What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing, if you didn't fall for the competitive meme that is.
It's the same brainless fun it has always been.
Absolutely nothing, stop making those threads now.
They banned me. 2 times.
Won't stop making Lux skins
Blue essence is kinda fucked
Basically every damn teenager and kid thought they were 'good' with games when they became better in a braindead game like this. Also the massive amount of streamers trying to spread their 'skills' with a massive amount of shit streaming.
>blue essence is kinda fucked
I'm pretty sure I'm getting more blue essence than IP. That or they slowed down champions releases more than I feel.
CertainlyT happened. also reworking good champions and turning them into shit champions.
it relies heavily on teamwork and has no voice chat
>level up system
>have to buy champions with slowly earned ingame currency
>or you can buy it with irl money goy :^)
>literally never a point in history that the game felt actually balanced
>top laners think adcs are op, adc thinks mid is op, mid thinks jungle is op, my jungle is always braindead
>every 3 months there's a completely new meta
>your champ pool could become literally useless
>new champs are always op
Oh Lord
Everything after season 1.
>playing a game with buddy
>Tell him it's my last game of the night and sign off
>Come back in some hours later just to practice with the practice tool
>Buddy messages "so are you tryharding right now, because if so that's cool"
>Ask what he means
>Buddy never responds and logs off
What the fuck was his problem?
Would it help if I apologized?
1 map to play the same way for eternity
its existence
>the game relies on teamwork
>the "if you lose its your fault" meme
by this logic, a guy that went 0/12 has the same responsibility for your loss even if your shotcalling and kda were decent
>the game doesnt punish deaths enough
>people are still scared to make plays
>champions that do nothing and lose hard and are still able to 1v1 you because deaths mean nothing in this game
>constant nerfs to the botlane even though its the deciding lane
>buffs to the jungle and mid so bot is camped every game
>people dont know when to switch lanes
the game is unbalanced and infuriating, and if youre doing decently and losing because of retards dont let it get to you
quit the game
people who think every game is your fault are jerking their ego
actual challanger players never say this, its usually some harstuck plat retard who won his promos because of an afk in the enemy team that switched to flex because hes scared of demotion is "that guy" whos calling you bad because somehow youre responsible for you mid going 0/5 as an adc
jesus christ im ranting now, oh well
>What went wrong?
Sona isn't real and she isn't sucking my dick
banned all passionate players for "toxicity"
hired anthony burch
Oh well.
me ooga
team booga
bongo bango
They reworked sion
nullshit are you srs?
Silver is basically the majority of the player base and Riot has done nothing to fix it.
Its a coin flip 9/10 where you either get a team that knows how to cs and rotate or a team what cant focus in teamfights and offers a surrender at either 15/20.
Why do people hate Teemo?