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Good. It's because of porn you're all so fucking pathetic and miserable.
Google it, you subhuman trash.

>what else can i blame the catastrophic failure of my life on, i wonder

Lol this has to be a joke, no country can do that.

so they're embracing muslim customs?

>have RL rape problems
>let's ban porn because it's Haram, INSHALLAH

So what does this mean for britfags? Will sexual emergency rates rise significantly and more of their children will be turned into asian gang sex slaves?

check this 5

what the fuck is wrong with england?

it's real user
UKucks on suicide watch

That's because porn is Haram. Can't have that in the new caliphate.

Pathetic. Now gaze your eyes upon a real 5, kiddo.

>Block online porn
>age verification

Would this include Sup Forums since it has porn boards? Is the tea leaf menace finally over?

>Online pornography in the UK is set to undergo its biggest ever change this year. The government will introduce an age-verification requirement for all pornographic websites and people wanting to use them will have to prove they are over 18.

Oh wow nice misleading title

Now I think about it, why on earth are they even doing this?

What does this accomplish, I know England is literally "BUT MUH CHILDREN MUH PEDOPHILES SCARY" the country but just... why?

yeah and to use pornhub you have to sign up with your real name

rape will go up 2000%

Isn't it age verification via government ID though? Not just the usual CLICK HERE IF YOU'RE 18+

So they're basically introducing the same kind of age verification rules that the US has

What are VPNs?


Sup Forums is considered pornographic. Think about it. Bye, underage Brits.

its illegal in islam

More power and control for the government, sets the precedent that will enable to do censor other stuff in the future.

It's probably to distract from the countries real problems.
Remember that just a few years ago London had wide scale riots. Probably worse than the antifa or blm ones.

>government ID

what did he mean by this

Hopefully they will revoke women's rights while they're at it so we can properly fix society and the family.

And nothing of value was lost. Brits are among the worst posters on le fourchins.

>Policing the digital red light district in the U.S.
In 1998,
>Congress passed the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) to keep online adult content
>out of the eyes and minds of those under 17, after its predecessor, the
>Communications Decency Act of 1996, was struck down as an unconstitutional affront to free speech.

Same shit has been tried in the US

What do they even mean by age verification? Something like " Are you 18 or older? [yes] [no]"?

you need to scan your ID if you want to access +18 content if you're american?

Can't stop me googling Rin Tohsaka

I want to live in the UK now.

I figure they mean you have to actually provide real proof.

South Korea blocks porn. Go to any blatant porn site and you get a police warning pop up instead. Granted you can still go to places like this site and see porn so it's not fool proof.

fools, the lot of you. by the power of Allah, behold my 5!

Thank god, I've been needing this

It was tried back in 1998


the UK law will prob fail just the same


we don't have those kinds of protections, user

Wait 17?

>still has a royal family and defends them
Was there any question that Brits were cucks?

>being surprised this happens in the country where the police view bike tires as weapons and confiscate them
>same country that also requires you provide your ID when buying plastic knives and spoons

4chans gonna be much better without all of these bongs running around.

The first step towards Sharia. Praise Allah, fellow brits.

God I fucking hope so!

Good thing I've been downloading JAV in bulk in case this shit hits my country.

>the UK law will prob fail just the same
It's the UK, they're an absolute mess. Most likely it'll pass with ease.

good taste

>requires you provide your ID when buying plastic knives and spoons
I don't believe you. I don't fucking believe you.

they've been saying this for about 4-5 years now my guy


The US was first with it

Europoors WISHED they had our Bill of Rights.

They know the only people that jack off to Rin are old men and finns

But what if I don't want to have a credit card.

>need to give porn site my id before I can enter
>government had now linked all my degenerate fetish porn directly to my government ID
T-thanks for protecting the kids government

Nah it's pretty well known.

Hes right though. Porn alters your limbic system faster than drugs or cigars and makes you think women are horny sluts


>mfw I wanna go to BLACKED and I have to send in my photo to someone giving me the OK

Actually that might be the real reason. They just want to build fetish profiles.

>Paid £30 for a lifetime VPN subscription 4 years ago.

Haha government can get fucked, retarded practices like this will only push more and more people towards taking even greater security measures to safeguard their rights, regardless of what some cunt in parliament seems to believe those rights should be.

everytime i jerk it i just end up thinking i'm a giant loser

Well in your case they are actually protecting the kids cause you're probably a pdeo.

>inb4 vpns are banned

>and makes you think women are horny sluts

arent they though?

fucking idiots, check this shit out. MY 5!

Why is it when I am about to jerk it, I am happy but once I cum, I get sad?

yeah my dad died of porn addiction, horrible way to go, I quit then and there


This is pretty old news desu