Fighting games are the best genres/mechanic

Seriously they are the best pure skill pure fun.
Mechanics that are so deep you can drown yourself in them.
And you seriously fell like a boss while doing it.

No bullshit.

Lets contrast this with a meaningless genres RPG, turn based RPG.
God dammit RPG is synonymous with "we have a retarded leveling system".
Everytime you see the words RPG you know it has a retarded leveling system.

No skill only stupid grinding and you press a button to do damage.
Feels complacently flat.
And if you have more levels then your opponent you win and if he has more he wins and you can do nothing about it in turn based LEVELING GAMES.

Things like paper Mario try to change this however its basically a stiff quick time event mini game that gets tiring.

I like fighting games and RPGs.


>says how fighting game is the superior genre
>posts mortal kombat

It's like saying FPS are the best genre, yet you post Brutal Doom

I like fighting games where girls have ballbusting moves like Sophitia in Soul Calibur or Cassie Cage in Mortal Kombat. Makes my dick hard for some reason when they do those moves. Dunno why.

mortal kombat still has more depth than 90% of other games

Mortal Kombat should have actual nudity. Like when clothes rip it should expose boobs and whatnot.

Am I the only one who thinks that ball the masked MK ninjas other than Scorp and Sub are lame additions to the series? It should've just been those two and maybe Reptile.

are you serious?
mortal kombat has less depth than 90% of the fighters

unless you mean that it still has more depth than 90% of the games in other genres which might be true

Bring back Ninja Reptile pls

mk is shit. nothing technical or interesting about it, lol dude fatality *rips your head off* or *turns you into a baby* yeah ok

So which one do you play
SFV is the most dumbed down game in the series and is a gorillamash game
MK is shallow and is more about muh gore than actual refined combat
Injustice is like MK, only trade muh gore for muh capes
BB and GG both have anime fighter syndrome of dead online scenes and touch of death combos
DBFZ is going to devolve into the above within 6 months
MvCI is just bad
Tekken is an absolute snoozer
KoF is dead as a doornail

I always liked all of them honestly. Ermac and Rain I like as much as Scorp and SZ. But Reptile, Smoke and Noob Saibot were cool too.
Well, Chameleon I could do without.
The ninjas, cyborgs, Baraka, Styker and Kabal are my favorites throughout the series.

Its fun when you dont try to be good at it and dont get destroyed (eg. you play against AI).

RTS on the other hand....

MK is high IQ, just jank.

tekken is the most high iq fighting game out there

I've played first to 100s where I went 2-100 and still had a blast. I'm way better now, but some people lack the spirit to find enjoyment in the fight and challenge. There is something amazing about trying your best only to be knocked down and have the chance to come back stronger. Other genres have too many artificial ceilings placed while a lot of fightees honestly feel like the sky is the limited, faggots still haven't even come close to perfecting MvC2 despite it being figured out for years. My only real gripe is new games have huge input lag.

>Tekken is an absolute snoozer

how so?

Waku Waku 7

tekken, soul calibur are good, all street fighters past 3 are shit, dont even rate mk cos the only one i liked was umk3 on sega

He's a capcbro, ignore him.

>Brutal Doom

Are you insane? Your sentence makes zero sense. Are you saying MK has the worst graphics or something?
Because this is wrong.

I feel like comping it to an rpg isn't right, compare it to something like a card game. They're pure because it's pure randomness.

SFV is still the most deep

RPGs work on a different type of skill, though. It's not just the skills you use, but how you plan your character. It's essentially assembling a bunch of parts together to create something which works in a specific way. You can have specific strategies you like to use in fighting games, but it does not alter the fundamental functionality of your character.

MK is trash


Is MK even alive at the moment or did everyone move to Injustass?

>Sup Forums talking about fighting games.
>and in the same breath dismiss RPGs

>BB and GG both have anime fighter syndrome of dead online scenes and touch of death combos
>ToDs on BB and GG
Nigga you either haven't played either or you don't really know what a ToD combo looks like. Those games are nothing like the stuff you see on MvC3

>meaningless genres RPG
fuck off retard, fightan is by far the best multiplayer genre but a good RPG or any great single-player experience still beats it by far.
If you like multiplayer games better than singleplayer, fuck off

No leveling games reward you for grinding.
> It's essentially assembling a bunch of parts together to create something which works in a specific way
If this was the case you would not have levels.

The game would look something like Hearthstone where you add parts to make a character stronger and need to think about multiple solutions and optimizations
>Muh mana curve
>Muh card drop
>muh board controll

Or a strategy game.
Please give examples of leveling games where this is not the case.

You do more damage because you have a bigger level of a character or buy gear that simply makes more damage.
You get more levels if you grind.
You grind by spending more time.

You literally make more damage because you played the game longer.
I have no idea why the leveling system is needed if you have story driven FPS or other games where somehow the ass leveling mechanic is not used.

And I'm specific about saying leveling game because RPG is a retarded name.
Are you not role playing halo master if you play halo?

t. angry fagot.
>good RPG
What do you even understand under these words?
RPG is a meaningless word.
You want the leveling game? You want the leveling system? Tell me why its so great to have it in a
>great single-player experience
How is a leveling system making a sorry great?

Do you really expect me to reply to you seriously when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and can barely write in English?

This image has always bothered me. Why did NRS lazily shop scorpion to look like sub-zero when they look nothing alike in MKX?

>implying NRS made this image
are you retarded?