Soulsfags will defend this

soulsfags will defend this

Soyboys will blame this

Dude just sprint lmao

go right
git gud

"b-but it teaches you stuff!!"

I doubt it. That guy is bullshit.

>run to the left
>wait in the alcove for him to fly up and land on the bridge
>as soon as he starts doing this, run under his feet to the safety of the bonfire

There's a few things in dark souls that are bullshit, but this is not one of them.

only a complete imbecile would deny that souls is built on trial and error

>Look mommy I posted it again!

souls games are fedora garbage

>See a dragon land right in front of you earlier in the level
>Bridge has scorch marks all over it
>Dragon isn't even likely to kill you the first time around unless you're low on health or you block/jump and eat multiple ticks of fire damage
You'd have to not only be lacking in object permanence and pattern recognition but also in basic motor skills to die to this on full health.

By thus point in the game, any idiot should really know not to run forward at any point without being cautious and looking around.

it does, it teaches you to be attentive and proceed with caution, slowly.

>Bridge has scorch marks all over it
I don't understand how anyone would initially take that as a warning sign for a dragon. You could have interpreted it as firebomb residue or merely random textures of no importance.

Probably cause of the massive dragon you saw earlier.
Even if you didn't think "dragon" scorch marks all over the floor should raise some flags for anyone

I think you can easily hear the dragon flying, you must be a mutt though so i don't blame you for being a brainlet

You could interpret it as an indicator of firebombers, which is also what the game actually does at the top of Sen's Fortress.
Either way, it's a warning that something is going to set you on fire.

That part is bullshit. I'm not denying that.

But I believe that a big part of Dark Souls is that it's community-driven. I don't think that the best DS experience is playing it completely blind. I think it's a lot better when you play it having someone sit next to you who already played it. For me, Dark Souls has always been a game where a big part of the fun comes from sharing info with friends or people on the internet to get through the hostile world.

I don't think the game was actually developed with this exact concept in mind. But the fact that Dark Souls somehow managed to naturally evolve to this state where there is a huge following and this community knowledge about things like the bridge, the bonfire in Sen's Fortress, where you have to go after defeating the Gargoyles and other obscure shit helped tremendously and elevated the game above what the developers intended.

Exploration is nice and very rewarding, but there is a lot of extremely useful knowledge that a blind player just won't figure out without the collective effort of the community by truly dedicated players.

It was really lucky for Dark Souls that it became as popular as it got, mostly owed to solid combat and amazing world design, so that you play the fun stuff on your own and the bullshit stuff through the community. Stuff like the skeletons by Firelink Shrine and the dragon on the bridge are such well known bullshit points that unless you NEVER heard of Dark Souls before and played it completely blind, you are likely to have seen or heard about them already, being discussed somewhere on the internet. Like this thread for example, someone who hasn't played Dark Souls scrolls past this thread, sees the OP, and possibly remembers it when he eventually gets into it.

Again, this was definitely never intended to have this much impact, but the game benefits greatly from it in my opinion.

Not that much though. You might try again with more knowledge after dying but the game generally does a pretty decent job at teaching you if you're paying attention.
Even in a place like Sens fortress this is true.

It's still intensely questionable since the hollows at the end of the bridge fairly obviously can't throw firebombs that far. You're walking into a wide open area with the suspicion that you might get ambushed and if you have any sense then you might still be remembering the dragon that landed right in front of you.
At the very least you heal up to full health before taking that risk and survive going through the flames because they just knock you down, at which point you make a mad rush for the alcoves that will protect your dumb ass from further fire.
It's also distinct enough that you couldn't interpret it as just another texture I think.

In Sens it's a giant that periodically throws huge explosive balls of fire. This isn't like the hollows you've become acquainted with up to this point.

>Full health
>Good fire resist shield
Yes, I absolutely will defend this since you will never die in one hit and will take minimal damage if you bother blocking

>But I believe that a big part of Dark Souls is that it's community-driven. I don't think that the best DS experience is playing it completely blind. I think it's a lot better when you play it having someone sit next to you who already played it. I think it's a lot better when you play it having someone sit next to you who already played it.
that's gay

you get fucked harder if you try to block it, since the fire hits you until you run out of stamina and then you get shit on with instability frames

also there's a developer message there if you used seek guidance like the new player you are instead of being a cocky shit

>not knowing every mechanic of the game after the first 10 minute of play
I bet you didn't even equip a Ring of Sacrifice on your first encounter with Seath the Scaleless u casul

There's a developer message in his room too.
>thinking you're hot shit that doesn't need guidance when you don't know anything about the game by your own admittance

If this is your first time playing dark souls there is a 0% chance you made it to this dragon in 10 minutes.

You really think this vague shit would entice a new player into equipping a ring of sacrifice in order to not lose your souls?
Yea, no shit. I thought the sarcasm was obvious.

>dumb fucks can't into hyperbole
I was making a point that new players wouldn't know half of the shit that is claimed in this thread. Next time I'll have to make it blatantly obvious
I'll revise my last post in order to make the sarcasm more obvious;

>not knowing every mechanic of the game a year before release
I bet u lvld n-sted of a SL 0, u casul

>try resignation
i guess i have to die to proceed
but i don't want to lose my souls
do i have an item that would let me keep my souls even if i die?

I don't even understand why people care so much about dying a few times to shit like this. Call me a shitter but i probably died at least 200 times during my first (and blind) playthrough, so dying to bullshit traps just gave me a giggle if anything

It's the staple of Sup Forums discussion. It's just complaining for the sake of complaining, generally they are just venting real life frustration into videogames or image boards and blowing nuances out of proportion to see that particular issue fixed in compensation of being unable to do anything about the real issues they can't deal with.
There's also just whiny cunts that are unable to have fun unless things go their way 100% of the time by "skeelz" and don't consider forethought, exploration or preparation as any of that. But those tend to be in the minority, really.

The mental gymnastics of souls babies everyone

I've only played Demon Souls, let me guess a dragon that ends up being a shitty boss fight flies around and breathes fire at you.

Common sense?

The reason everyone sees every trap in Dark Souls differently, is for the fact that every trap in some way exploits a weakness, and is overcome by a strength.
In other words, there are things that you're good at, that another player isn't. And then there are things the other player is good at, that you're not. And so when you approach a trap that plays into your strengths, you easily overcome. While the other player has his weakness exploited and dies. Vice-versa. When you die at something, it's because the trap exploited your weakness, and the other player gets through no problem, since it's his strength.

A series of variable traps causes the illusion of trial and error. Because you will inevitably have your weakness exploited, and die, before you learn how to overcome.
This is a sign of good game design, because it means that the game doesn't coddle its players by giving them easy ways out of danger, or convenient recover methods. Too many games are too lenient with players. But not Dark Souls.

Fact is: You were either strong enough to overcome the trap. Or too weak to do anything about it. It's not cheap. You just didn't know you sucked before it was too late.

PSA: Sprinting makes you take more damage from all sources.

You can't survive the first blast while sprinting with less than 14 vitality and some minor resist from armor

You don't have to fight it. It just likes burning the bridge, like the dragon in 1-1.

Its nothing but pure bullshit. DaS1 has shit like that all over the place, you can't tell if environment harzards are just a part of the architecture or a actual danger.

Have you considered maybe you are just retarded? Without even having played Demon Souls beforehand seeing a giant open area full of scorching marks and dead bodies when there's dragons flying over the place was enough blatant information to call it common sense that shit is going to go down the moment you step on it.
Sometimes you being slow and a raging cunt is mostly your fault, user. There's plenty of things that you could complain about that are far more sensible. Like the overly complicated means of finishing Solaire's quest successfully, or getting cucked by Seth no matter what you do the first time around.

But you decide to complain about the most basic, common sense shit any videogame would throw at you? This is not the passtime for you.

run in, turn back the moment you hear wings flapping, survive. What's so hard?

I unironically prefer Dark Souls 2 over 1.

Jesus you have autism brainlet.

Nigger what

So we both agree that you are garbage at videogames in general, then. Both in either having forethought or in knowing how to have fun and deal with the fact that you suck.
Switch to books. They will be more welcoming for you.

So it's a shitty repetitive game that you'd rather get help for because otherwise it'd waste heaps of time learning the right thing to do at each point?

You just love bad game design and can't even defend it lol. Please reply again so I can laugh further.

If you got time to purposely act like a sperging out autist in Sup Forums, you will always have time for time consuming games, so you should be fine with that.

>bridge covered in scorch marks
>giant red drake landed 10 feet in front of you and flew to bridge in the section right before
It's only your failure of observation.

If it makes you have fun with what is clearly a very bored evening/day you got going, sure. What is your favourite boss so far?

>I don't think the game was actually developed with this exact concept in mind
It was though. That's the reason why the messages even exist in the first place. Allowing other players to actually tell you what to do goes against conventional game design but FromSoft built a game centered around community. The games strike an incredible balance of making you feel very alone and worthless (especially in the beginning) but you always know that someone is there going through the same things as you. It's also why bloodstains and the phantoms of other players randomly popping up exist. Genius concepts.

This sounds like something someone who literally fails at everything else and has to cling on to arbitrary moments in video games as any kind of references to success to feel good about.

>l-le just la git god my game is perfect xD

I bet you're not even as "hardcore" as you think faggot.

>knew that I was probably going to get fucked up
>had nowhere else to go
>tried to bait whatever was coming by running back and forth
>nothing happened
>ran toward the alcove and hoped for the best
>got hit by the fire
I honestly never figured how the hell to get through this segment without getting burnt, but it's almost never killed me so I don't really care.

Maybe the point of the bridge isn't to teach you how to avoid dragons, maybe it's to teach you about the risk:reward of pressing on into unknown territory when you have a huge stack of souls. Players who backtrack to the bonfire after Taurus are rewarded with a few extra stats, but they have to re-clear the level to advance, and that's tedious. Players who press on know they are taking a risk, and when they die unfairly it will stick with them for the rest of the game. Any time they have a big stack of souls they'll remember the dragon bridge and the paranoia will start to creep in.

One unfair dick move that sets the player back 10 minutes seems bad in isolation but when you consider the impact it has on the player's mindset for the entire rest of the game, I think it's worthwhile. Placing the dragon bridge immediately after the first real boss is genius level design, and if it were anywhere else in the game it'd just be a cheap one-off kill with no impact. Obviously I'm only talking about first-time playthroughs, for a veteran player it's trivial to avoid the fire, or just skip the whole level, or sequence break so the dragon never spawns.

good post

I don't really get it either. Getting killed by traps is the most fun way to die for me in Dark Souls.

>mad about traps in DaS
>meanwhile people swallow jump-scares in horror games like it's cum


Where do you find a resist fire shield so early in the game?


what are you, a casul?

What benefit do you seriously gather in outright making up things and twisting statements just to continue an entirely pointless argument? I mean it sincerely, do you actually feel better about whatever boredom or anger is making you do it, or is it something you simply can't control because there are no outlets available for you in your surroundings?

Heater shield is one of the better ones at 70%, but even something shitty is enough to survive the bridge.
But arguing that you should block is stupid because there's no way of knowing which direction the fire will come from.

>projecting so hard
knew it lol stay mad loser

>you can ear a huge beast
>bridge is full of corpses
Gee i wonder...

the graphics look so bad there I didn't even recognize where it was until I read other posts. Thank god for dsfix

>nice animation with unsatisfying meme ending
Has to be that Spanish faggot.

>run on the bridge
>get my ass burned by the dragon
>get up and run to the stairs
WOOOOOOW that was fucking hard

>literally just sprint
>complaining about this

state of Sup Forums

Sorry I go the other way across parish because I ring the bell first then go to solaire so this isn't a problem for me
>hurr darksouls is linear the orange fog gates!
Fighting the Taurus demon is for chumps. Now I can sit in burg way over powered and feed off twinks.


>I don't understand how anyone would initially take that as a warning sign for a dragon.
Maybe because when you proceed into the Undead Burg, the fucking thing slams down in front of you and basically says "Sup? I'll be seeing you later." Once you get to the bridge all you have to do is look at the scorch marks and go "Oh yeah, that thing is probably flying around somewhere. I should be careful."

Yeah, that's him.

There's a big chance of dying on the bridge if you just run straight into the fire. I mean for a new player ofc.

Won't try that again, will you nigga?

as far as i know it was posted in /ic/ a couple of weeks ago, might be him though

It's undefendable but eh. It's not like it kills you.

They already disproved this. Even if you walked very slowly and immediately ran backwards as soon as you heard a noise, which literally no one will do on their first play through, you will still get caught up. the only way to do this safely is to run back and forth baiting out the dragon, obviously only once you know of it after dying

Yeah, absolutely, but I think the way it turned out with huge ass channels on YT completely dissecting the game, the difficulty reputation and the wikis surpassed the dev's vision of this concept. It was a success far larger than they anticipated, which worked out amazingly for the game.

The whole point of the lore and game is that death doesn't matter, as long as you learn from it, if you don't then you're fucked, and that's a recurrent theme,
>learn the dragon comes and so will other things if you rush things ignoring amiental clues
>learn to look for presure plates
>learn to identify mimics
>learn thjat blood in the rising platform means people die tere and it could happen to you
>learn what each boss telegraph means
is a game that teaches you by killing you, and rewards your learning by not removing your advance. I tought we've gone through this already

what's the problem?

>have to know that you can't talk to Goombas and have to jump on/over them
>there's no questmarker telling you to go right in the beginning
>no NPCs or map telling you where the flag is

Mariofags will defend this

Everyone in this thread is so fixated on the fact that there are scorch marks and that the drake could be seen prior. No, the average person didn't put together that the drake you saw earlier would be guarding that bridge, you wouldve had to have played DeS to guess that, and anyone who says they used their keen detective instincts to predict what was about to happen is full of shit and probably vapes.
The real reason this part isn't that hard is because you can just watch the pattern of the fire and get around it. ALSO you can make the drake get frustrated and come to you. If you want to measure dicks with someone on Sup Forums about this part then at least argue it well.

>There's a big chance of dying on the bridge if you just run straight into the fire.
There is a 10% chance which is only possible if you have really low health already. But unless you like actually going around with low health the first attack will NEVER kill you.

Absolutely everyone that has ever played a videogame in their lives saw that coming, and those that didn't laughed it off and gave cero shits, treating it like a jump scare trap.
Only autists needing everything handed to them with blinding pointers see more than the obviety of the circumstance or the fun of getting caught off guard. This is a fact.

Don't you take elemental damage constantly while blocking and then when your stamina runs out you take the full brunt on top of that?

Or am I thinking of the sequel, that sounds like the sequel but DaS had it's fair share of flaws as well.

>There is a 10% chance
Someones using the Sup Forums method of "taking numbers directly from my colon".

I don't know about you, but I had my health go from 100% to 0 because the fire would hit me twice

>i can't put one and one together so nobody can

Nobody's bragging, user. We are saying it's so blatant even a moron should be able to tell it from a mile apart. We are sorry you are in fact below the average normie.

This I knew more or less what was coming the first time and still got hit

>Be totally oblivious
>Get hit by fire breath
>Avoid the next fire breath attack and escape
Wow so hard

>game's resolution is so low that you can't even see texture detail
>"scorch marks" look just as much like indistinct smudges as every other texture

>he actually got hit by the fucking drake
It gives you PLENTY of time to get down the stairs, you have to be literally retarded to get hit, get fucking good.

Git (a) gud (PC)


Imagine being so mad about dying in a video game that you make a post about one obstacle in the game 7 years after the game came out.


solaire never spawns if you ring the bell before killing taurus demon you lying sack of shit

>It gives you PLENTY of time to get down the stairs, you have to be literally retarded to get hit, get fucking good.
You literally have to sprint before he appears, directly to the stairs that you still don't know exist, and you get almost hit on the head when you go down

First of all, I hate Dark Souls, but I don't understand what is wrong with this. Yes, it is trial and error, but so what? From where comes the idea that the game must be beatable on your first attempt if you are skilled enough at video games overall? There is nothing wrong with parts where you are intended to die a few times until you learn the gimmick.

Man, you are you tryhard idiots always use this game to spam made up bullshit to try look COOL.

Buddy I think dark souls is a great game but it's definitely trail and error. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but that was one of the main design goals.

why* you tryhard idiots always use this game to spam made up bullshit to try look to COOL.

almost there, try again buddy