become the single spinster, unmarried past 40-50, who supplants human love and contact with a house full of cats?

Somewhere deep down, they know. The escapes Tyrone's dick gives them only lasts so long.

Still better than dying without ever being touched by a non-related person of the opposite sex.

There's a vast difference between

>I can't find love :(


>I'm 20+ and have never even touched a woman other than my mother

>Projection of interracial fucking meme

Pornography has ruined you.

And no, women don't feel that way. There is no such thing as a lonely woman, least of all a woman who has felt as lonely as men do.

Sitting on your nuts by accident.

>moments in life men will never understand

They tried and failed to replicate this same feel in Buddy's sequel.
Brad was a gentle soul crushed by adversity. He suffered his whole life and had no help from anyone. All he ever wanted is to do the right thing.
Women will never know this feeling, they'll always find support and encouragement somewhere.



>All he ever wanted is to do the right thing.

What he FELT was the right thing you mean. Brad really was the perfect storm of torment and tragedy. His substance abuse and unwillingness to realize he was harming Buddy more than helping. He still managed to do the right thing in the end though. Then Joyful happened and fucked up the story.

fucking kill yourself you dumb slut or go to reddit. you're not welcome here.

and any beta orbiters ready to white knight, please leave with her


>women """"""""problems"""""""

Men and women think differently and experience emotions differently, bottom line. There are certain things men hold dear, understand between each other, aspire to, and feel the failings of that women rarely think about. So in that regard, these threads aren't just a meme in action, it could be a genuine query.


I unironically enjoyed Hopeful more. Pointless was great too.


ALL the new endings in the definitive version are fucked up.

what's the story here?

18 year old kid, fresh on the scene in SF, was decking the fuck out of pros left and right and had a chance to win his first ever Evo. He made it all the way to grand finals but Tokido, a guy that he originally sent to losers' bracket in the first place, downloaded him and fucked with his nerves the whole set, even got a taunt kill one round.

black guy lost his first evo at grand finals

kids young. better luck next year.

You're projecting.



sucked her dick tho


Yea, no, women have to deal with this very scenario EVERY. SINGLE. VIDEO GAME. You try to immerse yourself into a story but you are constantly reminded that you're just playing some bald marine dude and seeing his story, not your own.

I thought the point of video games was that so you could like be anything, but instead you're just controlling the same cookie cutter male doing macho shit. So immersive, lol!

Huh? I'm married.

Then you were just mistaken, the point of video games have never been to allow you to be anything.

I gotta try.

Because facing adversity is in no way a universal struggle we can all relate to. Nope, gotta have the same genitals as the character, because I'm a psychopath.

Glad to see you admitting you're just a psychopath...

Sitting on your nuts on purpose.

Maybe she should play a game where you self insert then.

>I thought the point of video games was that so you could like be anything
Yet you don't want to not be able to project yourself in because the character isn't you? Way to contradict yourself in only two sentences.

More than millions of people already immersed themselves by playing a fat plumber, a blue hedgehog, a purple dragon or a busty archeologist, are you really so self-centered that you can't immerse yourself in a game that doesn't copy/paste you in? How intolerant of you. Are you from the Altctrlshift-right per chance?

Femanon here, I understand that moment.

>I understand that moment.
explain then.
or stop pretending that you understand.

How can one dialogue box elicit such strong emotions.


They seem to be the type of newfag that started playing vidya because it was trendy, then invented a reason for it to be problematic.

Identity politics are a bay area cuck thing


>more than millions of men

ftfy sweetie

I think all people can appreciate the beauty of adventure.

Or MAYBE it takes a fresh pair of eyes to see the glaring issues with an industry that those already comfortable with have grown to ignore through constant affirmation that everyone wants to play the gruff bald man.

Overly insecure manbabies simultaneously call me alt right and a cuck, you can not make this up.
Why so hostile over the mere suggestion of maybe making the characters women for one game?

>I know.

i can self insert into women, how come you can't self insert into men though?
sounds like you're a little insecure about your own identity and play video games to reassure what little beliefs you want to have about yourself.

>that filename

If we replace the retarded "women" with "people low on masculine traits", then this would qualify. I don't think this moment can be fully understood unless you know what seizing control of your masculinity means.

I swear to me mum, this is the stupidest, most uncomfy invention ever. Do you know how often i hit it by accident if i move incorrect, only to freeze up in fear of having it hit to hard it starts hurting in that specific way, only your nuts will hurt. That certain sting. Seriously, fuck balls.

Female characters are fine when it's clearly meant to be a females story. Females for the sake of females is pandering childish bullshit

See? Dis stronk woman.
Just like you right?
Do you feel empowered now?
Who's my brave woman? You are, yes you are. So relatable because she has tits like you.

have you tried wearing underwear

the problem here is the implication that "female stories" are a small subset of the stories that can exist, and that the default story protagonist should be male except when it's a "female" story. Do you not see the hypocrisy at play here ?

How fucking droopy balls do you fucks have? Your balls would have to hang like 30cm down for you to be able to sit on them, I couldn't sit on mine even if I tried.

You act like you're the first person to think, "What if we had a female character?"

If half the shit that happened to male characters were gender flipped, y'all would lose your minds. Just look at the moral panic over the Tomb Raider reboot with the implied attempted rape QTE.

Maybe devs are taking safe routes because men are allowed to be punching bags.

The sexes aren't equal. There is no hypocrisy. Combat stories are way more likely to be male stories, and games are often about combat.

You know there are other games besides HITMAN, right newfag?

We are enjoying and more importantly buying the games with big tiddies and macho bros. You are just complaining about them and more importantly, not spending your money. Why should the industry cater to your bitching when the safe bet is focusing on making good games and not worrying about pleasing dumb cunts and their dumb boyfriends.

If a majority of a hobby has things that piss you off why the fuck are you here? You don't see us reading romance novels. Why? Because they cater to lonely housewives with red wine iv implants. Do we barge in and say, "Hey, write more stories from men's perspective or we won't buy your product!"

Well we weren't gonna buy it in the first place. Same thing with you.

so women just dont understand video games in general?

Swap out a male character and put in a female character then. Give me an example of a game that could've benefitted from a gender swap.

Even disregarding the unfounded assertion that physical violence is somehow unique to men, there is nothing that stops you from abstracting the violence in the game in a way that allows more agreeable/less agressive personalities to take a leading role. See Hellblade. Iconoclasts, Rabi Ribi, Touhou...

>i play only gritty realistic military shooters

He was completely aware he was hurting buddy, it was a matter of him trying to keep her from even worse harm, or at the very least which is what happens help her understand that the world would tear her apart given the opportunity.

that's a loaded question, benefit in what way ? And you can't just swap the genre and expect everything else to stay the same. I'm not saying men and women are perfectly analogous, but I'm saying that the conflicts we live are generally the same, just seen through different lenses.

Stop writing like a pretentious fag.

Why would I do that though? Why would I jump through mental hoops to justify that I am playing a woman fighting when I could just play/design it so that a man is fighting?

Men are much more suited for combat and leading roles IRL. So having men in those roles in games increases believability (if we are assuming that the characters in the game are human and the game is trying to be believable).

>Then Joyful happened and fucked up the story
How come?

women ruin literally every hobby, community and subculture. prove me wrong

Hellblade is first and foremost a psychological game, with a story told from a female perspective. If told from a male perspective, they would have had to alter plot points to make more sense for the character and time period roles.

That seems like a moment no one but parents would really feel the full impact of.

Women are incapable of true love, but they're damn good at faking it. Best love stories in any medium were written by men.

Sorry big words scare you, but since I'm not asking you to stop writing like a sophomore, you'll have to tolerate my vocabulary.
>Why would I do that though?
Because exploring conflict through different types of characters and in different contexts gives you a wider and richer set of experiences. Limiting yourself to only one kind of experience is a sure way to stunt your growth as a person.
>So having men in those roles in games increases believability
It depends entirely on the context, like I said. Some contexts allow to explore different kind of characters. And if you've ever been in the army, you'd know there are women as violent and vicious as the worst of men, anyway. It doesn't really matter what your limited conception of what "a woman" should be, it's plenty apparent when you live in the real world that individual tendencies trump group averages always.

I play no such game.
and even the, can you really call them gritty and realistic when you're playing as Wolverine ?

men have greater platonic love for other men than a woman will ever have for a man, such is the plight of the sexes


Yeah, that's what I'm saying in this post

But the fact remain that you can still create a context where the physical violence required by gameplay can be abstracted in a way that doesn't force the story to solely be about combat.

Oh boy a rape joke about inserting yourself into women, classy.
Ah so video games are "male stories" then?
Yeah like Mass Effect and Call of Duty and oh wait they're all bald men too go figure!

have you ever considered that, being a man, you connect more strongly to what other men say about love, and that it might be less about women being an entire gender of sociopaths and more about them having a different way of experiencing love ?

Or MAYBE you just need to create your own fucking entertainment instead of ruining others entertainment or just fucking leave it alone and do something else with your pathetic fucking life you jewdubbelniggerbitchkike.

>I'm not saying men and women are perfectly analogous, but I'm saying that the conflicts we live are generally the same, just seen through different lenses.

Which is why female protagonists for the sake of female protagonists is a bad idea. There are "Female stories", there are "Male Stories", and universal blank slate stories, and that's okay.

>different way
Yeah, a fake way of experiencing love. Thus going back to my previous statement.

women can't even go 5 years without backstabbing each other over something trivial.
how many times do you hear about women being long time best friends?
the answer is never. but you bet your ass i can find hundreds of tales of bros for life.

women r ez mode

men is where it get real.

t. angry dickless man