What’s the best Rayman game
No Rabbids
What’s the best Rayman game
No Rabbids
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Kingdom Battle
I unironically enjoyed the rabbids one on the Wii.
The first game.
the 3D ones are garbage don't let anyone tell you otherwise, they are barebones with terrible square-spam 'combat', level design is just okay, nostalgia is one hell of a drug
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Origins, but you were close. Those Murphy levels make Legends worse.
Eh, Murphy stages are good only if you play them as they were intended to be played: with a friend using a second screen while you move the character.
Anyway, I'd take Murphy's stages all the day over those terrible flying shooting stages from Origins.
The original. Origins is not too far behind.
The very first one
I played the first one as a kid and it was hard, so I didn't get past the music land
I played 3 and kind of liked it
I played 2 years later, and it was really fucking boring, nothing really interesting happens, you just run from level to level with a super basic combat system, I know it's for kids, so I didn't finish it
I played the first rabbids game and didn't get why they did any of it
never played origins or legends
so I guess 3
>never played origins or legends
You better move your ass and play them.
3 > 2 > Origins > 1
Haven't played Legends yet.
Raving Rabbids 1 is a decent game. It's the second and third games that are terrible.
yeah alright I will
I forgot to mention I played the phone one and thought the viking girl was cute, she's in em right?
Has anyone even brought up what exactly made it bad?
Rayman 2 on PC.
No question about that.
Because it was just pure comedy and silly shit without anything serious.
Rayman 2 had silly surface but was really dark and edgy the more you chewed on it. It had this mystical aura that 3 completely lacked
She's in Legends, yes.
Barbara's a cute.
>breast jiggle
bless the frogs
2 or 3. I'd say 3. It was really fucking fun.
Rayman Rush
The Great Escape / Revolution > Hoodlum Havoc > Rayman = Origins > Legends >>>>>>>> Rabbit shit
We doing lists?
Legends>3>Origins> 1>2
Everything else is not worth mentioning.
don't really have a valid opinion, but since 1 is the only one I played, I'm going with that. It's a pretty challenging platformer, anyway.
1, 2, 3, and Origins/Legends are all great even though they're all very different games. Rayman 3 on the GBA and Rayman M are also decent.
Best music
Yeah, I know it's a cover, shut up.
Reminder Legends features licensed music, so Ubisoft could potentially erase the game from all digital stores in any moment.
I think you posted the wrong link there buddy
Fine taste.
I just want another 3D Rayman game, I don't care about the 2d platformers.
And you are the center of the universe of course.
Hoodlum Havoc desu
I'm sorry, user.
Should I play Rayman 2 ps2 version or dreamcast version? I'm leaning towards the former because of the new stuff and because I won't have to hook up my dreamcast again.
I keep hearing the DC one is the absolute best one.
But don't ask me, I only played the ps1 one in my life.
Absolute shit taste
That's actually just the racing parts from Rayman M/Arena.
Its just a pretty shallow stage by stage experience.Not bad but nothing amazing
Depends if you want the best version of the original game or a slightly remade version.
1 was a miracle to kid me, i love everything about it, except for the fact that i never got past FUCKING BAND LAND.
2 was basically a completely different game, so comparing the two doesnt really work. 2 had great world building, beautiful environments, cool enemies and a fairly dark story for a kids game.
3 was 2 with added features, equally good environments and enemies, but for some reason not nearly as mystical and enticing as 2.
Didnt play the rest.
Legends has one of my favorite vidya OSTs of all time, honestly. Christophe Héral doesn't get enough praise for the amazing stuff he does.
Rayman 2 Revolution
Definitely the PS2 Version, if you care about 60 fps, emulate it and use the patch.
>Ingame model of a generic enemy placed in the bg
>Concept art carelessly shopped in on the side
>Laughable attempt to make rayman look tough
Jesus what a shitty cover
Beautiful selection.
Spot on
3 > Legends > Origins > Arena > 2 > 1
Fight me fags
>Laughable attempt to make rayman look tough
That describes Rayman 2 in general.
>Fight me fags
But I almost agree with you.
Objective answers here:
Rayman 1 is a balls to the deepest spots on your anus hard classic with absolutely beatiful graphics and music.
Rayman 3 is balls to the walls insane and has you always second guessing wtf happens next. It also has one of the most underrated OSTs. R3 is a hidden gem.
Origins and Legends are "ok".
Rest is bit of shitty.
Is this what assmad Rayman 1 fags really think?
The shoot'em up sections aren't great, but you're really selling the game extremely short.
Well ok, Origins is great and Legends is ok?
How about now?
Does the code work if you use it on a PS3? I don't know if it would work well
I can accept this opinion.
Every time people praise 2 they pretend it is some kind of deep, magical and so dark and deep game.
Except they are about the same and Legends even includes Origins stages to begin with.
Inb4 "they moved that enemy two pixels ahead hence the stages are worse".
t. fly flying around a dog turd
>mfw all the cut content from Origins
I'll never not be upset
1 > 2 > 3 = Origins > Legends
They removed cutscenes, they were better than Legends so you still just kind of want Origins.
shit image
Whats your ranking then, bitchboi?
>Story was totally cut
>Characters gone
>Skins were reduced
At least we got nymphs
The first game.That final boss/theme
wanna dick her until she makes the (3) face
my childhood.
this game always scared me
>We never got an actual fight with the Magician
>Origins and Legends under Hoodlum Havoc
you are a nigger, no doubt about it
It was an interesting evolution from an episodic game.
I am amazed we actually got Origins and Legends in this day and age.
I am mad the Ubiart engine hasn't been used more.
Last game to use it was Rayman Adventures, and that was just a mobile game.
Rayman 1, 2 and 3 are all great in their own way. I love all the different worlds they introduce, but I'd give Rayman 1 a slight edge for its charm, or Rayman 2 for its incredibly adventurous nature, which no other platformer has matched as far as I can tell.
Valiant Hearts and Child of Light use it too and they are both seriously underrated.
that's just ubisoft for you. aaa rehashes on one hand and genuinely interesting small-time projects on the other.
There was a Gravity Falls game on 3DS which also used it.
It was done better than the Origins 3DS port, but was still pretty mediocre.
I'd love another Rayman game that actually delves into the history/lore of the Glade of Dreams, it's honestly one of my favorite fictional worlds.
Bethesda also used to be like that, but not a single project they funded on the side made it big so they dropped that.
Remember WET?
I kinda like that. With their huge cashcow AAA rehashes they'll always have money to spare, so they can afford to sometimes do things like Valiant Hearts of Child of Light. Every E3 I'm excited for Ubisoft's conference because aside from the usual AssCreed, Far Cry and Tom Cuhlancee you never know when they might show off something actually neat.
Then they reveal Trails of the Blood Dragon.
Came here to post this. Except I'd say 3 >= 2, both games are pure kino. Unless you played the PS1 version of R2, then I understand.
The one with the fuckable short stacks
Nah, it was definitely magical, though.
I unironically like Ubisoft. They are far from being perfect (no company is, not even CDPR) but I honestly like their output most of the time.
t. paid ubishill
Eh whatever. I like them.
>I unironically like Ubisoft
Magical is just a nostalgia term.