What's the most realistic shooter/war game out there?
What's the most realistic shooter/war game out there?
The second is how you sight in a rifle.
Real life user.
Probably some Arma clone
Also it's however you sight your optic, you could make it either but the right is technically correct
its more like which games try to be sort of real, or as 'real' as a video game can be while still being fun. the answer is probably arma series
>mfw that 100/200/300 range on the ACOG sight
ive been so terribly wrong
both of those are wrong though
Both of your parents were wrong for having you but you don't hear us complaining do you? Faggot
you aim with the very top of the post, not above it and definitely not below it
epic and edgy dude i just turned 17 too
what I never understood is how lasers/sights sit a few centimeters above/below the barrel. Wouldn't that just mean your bullet wouldn't be accurate?
It depends on if the sight is correctly calibrated m8.
None of you have actually shot a gun with iron sights. If you're a thousand yards out then you have to aim way above the actual target.
That's why you can set up a convergence point for accuracy.
t. idiot who doesn't know how to adjust sights
it's always "easier" to just shoot and try to see where your shots land on the ground and adjust accordingly. but actual info on the sights can really make you a better shooter
>war game
Outside of operation level wargames, the best one of which are Gary Grigsby's War In the East and Command Modern Air/Naval Operations, both Close Combat and Combat Mission are really good. You likely won't enjoy any of these games without severe autism or being genuinely interested in military high command.
The sight and the barrel aren't 100% in parallel with each other.
"Zeroing" a weapon for a certain range sets an angle between the optic/laser/whatever and the barrel to create a point at which the bullet will hit where the sight is aimed.
Idk about that type of sight but with most pistol sights when the sights are lined up flat you put your targets center right above the sights. You don't cover your target with the sight piece itself.
That's cool