Why didn't you make a brown huntress?
Monster Hunter World
Praying hard for a patch that lets you remake your hunter.
You can go to your room and change your looks.
i just want transmog
I went with one of the asian presets because they're the least egregious.
I'm terrible at character customisation and don't have the patience for it, so I just went with those and a few minor preset subchoices.
And making sure she doesn't have that terrifying smile emotion, that shit is nightmare fuel.
Only your hair and other small cosmetics.
I want to redo without starting a new file.
It's a longshot but I'd be happy if Capcom does it.
Yeah this too!
>Tfw absolute shit at character creation.
I hope I get a helmet soon so I can cover up my ugly mug.
I don't have the game, but i heard that what you make in the character screen looks nothing like it in game. Anyone has some screenshots of that?
brown, black and Latina hunters
Standard citizen tier
White hunters
Trash, tasteless Sup Forums peasant tier
Asian / Anime hunters
Pick your poison, guv
because I'm actually a brown huntress irl and I don't self insert
>Guttersnipe pretending to be patrician
I regret not making one after getting the kirin armor. White hair and light skin just doesn't mix that well.
>tfw tried to make an asian waifu but didn't do a good job
"eh, it's ok, they usually let you remake your character in your house anyway"
>you can't
At least I could turn down the makeup after it ended up looking utter shit in-game.
kek that's pretty bad indeed
PC will fix it
I fucking hate niggers
Post your huntressfu, Sup Forumsirgins
It's always been remake your hair and hair color, not your entire dude.
Why do we get the ugly Handler instead of this qt still baffles my mind.
and they hate you too
Used the Asian preset for both OP and this.
I don't think its possible to create a character with normal looking emotions.
holy shit lol
Are you enjoying your huntress?
Oh my.
Because pretending to be a member of the opposite sex is a symptom of mental illness.
I thought this was already in the game?
>fucking around in CC
>realize I made Ves
>why didn't you make a brown hunter
I prefer Human race.
Transmog, Glamour or Refashion when?
I'm so tired of all my favorite armor not matching my build or weapon or even play style.
Oh goodness me.
the game has been out for nearly 3 weeks
are you ok user ?
Not really.
Why play as a girl? Faggot soyboys.
women in this game have negative ass
If I want to Play as an ape I would Play Winston in Overwatch.
Really really.
Male armor looks better.
>tried to make my hunter look somewhat like me but actually handsome
>comes out looking autistic
>have 110 hours
Thank god for helmets, but it would be neat if I could change it
>fight the same temp monster over and over again while your gear does not really get any better
why is the end game so shit in this game?
because it is made for japanese people
even souls has better end game.
that's a big club
Still haven't seen proper black girl. All I seen are white girls with black paint on 'em.
because white always wins
>end game
ng+ retarded anime poster
of course. what else would you play?
>replaying the same exact shit on a higher difficulty is endgame
Is she 13 years old, unsecure and recently bought a lot of makeup?
Cause I did a brown girl in Comrades. Also, CC was 90% the face. Everyone's the same height. Makes all the male characters look like manlets.
yes better end game than fighting the same 4 monster over and over again.
Because for once, the female armour sucks
Well, fighting monsters in MH is always fun while playing any Souls game more than once is incredibly boring since you already know every secret, enemy placements and so on.
>Souls is boring
>MHW where every monster has like 3-4 attack patterns and they are all very similar is not boring
Say that again
let me know when Vordt shows up to carpetbomb me from the sky as I try to fight the abyss watchers or whatever, fag
Are you implying that Souls enemies have more than 3-4 attack patterns? Fucking Souls shitters, man.
I don't think so, buddy.
Okay, sweetie.
>knows I'm right
>sweetie posting
the only good brown is the white-haired kirin bitch for porn
I did but I'm burnt out on the game already. I need G-rank.
I realize 10 hours in I dislike my characters face. Can I change it completely or do I need to restart?
You would have to restart, unfortunately
It's ok. I might just do that. I am getting bored of Horizon Zero Dawn and going to focus on MHW. I just find it a bit more hard to get addicted to World than previous entries. But it could also be because none of my irl friend's play.