Nintendo getting pressured by share holders to give up governance over company

>richest company in japan
>dude split stock lmao

who the fuck would accept this?

can someone tell me how big nintendo's war chest is again, i'm forgetting

If shareholders hold a majority and agree on it, I don't think Nintendo has a choice. It's up to Nintendo convince them otherwise.

Let's see how Kishima will act in this circumstance.
Both Yamauchi and Iwata would have refused for sure.

Get the foreign investors to slit their stomachs.

Shareholders are actually the cancer that is killing videogames.

Is Japans economy tanking or something?

The switch was "successful"???

9.4 billion dollars according to article

A Japanese company must stay Japanese

Uh oh.

That's not how stock market works.

Props to the photographer who was able to get the lighting JUST right to make a normal Mario statue look like he was giving the surprised/shocked and disgusted face

yea japan ran out of money so they are sending swat teams to raid their offices to forcible take nintendos financials over to keep japan afloat

they are arguing that if japan didn't exist first then the switch would not exist so the switch and its sales profits belong to the people and not some corporation

Near 15mln sold in 1 year, dude

Can someone post those minutes from a shareholder meeting where someone stands up and goes "I hate video games tell me how you're going to fuck the gamers lol" and Iwata told him to buzz off?

Stock splits are good 99% of the time. Why the fuck are you bitching?

>Just video games
90% of shareholders are halfwits with more money than brains, and posses next to 0 knowledge of the subject of their investment. All of them are in it for pump and dump, and would burn this planet down to ashes for a quick buck, because they are allergic to the concepts of sustainable growth and long term profits over short term gains.

>Fastest selling console in history the Usa
>Not successful
And before you give me that 'AMERICA IS IRRELEVANT FUCKING MUTTS' trash remember that Usa is the 2nd biggest video game market.

This, right here. This is why you don't have any friends.

I’m concerned about the falling stock price. I own stock, but I don’t own a single Nintendo product," said the shareholder. "I believe games are a waste of time. By the way, the reason I own Nintendo stock is because the name is nice, it’s in Kyoto and it was listed in the year of my birth.

I have more friends than you + 1 tho

god this right here sums up just about all of human error in one person.
man it's reading shit like this guy that makes me feel like this world really is doomed.

t. shareholder

>they are arguing that if japan didn't exist first then the switch would not exist so the switch and its sales profits belong to the people and not some corporation

But without the corporation no one would have made the Switch so the sales profits of the Switch should go to Nintendo... isn't that how it works?

This, worse than the SJWs and the parasites like Anita and Zoe, are the shareholders.

What are video games anyway? i don't have a kid because i just masturbate to numbers in the stockmarket

Fucking this.

>games are a waste of time
uh, isn't stocks a form of gaming?

It doesn't count if they live in your head.

More like gambling desu.

Naaa dawg, its a form of gambling a insane amount of other peoples money and hoping that something doesn't break and you lose several (hundreds) million dollars worth of peoples retirement funds.

how can they live in my head

thats like saying "I woke up dead"

Pretty much why Sony cinematic universes rarely get more than 1 movie

>>Fastest selling console in history the Usa
*in 10 months

>Literally a GAME of chance

let it never be forgotten that all the jewery, all (((they))) have ever done, is out of a fiduciary obligation to fuck you over as much as possible because the free market is failing to account for your existence as a human being. (this is also known as creating profit for shareholders)

Did someone forced Nintendo to go public?

Someone explain to a brainlet what exactly is happening in OP

>subscription required to read the article

Can somebody pastebin it?

I dont know anything about market shares or shareholder, hell even in economy in general ...
Can someone give me a quick explanation on what this means and what could be the consequences ?

At least he has a head where people can live on, too bad you can't say the same. Your head is only between your legs and it is smaller than an ant, even an imaginary being wouldn't want it.

mario sees your dick. he is impressed

niggas trying to corrupt nintendo

>Hey Nintendo, Give us more power over your company
yeah, how about fuck you?

basically shareholders want more transparency in the governance, nintendo says "this what we are we make money u not happy waito piggu?"

Calm down, you're making a scene.

nintendo is a public company like most companies. this means that you can buy shares in their company from other people.
shares are like a percentage of the company, the more you have the more you get to say what the company does
their shares are very very vast majority privately owned by themselves. this means they hold a very high percentage of their own company. some shareholders want to buy into their privately owned stake, thus giving up more of the power and decision making right.

nintendo says fuck off.


>>subscription required to read the article
wut? no, but anyway

>oh no, this multi billion dollar company is gonna lose money that they will never invest into games

what a shame


>implying Kishima plays that shit

He's gonna tell everyone to fuck off.


jesus christ.


Yup, people tend to blame the managers as the pinnacle of capitalist evil and workforce exploitation, but in the end they only do it because they have to bow to fucking (((shareholders))) even if it goes against healhy common and business sense.
Naw man gotta bloat those numbers, sustainability and human welfare as a whole be damned. Don't forget that for most full-time stock traders money has long lost any meaning besides personal score. They will bring this planet and our society to their knees just to be able to boast another +1.000 at year's end.

They just want smaller investors to be able to purchase Nintendo shares, which they can't because they're currently valued so high.


>That last paragraph

anyway chances are they'll just say no

don't fix what aint broken

Company needs more funds for growth
They decide to "sell" bits and pieces of "ownership" known as stock in order to gain an influx of cash.
Doing this opens them up to interference from the outsiders who now own bits and pieces of them. These are shareholders. Shareholders want the value of the stock to increase so they can sell it for big money or they want to coast on any dividends the stock provides.

Companies have a maximum amount of stock they own/are allowed to issue.
Let's say a maximum of 10,000 as an example.
As another example, they're choosing to sell only 2,000 of that 10,000 and the other 8,000 is held by Nintendo itself.
Shareholders want more of that full 10,000 to be publically available for sale which would drop the stock price AND allow shareholders more control of nintendo.

What the fuck is the need for that last paragraph? It's so out of place.


turns out it wasn't even their actual shareholders making a fuss, and rightfully so. stocks in nintendo are literally free rising net worth.
>nintendo allowing anything to compromise their in house directing power
i laugh

Let's say it happens, how bad can it be vidya-wise ?

It's my understanding that they're not asking for Nintendo to sell more of their shares directly but to simply devalue the price of an individual share so smaller investors can trade.
An equivalent would be to reduce trading limit from 100 shares to some smaller number.

So basically blood is on teh water and the sharks are out for a piece of it.

Nintendo been self governed for 100 years, they have Zero reason to dilute its power, specially towards "shareholders" that we know all they want is Nintendo to go Full Mobile and 3rd party

Whoever wrote this article is a massive shill

>One of your products fails
>Everyone abandons you
>Your next product is a great success
>Out of nowhere everyone now wants you to give more shares because now you're successful
to be honest, im a dumbfuck with this shareholding thing, but if they want to take Nintendo to some EAsque shit, they can get the fuck out.

Shareholders are even more useless than bankers, though not quite as parasitic.

>an all-male board
Why did they bring this up at all?

This is actually why the private investing markets have inflated so much in size recently and why some of the largest, newest companies refuse to go public.
Self destructive investors are definitely getting adjusted by the market as more and more huge companies refuse going public

Co-ed boards statistically perform better.

9 months fag

Capitalism at its finest

nintendo is unironically a fucking pioneer of japanese modern culture, and this is what capitalism tries to do to it
bend it to the beck and call of (((shareholders))).
fucking disgusting, really

>richest company in japan
When did Nintendo overtake Toyota?
I don't believe you because if Japan's economy was that bad we would be hearing a lot more about it.

>and why some of the largest, newest companies refuse to go public.
Craigslist had the right idea.

How hard is it for Nintendo to be a private company
Ideologies are cancer

I can only agree to this, after working for a company and arranging three of their yearly stock events. Not only the ones with money, there are even just no-brainers with almost no money there, but being very vocal and almost a parasite, that is only there for the drinks and food.

Being a wagie is suffering.

>tfw investment banker
i haven't lost my morals yet, and that only makes me hate the world more

Is it possible to reprivatise your company or is it obligated to stay public until it fails?

>american blogs
>obsessed with tokenism
gee I wonder.


>But despite presenting itself as the ultimate family-friendly company with a commitment to diversity, the creator of Mario, Princess Peach and Donkey Kong has yet to break its tradition of an all-male board.

Nintendo being based as fuck as per usual.

Working in a bank sucks the humanity out of you, i wish you all the best user.

They'd have to buy back all their stock they don't currently own which would be insanely expensive.
6.5 Billion dollars.

>One of your IP's is going to be a fucking symbol in the next world olympic games.
No wonder why shareholders want more power in Nintendo, just the monetary value of Mario and Pokemon is more than enough to buy japan.

A stock split is simply a way to lower share prices, this has nothing to do with ownership.

Think of all existing stock as a pizza. Everyone has their own slices, and nintendo has the most slices. A stock split is simply cutting every single slice into 2 slices (in the case of a 2 for 1 split, it can vary). Nobody owns any more or less of the pizza, the individual slices are just smaller. Smaller slices can affect shareholder and potential shareholder behavior, but the act of splitting itself has no effect on ownership.

If a company splits 2 for 1, and you own 100 shares at 20$ each, you will now own 200 shares at 10$ each.

It's possible, but you have to buy all of your public stocks, and undergo a lot of administrative stuff depending of the country of origin of the company.

In other words, it's possible, but maybe impossible, and a complete hassle.

Because gaming journolism websites basically have to have that now, no matter how out of place it is.

>"This game was a solid 10/10 but you can't play as a lefthanded eskimo lesbian so it's now a so-so 5/10"

>just the monetary value of Mario and Pokemon is more than enough to buy japan.

i actually laughed but youre not wrong either

The Financial Times isn't a gaming website.

Nintendo hold the majority so eehp.

> a commitment to greater transparency
>greater transparency
I dont know a single Video Games company that is more open up with its Number than Nintendo. their Quarterly releases are a love letter to read

Can private companies still own studios? Like, if nintendo became private would they still own a stake in TPC and monolithsoft?

Oh shit, sorry about that, i'll fix it.

>"Because journalism websites, regardless of the subject matter basically have to have that now, no matter how out of place it is."
>>"This fishing rod is a solid 10/10 but it isn't made from the tears of Ugandan war orphans so it's now a so-so 5/10 "

no other company is so simply structured. they make games, they make contracts with people to make games, they make consoles and devices, and they make contracts with people to make consoles. there's nothing to hide.

They meant inside communication.
Showing your numbers is an obligation for a public company.

I remember when stockholders were eager to sell their Nintendo Stocks during the Wii U, Fall of Iwata era. Nintendo bought those stocks up. if anything Nintendo is keeping its money.

I bet the jews are behi...
>But despite presenting itself as the ultimate family-friendly company with a commitment to diversity, the creator of Mario, Princess Peach and Donkey Kong has yet to break its tradition of an all-male board
Yep jews try to take nintendo over.

I don't see why not.