Fiefags aren't real people.
Cold Steel 2 PC
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You know, """people""" who like Fie.
What does that even mean?
If you like Fie over the plethora of gorgeous girls the game offers you're not a real person. You're some genetic retard who should do everything in his power to not breed.
But Fie is clearly the best girl.
Slut. SLUT! SLUT!!!!
Stop it. We do not condone beastiality ITT.
I can't.
Calvard when?
Is there a way to get into Trails series without slitting your wrists because the combat is slower than a paralyzed snail?
Use speedhack function of Cheat Engine.
>combat is slow
I haven't played tits in a long time but I think there was a patch for it that added 4x battle speed.
Based Calvardposter here to save us from the dread of Fiefags.
set turbo to 6, never look back unless emma just walked by
Top cutie.
You can't stop Fiefags user, might as well join them
She's missing a womb tattoo.
Lolis are always the best party members
>Lolis are always the best
Fiefolk are fine people.
Towa is best girl!
So I just finished Nothin personnel 1 that ending twist was pretty good. Genuinely didn't see that coming. Pissed me off too, Crow was my mvp party member, damn good crafts. The mecha shit was tedious though, I'm not looking forward to more of that, for how much longer will CSII keep the 10% discount? I'm a retard and have to wait a couple more days for paypal to do it's thing.
>"what if we made Squall's gunblade smaller and less useful?"
You guys are buying this on GOG, right?
You aren't Steamcucks, right?
>Want to buy CS
>They're more expensive than the Sky trilogy combined
There's more mecha in CS2 but it genuinely gets better and not as tedious.
I only buy from GOG, and don't pirate games that are available there, because I believe that sends a positive message.
Otherwise, I pirate and donate the equivalent to the dog shelter.
I sincerely hope so.
Having to guess which section to attack with a roll of the dice was beyond frustrating. Also, having a literal hurr durr muh fighting spirit ability to just magically heal and gain cp was so ridiculously cliché it made the rest of the game and all it's tropes look like a bastion of originality.
Other then that, it was a damn fun game. I've always loved this series for the slow world building and lore. It hasn't been quite as good as TiTS though.
I unironically think the world building's at its strongest in Cold Steel, even if the main story took a nose dive. That's because Cold Steel has two other arcs' worth of world building to play with, though.
Only thing I didn't like is that Erebonia's completely different from what Sky and Crossbell built it up to be.
Yeah the world building was great, seeing Oliver doing his thing was awesome. Especially since it feels like his adventure in Liberl with Estelle and friends was the leading factor and motivation for his plan. I was kinda annoyed by the not-red-Arestelle ship though. That just killed how unique and significant it originally was in tits for me.
I do agree that Erebonia feels really different to how it was originally portrayed. The cities and technology just felt like it was dialled up a bit too high. The size and shit going on with all the power levels of characters just feels so out of touch with the rest of the continent. It also annoyed me that Class VII was running around with late game TiTS the 3rd tier stats after just a couple field studies too. Links and master quarts are neat though.
>Only thing I didn't like is that Erebonia's completely different from what Sky and Crossbell built it up to be.
>early concepts of Thors depicted it to be an actual strict military academy and not a glorified high school
>early concepts for Cold Steel actually kept in the executions we heard about in Sky
>early concept for Rean and Alisa looked better than the final product and they were a canon couple instead of a "pick your own waifu that doesn't effect the plot" type deal
>rean wielded guns
>alisa wielded a fucking sword and her entire back story was she was training to be a Divine Blade
I'm sure Ao anytime now.
Falcom kind of butchered Cold Steel because they thought Kiseki was too intimidating a franchise and needed another entry-point.
absolutely ruined
>The cities and technology just felt like it was dialled up a bit too high.
There's actually a canon reason for this that was brought up in Sky, though. Orbal power is essentially unlimited given its a renewable resource and humanity can advance much faster in Zemuria than humanity could in the real world.
In Trails lore, technology's advancing so fast in just half a century compared to what would be 2-3 centuries in real life, keep in mind they only discovered orbal energy 50ish years before Sky and they already had working air ships 40 years later.
The balance in this game is beautiful, they've just gone insane and let you break it even more. There's more bullshit going on than playing blade.
Yeah that's true. Perhaps its just the "culture shock" of me going from the small and older TiTS games with tiny cities where you occasionally see an air ship to CS with trains, airships and cars fucking everywhere in massive cities and a motorbike in the school workshop. I'm sure TiTS would've shown off more if it could now that I think about it.
The balance was silly. There was one point in CS 1 where I had to fight Sara with two classmates for the practical lesson. I picked Jusis and Crow and just spammed theirs and Reans' AT delay abilities. I defeated Sara before she got a single turn. AT delay is a bit broken when abused.
That's a big gun
Cold Steel 2 is so broken that you can effectively one-shot both of the "final" boss's phases if you stack strength, buff correctly and s-break
This is a cute picture.
Here's a picture of Trails girls getting their pussies pounded
Can you even effectively use other status effects other than delay when bosses are at like 90% resistance? Delay gets a bunch of huge chances to proc while others get like a 10% and 20% on top of any ability. It's like 400% chance to delay vs 130% anything else.
>not liking Fie
Fuck off homo.
>Yeah that's true. Perhaps its just the "culture shock" of me going from the small and older TiTS games
They had mecha and tanks in TiTS.
All of them should have a turbo function now.
>Final boss
Probably the most retarded fight in existence.
Pretty much had to be cheap so that I killed him with two hits.
>Fiefags aren't real people.
stop talking shit about my wife
So who was your sweetheart in CS2?
Most obvious choice is Sara, of course.
>going from the small and older TiTS games with tiny cities where you occasionally see an air ship to CS with trains, airships and cars fucking everywhere in massive cities and a motorbike in the school workshop.
You would already be used to all that if you didn't skip zero and ao.
Post good music
Towa, the closest definition of a sweetheart in the game
Did I get this right?
>People were translating Zero no Kiseki, but someone leaked it and it turned out to be kind of bad.
>Someone else picked it up and has now "edited" the translation at 50% done
>Someone also started to translate Ao no kiseki, but might need editing too.
How are Fiefags not people? They're the best sort.
try killing yourself
>and it turned out to be kind of bad.
wrong.It turned out to be as good as you could expect from an unedited literal translation, and the """people""" pushing the ""edited"" meme are never actually going to release ANYTHING
Why won't they release?
He's wrong, but it will take at least 1 more year.
Because the whole thing is just a scam for them to keep their coveted "e-celeb" status. They don't actually work on the game, and when anybody asks, they just say they "have a life outside kiseki" so they don't have time. It's just total bullshit and people are retards who eat it up.
But based geofront is porting Zero to PC.
t. Leaker.
holy fuck, was this the stealthiest release in recent memory?
No, not at all. You're just a casual who doesn't pay attention.
>get into ToCS
>Thors Military Academy version gets announced
For the love of god. So it's basically just the PC version on PS4 + High Speed Skip mode?
>With the press of a button, High-Speed Skip Mode can double the speed during events and on the field, and quadruple the speed of battles.
nobody knows we haven't actually seen it in action yet. And, frankly, there's no guarantee it ever makes it to the west anyway
just like women
it won't be as good as the pc version
Does the game really have such huge zones and slow combat it needs this fast forward mode or is it just catering to ADHD crowd?
Combat not so much, but travelling through Nord highlands is a fucking nightmare without turbo.
Wasn't one of the bosses a gigantic tank with a laser cannon too? I never understood why Crossbell and CS was such a big leap for people.
Yeah some attack animations are stupid long which can get annoying in a 60hr jrpg. But it's mostly because travelling thru areas multiple times can get boring on the 3rd fucking time
Pretty much most cases of those sort of things were because of Orouborus, who we've always known have had really advanced technology. Of course there were some outside of them but they were overall so far and inbetween. Crossbell and Erebonia feel like a bigger jump because they're more common I guess.
But the thing is that while it's true that Ouroboros had advanced tech, a lot of it was home brew where they recreated old tech with modern stuff. It also doesn't help that people kept calling Liberl backwater too which meant that it was a terrible reference point for world tech.
reminder that fiefags get shit on I'm cs3
>or is it just catering to ADHD crowd?
it's just catering to the ADHD crowd. Cold Steel in particular has the fastest combat in the series. It's really sad how this generation has turned out
Fiefag status:
>get shunned as a romance by main three
>get shunned as a daughterfu by Altina
how will they ever recover?
she's only 3 years younger than Rean. When I was Rean's age in CS1, I was doing stuff with girls Millium's age or a year younger. I'll never understand why Americans are such prudes.
Is Switch port the reason why CSIII is taking so long to come out in english?
So this.
>3.13 MB
honestly glad he has a sword and not a ranged weapon
>Only (psuedo)-loli character in the ENTIRE SERIES to not make top 10 in popularity polls after her games released
>more weebshit on Steam
Kys all.
Another big issue with CS1 and 2 is that they try too hard to ape FC and SC, sort of like the new Star Wars movies.
>protags were gender swapped in development
>first chapter of CS1 is pretty much "remember FC? it was comfy!"
>military coup plot just like FC
>structure of CS1 resembles FC heavily (you're training to be (basically) bracers by visiting all the major locations in your (half of the) country)
>structure of CS2 resembles SC heavily (early chapters are meet the enforcer of the week; party member shows up to help you against them but then they fuck off for whatever reason; Crash Bandicoot portion resembles the chapter of SC where you visit each Tetracyclic Tower, etc)
>game tries to have a main romance between Estelle and Joshua expies but fails at that because they also wanted to expand the bonding system from Crossbell to actually affect the main plot instead of just giving you an extra scene with a bit more insight into a character's backstory as a reward
But then it tries to play things too safe, IE making Thors into a typical high school where people sometimes fight training dummies instead of a real military school, toning down the stuff we learned about Erebonia from previous games to be less dark because they tried too hard to show the "good side" of Erebonia, etc. Overall it feels like the game suffered a lot from trying to be accessible to new fans in a series where that just doesn't work and Falcom made the right decision by giving up on that shit in CS3.
Worst final boss theme in the series, good thing Crow had a way better theme.
These boss AP things are seriously annoying, just let me beat them how I like, don't lock AP behind restrictions like turn counts.
It's not that those things are pulled from FC and SC, it's that those are the formula of the series. Crossbell is the same thing. The SSS in zero and ao are basically "bracers: Police Edition"
That's the Trails formula.
What Are you talking about, Altina was top in popularity polls after Sen3
Yes, mechanically they're the same thing, but the SSS are not literally "you're being trained to be Bracers" like Class VII.
Talking about Fie. Of course Altina was high because she actually was a real character in Sen 3